Why have girls of all ages suddenly started to wear skintight pants worldwide?
This seems like a conspiracy to me.
Why have girls of all ages suddenly started to wear skintight pants worldwide?
This seems like a conspiracy to me.
They all claim they're not presenting. Why do they lie?
I'm curious about this too.
On Quora they say it's purely the direction fashion has gone and will change eventually.
Hopefully sooner rather than later. I don't like it at all.
it was great until all the fucking fatties started doing it
This has literally happened in the last 5 years.
I still remember a saying "leggings are not pants, so cover your ass" from like early 2010's.
Gotta love being a 30yo virgin and having to see this shit every time I exit my house.
>leggings are comfy
Haha gotta love how girls always use the "comfy" lie. Leggings are not comfy, and short shorts do NOT keep you cool and are not comfy either. Especially when they're pulled up to their navels.
It honestly pisses me off that these chavs are incapable of telling the truth.
All these revealing clothes are being worn only because they're slutty and girls compete who's the sluttiest one.
but its kinda hot
Man, leggings & tight pants are a blessing.
What the hell is wrong with you?
Not only has this slut trend started like 5 years ago, but even 10 year old girls have joined it. Are they already looking to get fucked or what?
Just makes me feel worse for being a virgin.
because its hip
they wear what their friends wear, their friends wear what is popular on tv
I hope skintight latex becomes accepted regular clothing
I see them all the time at the gym. Do these women have no shame? At least wear some short over it.
They are just goign with their natural instinct of MUST AROUSE COCK MUST ATTRACT COCK MUST GET DICKED DOWN HARD LIKE A SLUT
Now if they only would stop fucking lying about it and admit it.
the normalization of pedophila is beginning
Sexuality is disgusting and should only be shared between 2 people who care dearly for each other.
But doesn't being able to conjure dakimakura and figs out of thin air make up for it?
>what happened
If enough people do something it becomes acceptable. If more then it is desirable. If women see enough other women do something they don't want to be left out.
>tfw problem/hipster glasses have been around for a fucking decade and they're still not going away
Drives me fucking mental. Looks great but because I'm a degenrate virgin, I'm forced to just watch and its pure torture. I just want to touch that ass a few times, fondle those tight glutes.
not complaining at all. Always got something nice to look at when I'm bored on public transport
we need to make ass zips a mainstream thing
literally this
no real downside to it
doesn't matter if people think "it's just an excuse to be slutty" why the fuck should they care?
those girls will find excuses to be slutty regardless
might as well just shut up and enjoy it while it lasts
Give me the sauce for that image
What I don't understand is the "skintight pants but with an extra long hoodie or sweater so my ass doesn't show".
WTF why not just wear regular pants then?
I thought that was kinda hot for a second but then I remembered what it's like to brush one's dick against a zip
Does this mean grab their neck and rape them?
My music teacher back in college wore them and whenever she bent over the material would stretch to the point of transparency so I could see her panties. Shame I don't see that too often though.
of course bro, go for it
Why can't girls dress like pic related anymore? It makes them look more cute and less degenerate.
Because the imagination works wonders for chicks with bad asses.
this is why its in the back silly
you zip to present your boipussy while your boiclit is safe in the front
Slut stocks user.
Certain people get more money the more sluts that are around. Since they own the companys that produce the goods sluts use.
Skintight pants.
They also run Tinder.
doesn't look comfortable
>A dress is not comfortable
You might aswell go naked.
I can't find any pants that aren't super tight in the legs. It's a nightmare, I hate pants like that.
But then I can't see their ass and tiddies when I'm walking to classes
>go to Target
>girls as young as 7 wearing yoga pants
>tfw can't go shopping without having to tuck my dick into my waistband
not very comfortable also quite heavy not practical
also it's basically the equivalent of wearing a fedora, you'd look stupid as fuck outside of an octoberfest festival or something
I promise to wear unwashed lederhosen every single day of the rest of my life!
>muh comfy
as a crossdressing faggot, there is literally nothing more comfy than this, yet women stopped wearing dresses in order to be sluts with yoga pants and short shorts
It's a sad state we live in where men are better women than women themselves
Fuck yeah, if this can become mainstream my life would be complete.
Great picture sums it up perfectly.
I want to give that ass a facial
Modern outfit
>Yoga pants you have to make sure don't fall of your ass
>Shirt you have to make sure they don't reveal nips
>Underwear you have to make sure is not showing
>Have to make sure you cross your legs when you sit
There's nothing more comfortable than a dress nerds
dresses>skirts>shorts (at home)>sweatpants>shorts over leggings>leggings>chinos>jeans>shorts (outside of home)
Leggings and a shirt/hoodie aren't even fashionable, so they can't claim that. Most women are just trend followers and want to show off their ass.
Not that I'm complaining when they have nice asses.
nothing seems to be more classy and yet comfy than a proper dress. I really wish this became a thing again, every time I see a girl at uni wearing a nice dress it makes my head turn unlike all those countless yoga thots they really do nothing for me anymore
gosh I wish girls would wear nice skirts and sweaters and other cute clothes instead of slutty leggings and shortshorts and belly and cleavage exposing shirts
This is why traps are winning
yogurt pants are In fashion
cause we're not living your little anime fantasy world dude. Brush the cheetos off ur shirt and step outside for a bit
I don't care what women wear. I don't even care about women. What I do care about is money, and women have money.
user there is only one thing important in this life, and its money. So you need to make the next big fashion item. Drop your sense of morality, know that your next slut costume is going to be worn on underaged ban, just get over that mental hoop now. It time to make some clothes.
Because they're sluts and want your money and Chad's dick, the more sluttily they dress the more easily they can get both
But you knew that already OP
I personally just don't even find it that arousing. Personally, short skirts that expose panties at the right angle (but not too often) and tight sweaters do it for me.
But roasties can't into subtlety when it comes to getting Chad's pole.
I seem to recall it being common for younger women and girls in the 80s but it is weird that even my grandma is wearing them now.
You realize this comic is satire right?
There is nothing subtle about short skirts and tight sweaters chicks wear those all the time
In 50 years I guess string bikinis are going to be subtle
They are slightly more subtle than yoga pants where you can see every last line in a girls pussy though
Panties are a barrier between outerwear and pussy which disguises the shape quite a bit, and even most girls who wear tight sweaters wear a bra under it
>being desirable is fun and rewardig
>showing off your ass makes you desirable
its not rocket science
it's because usually with clothes if you wear something really baggy you have to compensate by wearing something else that's really tight (otherwise you look homeless). most women are fatter than they'd like to be and usually unattractive fat is held around the stomach, so they opt for loose fitting tops and tight leggings/pants (hence the sweater and leggings combination that's so popular).
it's because if you want to wear a dress you have to shave your legs or else everyone loses their shit, which in turn makes the overall process not that comfy. it's a lot more comfy not having to shave your legs or wear uncomfortable shoes while wearing pants than it is dealing with all the upkeep that's required for a dress.
if it was jews this time I am okay with it.
>You were born in the era where underage girls walk around in public wearing tiny butt-shorts and thin skintight leggings
Thank you Jesus
Finally someone who isn't a complete faggot.
They do it because it works.
I'm legit autistic and even I once got memed by yoga pants to the point of temporary insanity and walked up and talked to her.
Because they're 1000x more comfortable than skin tight jeans
When will it be daijoubu for men to wear leggings? Will crotch bulges ever become acceptable?
They already are if you're alpha enough
They are having ot compete with butts like mine OP and i am a dominant/submissive switch type. Also was a robot but grew out of it.
What the fuck am I reading? Get some sleep.
Just wear sweats
>look at a delicious ass in tights/yoga pants on the bus
>can't get eyes off of it
>a few people around notice it
>pretty sure they thought I was a pervert
Now i'm disgusted by girls wearing yoga pants because i now know they haven't shaved their legs.
Thank you user.
>Tfw you are bearded fucked up looking guy staring at the twelve year-olds in the grocery store
not your fault they're so developed and actively flaunting it.
Women are even more tribalistic than men are. They will conform to whatever the style or trend of the times are. When women see many other women doing something, it clicks in their brain that whatever it is is something they should be doing as well, to attract a mate.
This works with politics and sociology as well. Women will be drawn to whatever position is viewed as the either the most moral of the time, or is simply viewed as the most popular in their mind. This is why virtue signaling is so common.
Most women aren't independent thinkers, and the ones that are usually end up unwanted.
during winter/fall when people can't wear shorts most women don't shave at all
Right? But desu I'd proabably still be staring if they were dressed non-sexy. When I leave my house into the wide world I am always amazed that cute girls really exist.
Then why was the womans rights movement a thing if all women would supposedly side with the dominant men?
It's a direct assault on my penis, and a violation of the NAP.
I didn't mention dominant men at all, I said they take up what is perceived to be the the most moral position.
i.e. Women are citizens too, they should have equal rights
Police are beating peaceful blacks, they should be treated fairly
These refugees' homes were destroyed, we should provide them new ones.
The things you read on this board I swear
>Most women aren't independent thinkers
Neither are most men lol
Because (((someone))) convinced them to be sluts.
And we stood by and watched.
But morality is subjective
It was perceived as morally OK for women to not have the same rights and yet women rose against it despite that
>Sluts are literally human livestock being farmed for profit
True, but their are a lot more men that are independent thinkers than women. I would argue that this could be attributed to the differing IQ distribution of men and women. Men have a higher variance in average IQ, and thus are more likely to be either very intelligent or very dumb. Average or dumb people are very likely to not think for themselves, while intelligent people are much more likely to. Therefore, because men are more likely to be very intelligent, they're more likely to be free thinkers.
That isn't the same spirit in which you wrote your original post.
Do you think IQ has something to do with it?
Seems like only dumb people try to be as slutty as possible(including men with the dudebro look)
Not true. At my university there's lots of smart guys who want to max their sex appeal. Especially true among the chinese and koreans, who of course must compensate in the western environment.
>tfw graduated HS in 2009
>tfw was just barely too old for the age of supersloots
Man what I would have given to see some of my HS crushes in yoga pants. I wouldn't have even needed porn. The closest I got was tight jeans but that's not nearly the same.
I am a different poster, sorry about the confusion.
because they aren't cute and are degenerate