I've hit a seemingly immovable roadblock in my life and I don't know what to do

I've hit a seemingly immovable roadblock in my life and I don't know what to do

>live with my mom
>we've fallen into extreme poverty for many reasons that aren't really our fault
>we make about $600-700 a month from a work from home job
>pay gets eaten up quickly by bills and other expenses that have been forced upon us
>we starve for at least an entire week before each paycheck
>we've had to sell every little thing we have just to get by (except for necessities)
>every toilet and sink in our house is broken, our floors have become dirty to the point of needing a deep clean (when we can't afford to clean it regularly)
>we live in the middle of nowhere so she can't afford the gas money to get either of us a job in town (or a bike to get to a job)
>shit, I can't even get appropriate clothes or an ID in order to get a job
>literally everything is fucked
>the one thing we could do is sell our house for about $40k and move into an apartment with cheap rent
>we wouldn't have to starve anymore, we could actually live our lives as normal human beings
>she refuses and says she would rather die than live in an apartment
>we are in absolute fucking shambles and she somehow thinks she's too good for an apartment
>she'll keep asking me to "pray for a miracle" but refuses to make the last sacrifice needed

What the fuck can I do

She is the absolute best mom I could ask for in almost every way so I don't want to hurt her emotionally but we have tumbled down so fucking far and it's only getting worse. I need to put some sense in her.

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Is your mom a boomer? They are the fucking worst and would rather die than take an ego hit. I recommend you move out, you don't have to get sucked down into this bullshit.

also or even reddit could help you more

In this case I'd actually recommend asking on reddit. Being serious. You really need to try to tell her that moving into an apartment would fix things.

>broken appliances
>Floor needs scrubbing
>Middle of nowhere
How do you plan on selling it for $40k?
Did you have someone come over and value the house?

waste of quints, tbqh

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Yup. Much less obnoxious than most boomers but still pretty boomer at heart.

I want to move out but I have no means of doing so. I'd have to be homeless.

Might try Jow Forums

The number was what she told me. We have three structures on our property (house, large garage, very small barn) so it would be for everything.

Join the marines. If your mom found a job that can support her for eight years then joining the marines can give you some life skills and a cut of your student loans taken off.

this but the air force, it's the best place for robots. more tech jobs, less grunt work, less chads.

>chair force
I never understood why robots dont go straight to the marine corps. Its a cult, even if youre a newfag booty mcbootface from bootcamp youre a god compared to any other grunt from any other branch.

>join the army
>meaning become a peon for the globalists to attack innocent people in order to steal their resources

>be dirt poor
>still too good to fight for the jew

You're 18 now. Enlist in a branch of military( preferably airforce) and support your mom from abroad.

would you rather be a slave giving all his earnings away to some jew or be a soldier slave supporting your mummy with taxes from wagie slaves?

OP this is a good choice bud. You should do it


If this is my last option then I'm legit fucked

My mom is really clingy to me too so I'm almost afraid that she'd kill herself if I did that

Live in your car.
Shower at a gym

Once you have your clothes go to where you want to live at it can be anywhere in the United States I prefer living in the upper northern states because it's colder and comfy. When you get there the first thing you will do is get the address of an apartment that you don't live at and make sure the room number does not exist your employers don't need to know this they just need an address to put it in the system.

Then you will go get a fuel box you will use the address don't live at to fill out the application you will need two forms of identification. Use your ID and your car insurance card. If they want ID of the state you live at there are other options of identification it doesn't have to be the ID like your car registration and your car insurance card is good enough.

You will need this post office for later use. Getting a new debit card from new bank you're getting if you're in that sketchy stuff. But mainly is to get your new car title of the state you're living at and the registration.

Once you have a mailbox you're going to go find a gym. You can use the gym too take showers at to maintain your hygiene and if you want you can work out at the gym but mainly for showers.

Now you need to go find chill spots. I like to chill at Starbucks but mainly I like to chill at the library and use their internet. If you have a nice gaming laptop that's cool too I have an Alienware laptop and I play video games on it.

Wash your clothes at the laundromat.

This last step is critical finding a place to park and sleep at. Get at least three different locations. I prefer having 7 locations. I rotate between them every. You do not want to stay at the same parking space every single day because it attracts attention and the cops will tell you to leave. Or the store manager or whomever.

Don't talk to anybody don't trust anybody. Keep your business to yourself and don't tell anybody that you are living in your car. Your biggest enemies are tweakers meth heads druggies Junkies

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This is a very lonely path. But it will shape you and you will become a better person. If you want your loved ones to live with you they have to be okay with what the new lifestyle is now living in a car. They have to work with you or else it does not end well.

I have been doing this for many years. I have had my car stolen twice but I got my car back. I got a new car now and I sleep in a nice Mustang. Nobody knows I am homeless. My cover story is that I work and pay bills like everyone else. And live alone. Keep your business to yourself.

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I live it really simple life now. I play video on my laptop at the library. Go to work period shower and workout. Occasionally yeah I will date some girls here and there but never really a relationship and it's a one night stand most of the time. Not saying that I'm Chad though most of the women I get are just looking for money. And are trashy. And then I go sleep in my car. No bills to pay no rent do whatever I want go wherever I want it's true freedom for me. It is a lonely path though like I said before. I have stopped caring about luxuries pussy Money desires. Money is still essential unfortunately in this modern world America. If I could go live in a cabin with a dog and go hunting that would be awesome I do it.

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This. I'm 18 going into air force after graduation maybe you will be my BMT buddy :3
dont do this. Marines are jarhead faggots.

By the way I am doing speech to text on my cell phone. So pardon any typos. And make sense of it.

>living in a car

Only car we have is my Mom's and I'm sure she wouldn't let me run with that shit and live in it.

Your mother is right. You'd fritter away that $40k in no time flat and be worse off than you already are. And apartments suck.

Apply for food stamps. Go to discount food stores and buy salvage items.

>every toilet and sink in our house is broken
Then get off your ass and fix it.
>Our floors have become dirty to the point of needing a deep clean (when we can't afford to clean it regularly)
Nigga what. Cleaning products are extremely cheap at the dollar store. Buy some fucking bleach or pine glow and go at it.
>>shit, I can't even get appropriate clothes or an ID in order to get a job
Thrift stores. You don't need any fancy clothes to get a job anyway.

Starting to think you're just a brainlet and maybe your mom is a pillhead or something but at least she still has some intelligence left in her to know not to sell her fuckin' house.

Don't listen to this fantasy wank

Same homeless guy here. I'm also AWOL from the military. Do not I repeat do not join the military. If you don't have any motivation or anyone depending on you I suggest you don't join the military. Join the airforce. My dumbass join the army the military. They have cut my pay and probably have a warrant on me. I have been stopped by 2 police encounters and have yet to be told anything or arrested. I will stop two hours ago actually. I got tired of doing physical training every morning same old bullshit and sweeping the motor pool everyday doing football nothing. I started abusing drugs by depression kicked in and I was getting suicidal. Good thing I had a car and I knew how to do what I mastered before I join the military which was living in a car. I got the law and the military after me and I don't give a single fuck. I never been in prison but I feel like I am already living the prison life. All I do is eat workout sleep. Something people in prison are already doing. I'm probably only going to get 1 to 5 years in jail which is not bad in my book.

Pic related

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It's not fantasy bro.

If it's not fantasy then why does it sound like such a terrible life here

Sounds terrible

For you

>cant afford to clean


nice try

To me. It's all about freedom. You have no clue what it's like to be in the military. I might sound like a betrayer but really it was me who was betrayed. You are basically cannon fodder. The Army owns your ass. Your life is dispensable. You're just another Pawn to them. They don't give a shit about you. Yeah they have nice deals. If you get married you get BAH. Which pays of rent and it's extra cash on your paycheck and she never has to work ever in her life. You get bonuses. And you are paid 24 hours 7 which amounts to around $2.50 an hour. I did the math by dividing the paycheck by the number of hours that I lived from my last paycheck. Anybody can make it in basic combat training unless if you went to Fort Benning like I did . Where they it's more strict . And they will rip you apart and fail you you by one push up or sit up or one second too slow from finishing 2 miles at a certain amount of time by the minimum APFT standard . I'm going to make them give back my past.

I got to go to sleep have a good night robots. This is my last post on this thread