ITT I tell you facts of reality that you may not accept

> man did infact land on the moon
> global warming is real
> evolution happened, you evolved from a single cell billions of years ago
> the earth is not 5000 years old (yes, some do believe this)
> aliens almost certainly exist
> the big bang happened
> there is no god
> nothing supernatural is real, so there is no soul or heaven
> when you die you will rot and that's all there is to it

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Wubadubdub morty

Why do you cling to a CIA joke as your God, aliens really?

Drake model for aliens...

But not sure what you mean by cia joke of god...

And here it is tbhh

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>believes in aliens but somehow supernatural/god is impossible

The avarage human is basically a chimp with access to the internet. While ghosts and aliens and afterlife seem unlikely we just have no way of ruling it out.

There's 11+ dimensions and we exist and barely understand 3 of them. Nothing to say supernatural shit doesn't occur crossover momentarily and we are just too stupid to understand

one thing i never understood with the big bang theory/no god theory is who put the big bang there then

>global warming is real
go back to redit and kill yourself retard

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When you say alien, what exactly you mean?
I hope you realize that by alien, OP means: extraterrestrial organic forms of life. Which are a mathematical asymptomatic truth.

r9k is not some religious cult, retard

Do you think it's reasonable to believe that something (aka god) set the motions that gave origin to the universe, and 13 billion years later told some desert nomads on a blue planet how to correctly loom fabric and bleed goats?

No no no, you don't understand what supernatural means. If something is supernatural then by definition it is not a part of reality or nature and therefore does not exist.
If a god did exist then he would be natural, although theres no evidence that one does exist.
And yes, there is no evidence that aliens exist but unlike god it is atleast supported by math

Op here, and yes that is what I mean

This thread is the most Gen X shit ever. Saying blase , basic bitch stuff and acting like you're some fucking genius.

Neck yourself.

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You go to Jow Forums faggot. You don't even have a stake to make denying the truth logical. Stop being easily influenced dum-dum.

all due respects i think its reasonable seeing as we're practically better apes with technology. my perspective here is that god made it harder to believe as a test. if there truly isnt anything out there after death then ill be happy knowing that i stuck to my beliefs at least

>then ill be happy knowing that i stuck to my beliefs at least
That is truly sad.

In other words ignorance is bliss and delusion is good

>then ill be happy knowing that i stuck to my beliefs at least

So you actually believe in one specific god, in your case apparently the abrahamic one. You actually take what's written on scriptures?
How do you think that it's reasonable? After your god presumably created the entire universe, he "chose" a specific planet in a near infinite amount, than he chose one specific species living in the biosphere of this planet, and then he chose a very precise tribe of said species, a tribe of nomads that made a living milking goats and dwelling on the deserts of the Arabic peninsula, and then he told selected patriarchs of these nomads that they were the underlying goal of all his creation, and gave them a very specific set of rules to live by which included rituals of blood sacrifice, diet prohibitions and even a proper punishment system for slaves...
How can you compare that to the vastness of the universe and think that it makes sense? I could try to understand deistic points of view, or a rejection of religious dogmatism and "sacred" scriptures in favor of a more universalizing, pantheist god. But traditional religions? Come on. You are smart enough to realize that it's nothing but human neolithic folklore and mythology that got out of hand. You're better than this, I trust you.

Retard thread lol

>what is the fermi paradox
Well, if aliens exist, where are they ? Why haven't a super galactic civilization haven't already contacted us or taken over Earth ?
Don't throw me some bullshit like "B-but they are already there !" or "We're so stupid no one would want to contact us xD", if a large scale alien civilization existed it would have already been discovered due the excessive amount of infrared light it would emit .

>You go to Jow Forums faggot.
But. . . we are on Jow Forums

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What is the universe and space and everything It and why is it here?

Popped into existence spontaneously randomly?

>Popped into existence spontaneously randomly?

>there is no god
>there is no soul
>when you die you will rot and that's all there is to it
These are not facts of reality, these are guesses.

The fermi paradox, and you probably know that, only rules out the possibility of an underlying ultra advanced interplanetary civilization in our galaxy. The reasons to why such aliens wouldn't be detectable yet are vast.
The fermi paradox does nothing to counter the inherent mathematical probability that the rest of the universe are swarming with different forms of life that, just like us, are yet enclosed in their home planet and yet unable to venture to distant starts and more so distant galaxies.

Lol well glad that mystery is out of the way

>Popped into existence spontaneously randomly?
Do you think that an anthropomorphic deity with human feelings creating it sounds more reasonable?

Well, that's a good question. I don't know, maybe the distance between gallaxies is just too vast, or maybe they simply have no interest visiting the milky way let alone earth. When's the last time you visited an ant hill? But I see what you said, and you have a point, it can be argued that beings so advanced would be able to populate virtually every corner of the universe. They would have the technological advancements of a god

>aliens almost certainly exist
why tho? there's 0 evidence for life outside our planet, let alone intelligent lifeforms.

> there is no flying spaghetti monster
> this is just a guess

>excessive amount of infrared light it would emit .
Bullshit and you Know it. The only thing we can detect information from the universe is from stellar light, there's no reason an advanced society would build an apparatus to emit an equivalent amount of electromagnetic radiation into the depths of the universe, and even if it did, the chances of the signals specifically reaching the earth would be a near impossible coincidence. The only scenario in which the fermi paradox works is if an alien master race knew of Earth's location and wanted to specifically contact us, which may have so many reasons to not happen beyond simply affirming such alien race doesn't exist.
Likewise, the radio signals we sent into space are so weak, they are no more than a grain of sand on the desert of Sahara. There's no guarantee that such alien species would have, for whatever reason, caught our signaling.

I dno what created all of this is like but find something creating it more plausible then reality popping into existence out of nothing for no reason. Neither are provable btw

Yeah, there is zero evidence, but muh drake equation

>The fermi paradox does nothing to counter the inherent mathematical probability
God damn you sound like such a massive faggot. Stop pretending to be some sort of super smart genius that know everything. I mean, your point isn't wrong, but you come off as a prentious pile of shit, Now I know why people hate science nerds so much.
You're a drag to your cause and you should hang yourself.

W. Estimating the probability of life on other planets is retarded when we don't even know how life got started on this planet. There's no reason we can't be alone in the universe.

I agree, it is possible we are alone, it's just very probable we are not alone.

And we sort of do know how life begins on earth, although not yet proven, it's generally accepted that random mollecules fused with eachover until eventualy by luck/accident it formed a protein that just happened to replicate itself. Chemistry to biology

Yes, I especially agree with that last sentence, Humanity has occupied such a small amount of time in the history of the Universe, in less than 50 000 years we went from small tribes of hunter-gatherers to super avanced cities and we went tovthe Moon. Now imagine if we would have appeared 1 000 000 years earlier, where would we be now ? These soieties would appear magical to us.
The question still repain tho, why in 13 billion years of existence, why haven't any alien civioization taken the universe yet ?

It's an asymptotical truth. As you establish a probability of life to blossom on a given planetoid depending on its size, the distance from the home star, the composition of its atmosphere as Miller and Urey demonstrated, and so forth, you get a fixed number of the probability of life on any given planet, and at first the number is very low. But as you increase the amount of planets, although the probability of life blossoming might still be the same on each individual planet, the chance of the phenomenon to occur somewhere begins to rise. Think of it like this: you will take one card from a deck of a billion cards. One and only one of those is the one you're looking for. The chance of getting it in your first drawn is 1 in one billion. Very low. But imagine tbat you will repeat the attempts ad Infiniti. Forever and ever. As time passes, the chance of you, somewhen, getting the right card increases. It's never 100%. But it's each time less likely that you will not get it, to the point that one could say that, mathematically, given an infinite amount of trials, there is an asymptotical certainty that you will take the card eventually.
Just like the asymptote in a graphic, the chance approaches, heading towards infinite, without ever touching it. But it's presumable that, in an infinite perspective, it will eventually happen.
The number of planets on the universe is not infinite, but it is still Colossal enough to grant the probability of none of them being fit for life a infinitesimally near zero value.

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It is known that there are an infinite number of worlds, simply because there is an infinite amount of space for them to be in. However, not every one of them is inhabited. Therefore, there must be a finite number of inhabited worlds. Any finite number divided by infinity is as near to nothing as makes no odds, so the average population of all the planets in the Universe can be said to be zero. From this it follows that the population of the whole Universe is zero, and that any people you may meet from time to time are merely the products of a deranged imagination.

This is such a brainlet post.
If a civilization become advanced enough, it will becin its interest to build Dyson spheres/swarm around their star, which, if done on a galactic scale, could make an entire galaxy invisible to us, but it would still emit a small fraction of infrared light that could be detected by any radiotelescope advanced enough.

>we don't even know how life got started on this planet
We have a very approximate model of the origin of life. You are ignorant of Miller and Urey works. We are capable of replicating the process in laboratory until aminoacids and nucleotides are birthed from pure bio chemical evolution. From that to the primitive cell was nothing but a matter of time.

Except if your probability of getting life is lower than one in a quintillion, there may be trillionsand even quadrillions of stars in the observable unverse, but if the prbability of getting life is too low it may be even a one time thing in the universe

You, satan, ignore the barriers to such civilization to exist.
> Limited possible technological advancement
> Self destructive interference
> Catastrophic extinction events
You think that 13 billion years is enough to populate the universe? We have observable galaxies that are 60 billion light years away. Light, the fastest thing in the universe, would take another 60 billion years to reach this corner of the universe. Let alone a spaceship travelling at a fraction of that speed.
There might be simply limits to how much technology can advance. Again you fail to perceive that the paradox only talks about a super advanced intergalactic alien species.
Out there, throughout the universe, there are forms of life that might as well be just like us: entrapped in their home system, without the necessary technology to venture to other stars, and unable to communicate with distant planets due to technical limits. Just like us, they might be looking at the sky in their planet and wondering "are we alone?"

Yeah it could also only happen a handful of times but the distance that separates them is so far that they might as well be the only life in the universe

Now we enter multiverse, an infinite number of universes. Whole new ball game, now every thing that can happen will happen, and happen an infinite number of times....including life on earth and us

>Dyson spheres
A lot of assumptions about the ultra advanced alien society, huh?
Dyson spheres are literally science fiction tier. There wouldn't be enough matter and resources available to build one in a system, the size of one is completely beyond the limits of materials available. If you are going to start to speculate about the nature of the energy harvest system of the super galatic aliens, let's jump headfirst into imagination and say they've built worm holes and reached faster than light travel.

Technology isn't what's hindering our galactic conquest. We have working fission propulsion that can get ships up to a high enough fraction of c for time dilation to matter. We're just lacking willpower.

Where did you get that number? Your imagination? It's not that low.
Realistically it might happen a few dozen times per galaxy. Organic life, that is. No guarantee they will evolve and develop intelligence, sentience, conscience, and reasonable ability to perform technicality.

Man, I am timetraveller. We already found the soul but still not aliens.

That's absolutely not true. We do not have technology to withstand interstellar human travel, nor resources enough to maintain a ship of humans for so longer while also carrying the necessary resources to terraform another planet. The closet star to our system lies 4 light years away. With current traveling speed, we would need 100 thousand years to get there. We are not even sure humanity will last that long here on earth, let alone in a interstellar spacecraft. And this is without any guarantee that the planet there will be habitable. I don't even know what is the closest planetoid that has a slight chance of being habitable.

> We have observable galaxies that are 60 billion light years away
You can't observe anything farther than 13-14 bln light years you retard

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Those dyson aliens make a neat vacuum cleaner huh? They make those bladeless fans too. Thanks dyson aliens

Think of the universe as a pool of vibrating strings.
Like listening too beethovens music, the notes that are played on the piano vibrate sound waves that produce the harmonious music that reach our ears. The strings vibrate in one direction, and life doesn't form, they go another direction and you are never born. They can vibrate in an infinite number of ways causing an infinite number of potential outcomes

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>yes, but keyword is almost

> What is the expansion of the universe

Literally brain damaged.

Op here, and yeah you are right, I don't blame the other user though its a common misconception, I had to double chek myself, kudos

yes goy, everything that you see on TV is true

You do know that 99% of conspiracy theories are bullshit yeah. Humans just have this deep-seeded desire to conjure up a conspiracy, there was actually an evoloutionary reason for this, can't find the scientific article I read about it but you get the point. Put your tin hat back on user

Call me a brainlet if you want but I don't get how information can travel faster than light.
Intresting read anyway

>there is no heaven

Actually, there is.

But the pearly gates have been closed since the dawn of time, so literally everyone that has ever lived and will ever live is going straight to hell.

You didn't really think imperfect beings like us would ever be allowed into a place as perfect as heaven, did you?

> the big bang happened
> there is no god

pick one

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You yanking my chain son

> when you die you will rot and that's all there is to it
Ever heard of cremation dumbfuck?

you can't have the singularity without a prime mover

God is the Prime Mover

logic kid


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I'm pretty convinced there's nothing after death, like it's a nice idea and all going to the next plane of existence, or heaven or whatever, but so far there's not been any evidence for it or even anything that's been confirmed to be actually supernatural (as far as I'm aware)

I'm just not looking forward to my mind not existing in some way.

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I toined myself into a pickle morty

Then you are admitting 1% are true.

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As richard dawkins said "the brain is what thinks for us, and the brain will rot"

Tbh tbhh

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I can't really imagine what not existing would be like

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it's just like sleeping without dreaming

nice trips btw

>global warming is real

It very well may be, but until the models work to a 5 sigma confidence level we can't know enough about global warming to perform even a rudimentary cost/benefit analysis on possible solutions or remediations.

So I guess you're going to have to wait for a few more decades before you can use global warming as an excuse for global totalitarianism, sweetie.

If the supernatural existed and interacted with us in any way, it would cease to be the supernatural and would be part of the natural.

Anything that was truly supernatural would also be irrelevant. Definitionally.

Yeah, I agree, fair enough, it still exists tho

Have you ever heard of virtual particles?
It might be possible that the big bang was created throug a vacuum fluctuation but obviously there are only theories at the moment.

Yeah, that's what I was saying before

>god made it harder to believe as a test


It would literally infinitely more absurd for him to do that than it would be for you to perniciously devise tests for ants.

Yes I know, read my thread on botzmanns brain

>evolution happened
Are you retarded?
For it to have happened, it must've ended.
There's no reason to believe that it has, you pretentious twat.


You understand you sound like a character from Idiocracy when you post like you do, right?

Go eat a big ass fries

Sorry, I thought you where adressing me the op, not that other user talking about death

This. Literally the most repeated, commonly spewed junk.
The reason 'sound' of a statement doesn't disprove it. Not arguing with your statement, just saying.

>We do not have technology to withstand interstellar human travel

That is not necessary for us to fill the galaxy with Von Neumann machines.

If we chose to do that, we could probably start the process at some point in the next century. And once we start it, our work is done.


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>infinite number of worlds

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There is no reason to believe that it has stopped happening, faggot.
Why are you being daft?

i would argue that for anything to exist - virtual particles - or any thing other than absolutely no thing at all, requires a Prime Mover

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>i would argue that for anything to exist - virtual particles - or any thing other than absolutely no thing at all, requires a Prime Mover

Possibly, but there is nothing requiring that Prime Mover to be conscious or to possess a will.

Here's one.
The Jews are ruining all of the Western world because they're unable to think ahead and realize that once the West is over run by pakis and blacks, those same pakis and blacks will turn on the Jews and hang them by their necks.

> there is nothing requiring that Prime Mover to be conscious or to possess a will.

the evidence of an intelligently designed cosmos would say otherwise

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>the evidence of an intelligently designed cosmos would say otherwise

The ontological argument for a Prime Mover has no relationship to the argument that the universe is intelligently designed.

That just moves the question one step further.
How come something exists at all? This question would include your so called "prime mover" intelligence.

>intelligently designed cosmos
because of the fact that we can observe it now?
If it was designed to produce life it's extremely poorly made.

don't be so blinkered - if we ignore one field of SCIENCE in the pursuit of another, we miss the greater whole

> This question would include your so called "prime mover" intelligence.

God is Spirit, subsisting of Himself - being in effect; His own Prime Mover

if you posit that the material universe exists in different states eternally, not only do you give it the attribute you deny the Intelligence who created us, you must also prove it by observation - which you know you can't do

whereas by observation of our Universe having direct intervention by its God in becoming the man Christ Jesus and revealing Himself to us - we can know the truth

>If it was designed to produce life it's extremely poorly made.

the Heavens declare the Glory of the Lord - this is the ultimate purpose of everything that exists - that He chose to also employ it as a habitat for life is of less consequence

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It exists because it is is no better a explanation than just assuming that virtual particles have always existed.
We simply can't know at the moment.

Most religions claimed similiar and no religion in history has provided anything substantial that was beyond humanity of it's time so it doesn't seem likely at all that a higher beeing has ever visited us.

It's certainly possible that "god" or a programmer created us but we can never scientificial prove this unless we get visited by them.

Why would you call it intelligently designed cosmos then?
Something cannot be called intelligent designed without fullfilling some kind of purpose.

>aliens are real
Proof of your claims, faggot?