How much do you spend for tanning?
How much do you spend for tanning?
damn moneybags do you not suntan lol
How do you get perfect naked tan in the sun?
directly proportionate to how unfortunately retarded you are.
and probably inverse-proportionate to your bank account
fact: Tan line is very ugly
in my case i use bikini style brives i dont find it a big deal if my crotch isnt tanned
i would say it's exponentially proportionate to how retarded you are
even the kinda retarded people who tan don't spend money for it, only absolutely inexcusable retards will spend money
>use this
Hot as fuck
What the fuck is wrong with tan? The sun gives you vitamin D
>Ugly as fuck
i used to use sunbeds 2 times a week. one of the few things that made me feel normal and non-suicidal for an hour or so afterwards
Enjoy your wrinkles,cancer and cheap tanline poorman
I saw you on map....
0, I have albinism
Weather is starting to get nice here finally. I like to sit in the sun for about an hour or so every couple days. All you need, really.
just sit on my balcony, got sun there from around lunchtime and untill it gets dark
zero because im a natural shitskin
I don't tan, I enjoy my pale white skin
0 because intentionally tanning is for Faggots. Proof? See the other responses in this thread.
I don't tan, the sun prematurely ages your skin, i always wear a factor 15 moisturiser.
It also gives you skin cancer, breh.
Gym comes with tanning beds but I never use them because tanning is gay.
Dont have to.
t. Nigger
around $40 to last from may to september
A lot. I know it's not good but I really like to sit or do stuff in the sun.
Zero dollarydoos. I live on a tropical island though.
Depending on how or where the tan lines are, they can be pretty hot (for women at least).