Anyone else angry that fatties have discovered keto...

Anyone else angry that fatties have discovered keto? Now FAT and MEDIOCRE people can just drop all the fat without learning discipline.

Attached: 8JkF6Sk.jpg (1200x800, 268K)

>anyone else angry that the world contains fewer hambeasts?

Attached: 1504209968370.png (565x540, 19K)

>improving your diet
>not learning discipline

Attached: index.jpg (211x239, 8K)

They look healthier but still fat.

>improving diet

Pick one

t. brainwashed by refined carbs

Why would I want more fat people around?

I'm not trying to be hateful but most of these people coming from such size go right back up to it soon enough after losing it. They're enjoying a year, maybe, of being normal sized.

They're clearly younger in the right photo. They ballooned up after getting married.

you have a tiny little baby brain

>REEEEE FATTIES everywhere!!!
>REEEEE FATTIES are learning not to be fat!!!

t. brainwashed by trendy marketable diets

But it works and allows people to keep it off.

There are too many fat women who think they're hot shit god damn it force them all to FAST for a month

But can they 1/2/3/4 for reps?

Say this was you and your waifu. Would you still be attracted to them? If you found the person attractive when big, would you feel the same when they shrink?

Attached: richard-dean-anderson.jpg (580x600, 77K)

>If you found the person attractive when big

Attached: come on.jpg (960x882, 59K)

They still look like shit tho.

I'm broke, how do I keto with a strict budget?

Chicken, Cheese like Camembert(fakes included), Eggs

Could also just not eat ever and would work. Just because it works doesn't mean it's good for general health.

Not eating carbs when that's probably their whole diet previously actually takes discipline.

Exercise pays off with muh endorphins and the social boon of being a gym-goer but silent eating habits don't necessarily have the same effect an your body resists this hard

I honestly don't mind. It's not like they're going to be ripped. It improved their health. Really, I'm happy for them. I'd be okay if the whole world would go keto if that would be the price of not seeing pathetic human beings all the time. Look at your pic, OP. The difference in the two pictures is that they start resembling human beings in the right. But they are nowhere near what humans SHOULD look like. If you feel threatened by fatties, you need to seriously lift more, because you're clearly not lifting enough.


after before photo

one meal a day

How many cals?

as many as you want.

i doubt you can get over 1500 if it's all keto foods, in one sitting. you'll probably struggle to hit your protein goal.

>Fewer fatties to affront me with their fat presence
>Fewer fatties whoes fatty health care I have to pay for

Uh no op god bless keto now go suck on a man's peepee

before they looked like wet, moldy, week old diarrhea and now they look like healthy regular human poop.
keep your greasy claws to yourself some crabs are gonna make it out of this bucket!

Attached: bait dumb.jpg (624x628, 20K)

>get a (You)
>it's just some dumb little shit who replied to the entire thread

no, because keto is bad for you body and will make your hair fall out