Eddie Hall Progression


So when did he start roiding and how did he go from God tier mode, to bloatmax from 18 - 22.

Attached: edd.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

This guy looked 30 at 18. He'll die at 75.

>dying at 75 is bad

Probably been roiding sincr he was 17. Chavs start roiding young.

If I make it to 75 i'd be happy!

perish the thought

I don't get those guys.
Why would you want to be that fat?
What's the point of having and covering them with a thick layer of fat.

Can tell if strong or just fat

strongest man in history though
they're that fat because they have to.

Because he is one the strongest men in human history in terms of static strength.

he's *the* strongest imo.
there is no one who's ever been within shouting distance of his pull
he looked the closest to lockout on the 230 log at ESM (i'm confident he would have done it hat he not literally broken his fucking foot a few days before)

not the best strongman in history but certainly the strongest if that makes sense.

also there is strong evidence that suggests he could take the all time wr pl total (malanichev's) on a whim

I'd rate someone like Leonid Taranenko are stronger.
150kg bodyweight and on much less drugs than strongmen with the following stats.
>266kg clean and jerk
>230kg clean and press
>400kg + back squats
>330kg front squats
>210kg snatch

>400kg back squat
>330kg front squat
And he stopped increasing those lifts because he didn't need to get them any higher

>that guy is stronger because he is on less drugs
Nigga u dumb

based lalas was like 5'10" 130kg and won the freaking arnolds, could also squat 400+ iirc

Attached: W I D E.jpg (960x600, 47K)

That guy is stronger because he is stronger AND on less drugs with a lower bw

>what 14 year old gets a nipple piercing
pretty sure the ages and pics are inaccurate

Powerlifting/strongman squat is half depth of an Olympic squat

You're not from the UK are you

just because he's an oly lifter doesn't mean he exclusively did perfect paused high bar reps. i'm sure whenever he wanted to set a pr in the squat he used the form that allowed for the most weight.

Oly lifters always do high bar and go as low as possible for the best transfer into the snatch and clean catch.

its like theyre trying to win in the federation theyre competing in instead of impressing some elitist dyel on Jow Forums with their depth... weird

And in the competition they need to compete in half squats are standard. Nothing to do with elitism, it's a simple fact of biomechanics that you lift less weight with an Olympic squat than you do with a powerlifting squat. It's one of the reasons why powerlifters do half squats, so they can get more weight.

He ha monster frame and skull as a kid, extremely high prenatal T. His fate was sealed in the womb