>like guns
>normalfags try to take away my only hobby
Like guns
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The west is lost, only place for gun rights in the future will be Eastern Europe
Eastern Europe has fairly restrictive gun laws though
>one hobby
Jesus fuck. How tiny is your brain?
Pick one.
As it stands now yeah, but you see things getting more and more lax (for example, Czechs added gun ownership to their constitution), while even the USA trending towards fewer rights
Maybe because your hobby is dangerous as fuck and detrimental to society as a whole.
(You), samefag
Just Buckshot a Bitch my dude
>implying I care about children
>implying I care about how big you think my dick is
I would snort gunpowder if I could.
I don't think there should be a ban on guns, just that the minimum age in all states for owning a firearm should be 21, and sales of ammo exceeding a certain amount should be restricted.
Why 21? Why ammo restrictions? Seems like infringement to me.
>slav countries let people buy guns
>those people cross over the borders and shoot people in germany, france etc.
Well I think you are a dumb little pussy nerd.
>preparing to murder is my only hobby
Have fun then I guess.
Seriously this.
Why does a 12 year old need a rifle and 500 rounds of ammo
you sound like a whiney fag
>tripfag thinking his opinions matter
Shiggy diggy doo, gas this Jew.
Because America has a problem with addled teenagers purchasing assault rifles and large quantities of ammo, and then shooting children in schools.
These are really banal restrictions that won't affect 90% of gun owners (Presumably ranges could own special permits that let them buy and dispense ammunition on their premises, and how many shots does a person who's hunting even fire?)
I don't even understand how "guns" is a hobby. What do you even do? Just look at pictures of guns all day? Shoot targets over and over?
Indoctrination into the Jow Forumsult, of course.
>Tripfag thinks anyone cares
>Bill of needs
>Why does anyone need fresh water to drink?
okay dude, well it's either sensible gun legislation or no guns at all. now's the time to compromise because there's more popular support for restricting firearm ownership than there's not
You should go try it, it's guaranteed maximum autism for a hobby. Compare it to cars.
Are you trying to compare owning ridiculous amounts of ammo with drinking water?
man I'm really thirsty right now but I'm all out of those 9mms I bought. what do?
>banning something and restricting it will prevent it! are americans really this stupid? or is it just the inbred ones?
Having large amounts of ammunition in one place is bad in case of a fire. Can't think of any other reasons.
>addled teenagers purchasing assault rifles
>assault rifles
Oh, so you don't know what you're talking about. Cool.
Shall not be infringed
Really gets your brain muscle vrooming
Give an inch...
>B I L L O F N E E D S
Nobody REALLY needs free speech
>gun legislation
No such thing.
Yeah, so is gasoline. Safe storage is a thing, user.
If any of you would like to consider limiting guns to prevent murder, feel free to disarm the American police force, which would happen to be the only force capable of disarming America.
Achkualy the AR75 stands for assault rifle that shoots 74 bullets a second trust me I grew up with guns
I don't really get how cars are a hobby either. Guy I work with spends all his money on cars. He made it big with Bitcoin and literally just put it all into a single car. Blows my mind
>detrimental to something where thousands of murder occur everyday
i don't get why you complain about things being detrimental to society on a board that thrives off of ego worship and parasitism if you want to complain about things being detrimental and destructive to society Jow Forums isn't the place especially not r9k do you just think you're somehow less of a shitty person just because you support the idea of certain things being banned?
Not liking anything doesn't make you interesting
Daily reminder that anti-gunners are normalfags who despise the average robot.
I like cars, I find cars interesting and I've got a few I'd like to own if I was ever rich. I just don't get how it's a hobby. What do you do? Just drive around?
"Well-regulated militia" just so happens to be every able-bodied citizen from 17 to 45.
top lol
We're also voters and you're not. Enjoy getting your guns taken away kekistani
Please leave, summerfag.
You upgrade the parts, work on it, service it, etc.
Holy shit you're really bad at b8
Yeah, it's fucking annoying.
I lean left on a lot of things, but when it comes to guns, I won't compromise at all. In fact, I want my fucking rights back. Repeal the Hughes amendment.
hurhur banning guns will prevent gun crimes! YAY we saved the day
Millennials i swear lmao
>Enjoy getting our gun taken away kekistani
Not an amerilard nor a "kekistani". This better fucking be bait
>Gun bitches have a trillion idiotic terms they throw around to avoid arguments
>Present them with the actual text of the amendment they claim to love
"buhuuh assault rifle isn't a real term!"
sorry, did I have to say "AR-15 pattern rifle" to get your cock hard you miserable fucking nerd? what do you call a semi-automatic rifle patterned after a military service weapon that shoots an intermediate cartridge? it's almost like the general public doesn't speak in tacticool bullshit and NRA weasel words.
I'm taking your guns and you can't stop me
You are either quite literally retarded or baiting. >Buzzwords are ok because the public is uneducated in most topics
good luck with that amerimutt I'm not even in america
So what about the AR15 makes it so deadly as compared to other semi-auto rifles in the same caliber?
>Tacticool bullshit and NRA weasel words
When it comes to drafting legislation, words fucking matter.
user one of us is braindead and it all depends on whether or not you're baiting
reddit impersonated your words hold no value anywhere really
You're going to lose no matter how much you cry about it or how much you post on the_donald.
Missed ya. Well here you go.
Here you go, one fresh out of the oven (You).
Big bait
>surely the founding fathers would only want such devastating weapons beyond their comprehension to be exclusively available to the government
They shoot metal at high speeds that are meant to kill as many people as possible in a single second.
>it's okay for any random 18-year-old sperg with $500 to pick up an AR-15 because "assault rifle" is a buzzword
the cognitive dissonance is astounding
guns ruined the world and inflated the white mans ego beyond measure
>implying there is anything wrong with flinging metal at high speeds
>implying being technologically superior is a bad thing
You shouldn't be allowed to own 5.56x45/.223 ammunition at all. It was a caliber designed to kill gooks faster in vietnam and it has no civilian applications. Fuck off.
Let's issue tanks and missiles to everyone so everything's fair
>They shoot metal at high speeds that are meant to kill as many people as possible in a single second.
Oh, so just like all guns in existence.
probably not a good idea to throw out another buzzword in defense of the accusation that you're relying on buzzwords. You clearly don't actually know what cognitive dissonance means other than "the word to use when I think my opponent is dumb"
>guns ruined the world
do you really magically the world was peaches and cream and sunshine and rainbows before X" thing was invented?
Exactly. Which is why we're taking your guns
>implying revolution is not a civilian application
>Letting fudds get to you
Are you gonna come and knock on my door, or will you have big daddy government do it for you?
That is the purpose of a gun, yes.
You literally have the reading comprehension of a child.
It's a fucking bullet, you mongoloid
Also, you are missing the fucking purpose of the 2nd amendment
>you're going to resist the government with small arms
>the US government isn't going to fucking vaporize you from the sky with a hellfire missile
I don't think tanks or missiles fall under the definition of arms. They don't operate with the same principles.
kind of like how you fucks have a trillion buzzwords for everything you dislike? you're acting stupid if you think magically banning or restricting X"thing will stop it from happening one way or another people will still die one way or another someone's still gonna do drugs someone is still gonna get drunk someone is still gonna kill someone someone is still gonna do whatever the fuck they want the law never held people back sure it can get the masses to behave but banning shit will never stop it from happening fuck why are Amerimutts so stupid ?
>implying I don't want to legalize those anyway
>implying the US government is going to bomb an entire town just to kill a few insurgents
We're not in Afghanistan, retard.
Yeah, it's not like the US has ever been stymied in a war against technologically inferior opponents before, right?
>Implying the military is going to bomb civilians
>Implying that the gobmint would risk fucking over all foreign relations
>What is literally every insurgency
Of course not. But the moment whites got a hold on guns they started marching into the lands of others and forcing us all together creating this mess of a society we have today
Yeah which is why Iraq was a smashing success and didn't spend damn near two decades in Afghanistan.
The crusaders had guns? Damn.
"muh white boogeyman! :(((
the fact that's your argument alone makes me dismiss it
It's bate you summerniggers.
reminder to ignore americuck posters and tell swedes and britbongs to fuck off
>Govt vaporizes resistant neighborhood with missile
>there goes the taxpayers
>there goes the infrastructure
>"The US Govt killed X amount of civilians in an airstrike today"
I didn't know that the govt. wanted to rule over a pile of corpses and rubble.
Only because we got to them faster then everybody else.
this, even though that poster is total bait
remember the Ottomeme Empire
Attempting a full scale gun grab in the US would be something of a self filling prophesy. Even if they managed to ammend the second amendment they never will what do you think would happen when the government shows up trying to take weapons away from the sort of people who stockpile weapons precisely becuase they are afraid of a tyrannical government?
Back when men fought with fucking muskets and wars were decided by who had better cavalry maneuvers, and against an opponent across the entire Atlantic ocean
>"implying the US government is going to bomb an entire town just to kill a few insurgents"
repeat that one back to yourself.
The crusading whites still had cannons and flintlock pistols to defeat the arabs.
>being an anti-gunner in 2018
Read the post you replied to again
>what is Korea
>what is Vietnam
>what is Afghanistan
>what is Iraq
Please cry more about how I'm going to take your security blankets away from you
First my funs, then my tendies. I won't let it happen. Come and take them faggot.
>the crusaders had flintlock pistols
>flintlock pistols
>the hussites fought in 1419 with hand cannons lit with a fuse
>the crusaders had flintlock pistols in 1096
None of that shit is true. Most school shootings are done with legally acquired guns. All people want is for that scenario to not happen. If you want to keep your guns then you can do that and no one gives even a little bit of a fuck. All people want is for a random hormonal teenager to not have access to the means to kill a large number of people very quickly
If you think that's infringing on your rights somehow then I guess we'll see how you enjoy it when your stubbornness leads to public outcry that will eventually lead to extremely strict gun laws that WILL take your guns away
I'll send my goons to do it for me. I'm rich and white, I don't have to do anything myself
yea they did you moron. And the crusades never ended.
Nigga he's talking about Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and so on. When it's your own populace the military doesn't have the option of carpet bombing and most personal wouldn't carry out those orders.
Only about .5% that point 5, not 5, of the UD population are active service military personal and inclusing reserves it's still only about 2%. If even 5% of the US population decided to fight the government would lose and lose very very badly at that.
Why this fun specifically?
you've got to be one of the worst threadshitter tripbaiters in existence I are you fucking up every thread by going against the popular opinion. neck yourself you onions latte drinking faggot