Jow Forums BTFO by Reddit intellectuals

Jow Forums BTFO by Reddit intellectuals

Attached: fit btfo.jpg (760x985, 324K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Lazy, Hideous, Couch Potato, Neurotically Violent... Yeah.

How will fit ever recover?

Attached: fit btfoo.jpg (780x806, 193K)

This would be a great preworkout

rick and morty

I wish I was big enough of a cuck to think that cutting someone else's limb for calling some ugly whale fat is justified.


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>truth hurts
>so my violence is justified

Watch the back blast.

Oh yeah this is Satire guys(Not really good or funny) but its satire by a making fun of Radfems

I cant unsee her mouth as a moustache in the last panel

I refuse to believe this shit is real.

Attached: ugh.png (748x241, 250K)

Man this artist is fucking angry.

women scare me

Wtf someone took the time to make these

Attached: Natty8.jpg (760x991, 419K)

Is that so?

Attached: yejh.png (779x938, 516K)

>So a guy makes this comic?
>Yea. My name is Stephen Winchell. Steve works, too.

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Jow Forums btfo

Attached: natty51.jpg (760x1022, 331K)


His style is so fucking boring and repetitive
>Man says something harmless
>Woman chimps out and kills him
>"You go gurl ;)"

This is Satire

lel this is so bad

These autists don’t get such concepts

From the FAQ.
>Is this satire?

If only, user.

such strong weemin
you go guurl

"Oh but that's just part of the satire," you might say.

>What’s with the violence?
>The violence in Natty is inspired by two things: Bugs Bunny and professional wrestling. It’s over the top, it’s absurd, and it’s gleeful. It’s not meant to be taken seriously, but it is meant to empower people who have been put in uncomfortable, frightening, and dangerous real-world situations while vilifying the people who put them there.
>As a side note, I think it’s very funny that the people who tend to criticize Natty for being too violent turn a blind eye to movies, TV, and video games that glorify it in a much more realistic way. I guess it’s easier to get upset when the recipient of the violence looks like you.

Not really the sort of thing somebody satirizing these concepts would go out of their way to say.

Confirmed satire.

Attached: natty42[1].jpg (760x1001, 560K)

>drawn by a man

is the joke that her character is some sort of violent mary sue?

thats the point but its not making fun of the main character, it's praising her she's like a relatable protagonist standing up to patriarchy

>pulls random picture from tumblr
>m-muh reddit
I hate reddit too but who cares OP? It's like getting mad about a tweet from somebody you went to high school with whose crowning achievement is bar manager.

It's not nearly so clever. The point is that she killed the strawman for disagreeing. Again.

>haha, people don't have different sensibilities regarding personal space haha

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Okay but look how chill Racecar Johnny is

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Racecar Johnny is definitely a cool dude.

Racecar Johnny is Chad

Attached: natty44.jpg (760x1005, 417K)

>inspired by Bugs Bunny
I don't remember Bugs ever murdering someone he had a mild disagreement with. Must have missed some episodes...

It's empowering shitlord!

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>nothing personnel bro

Bugs derives his power from being a smug bastard who is smart enough to always get what he wants. I suppose Stephen Incel can't really relate to that, though, can he? Violence seems to come much easier to betas.

So this is what female autism looks like

Reminder that Fat Kevin did nothing wrong.

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Oh no, is he actually defending modern star wars?

Poor fat Kevin.

>Hilbert and May in one game


he was fat

apt analysis

I'd love to see her/his actual reaction to someone calling her/him a fatass irl.

too bad the writing is so shitty since the art is actually kind of OK particularly the facial expressions

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What the actual fuck is this?
It physically hurts to read these """webcomics"""

Attached: b4f.jpg (600x434, 31K)

Photoshoped the hand out of this perfect reaction image

Attached: FAT KEVIN.jpg (293x236, 29K)

my picture now, yahooo

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Ficking saved

I think the art's pretty good as well. What a shame.

Guess its time to get on the juice


>this is justified

>he sucks and you rule

>please do not spare my guilty soul

These are satirical, come on.

This is the author

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>vroom vroom

I love this thread

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you wish

>had sex with a chubby chick
>told her she was real cute but she'd be even cuter with a few pounds less
>she actually put work into her diet and lost that weight
ae know this feel?

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it's written by a dude

Attached: 63D9B688-FA15-459B-8E03-15B2E328A4F1.jpg (750x221, 28K)

God I wish that were me

Racewar Johnny confirmed /ourguy/

>racecar johnny is also a police officer

VROOM VROOM thas the sound his engine makes as he gases the Kikes

Racewar johnny shoots blacks and Muslims

my only question is why the fuck are you giving this guy views.

if you want to kill something, ignore it

fucking retards

These comics are hilarious
If you take them seriously youre retarded

Why don't you just do the thing she likes Jow Forums?

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I don’t even own a deep fryer

Have you donated to ((((planned parenthood))) yet

I've hung around the type of woman who makes these comics. They're sub humans even more insecure than the average Jow Forums user. Don't be afraid of them the worst they'll do is kill themselves.

>it's satire, despite all evidence to the contrary

Racewar Johnny is quite based come to think of it


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This is justified.

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>Things that definitely didn't happen

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Absolute ass cancer

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I refuse to believe this is not satire

Was just about to post this same one. I want off this gay earth.

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I’m starting to not give a shit whether men have a history of abusing women, purely because of these people and making it seem like the women had no fault in it and it completely defrauds their entire life’s work.

>people not realising it's satire
Am I being double satired? Surely you're not this stupid lads.

I like the band Guster too.

Wow, it's actually not satire according to the FAQ. Could have fooled me.

>explosion burns skin off but not hair

Attached: received_1541808659202120_1512434093447.jpg (1536x2048, 262K)

That's part of the satire

But blazing saddles does.