Anyone tried sensory deprivation? How does it compare to conventional meditation?
Anyone tried sensory deprivation? How does it compare to conventional meditation?
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it's a meme dude. so is meditation, or at least I haven't heard any smart people do it, only pseudointelectual morons
i usually tie a bandana around my eyes it helps concentrate a bit more but the feeling of the cloth on my face usually takes me out now and again
supposedly it enhances the bloodflow to your frontal or prefrontal cortex helping with self control
A lot of actuaries use TM.
I would not consider these people pseudointelectual morons
End yourself.
The float tank seems like it'd be very relaxing at least.
Fuck no it isn't. Meditation helps so many of my problems
*Placebo or not it doesn't matter. It's amazing
if you do it right
lmao, what an ape. "meditation is for pseuds" "monks are pseuds" "everyone in history has done it for the lolz". it's scientifically proven to reduce cortisol. mind and body are one.
Nah, if there's a feeling that most people are searching for in their lives, its probably the peace of mind meditation brings. Also, theres a ton of CEOs and le successful people that do it just for focusing better etc but the traditional role it plays it to reduce psychological stress.
I'd say Sam Harris is pretty smart and he's done 2 years of silent practice in his youth.
But yeah, sensory deprivation is the kinda shit Joe Rogan does to make himself feel enlightened.
well if you never move you never need cortisol
see, this is what I'm talking about. I might have to screencap my universiy card because you might not believe me but I'm doing a PhD in machine learning(in UK) and I've never met any1 here that takes meditation seriosly.
I only know of pseudointelectuals like Sam Harris. I'm not even an expert on philososphy but I had to take some courses on it and then I went and did some more reading on my own. I would say I have a understanding of philosophy at a undergraduate level. Sam harris is a fuking moron, he hasn't published anything in any journal as far as I'm aware. I'm an atheist but he makes shitty arguments for atheism, I'm also a utilitarian but he published a book where he totally steps over the is-ought distinction like a moron. And yes, he is a islamophobe, he advocates we fuking NUKE muslims because of their beliefs while at the same time he defends far right peoples right to spew their dribble because "well they have the right to believe whatever they want"
I want to go in one of those sensory deprivation tanks on LSD. Imagine how strong the synesthesia would be.
college kids are pseuds against meditation. "nobody here does it so I mean, the standard here is basically universal law." as if humans can't be wrong or misinformed, I see you grasped a lot of your undergrad philosophy.
science has shown again and again that it works as in it reduces stress hormones and makes you more resistant to it. Amon a long list of other benefits, read up on studies and you will see a ton of evidence for just that.
I haven't said it's completely useless, but a lot of scientific papers on meditation are co-written by meditation teachers in low tier journals so there is a risk of bias. From what I've heard it is true that meditation reduces cortisol, thou I'm not sure why it would be better than walking in the park or playing with a dog.
I don't understand why you think meditation needs to be validated by whether or not one is smart. It's a practice to reduce unhappiness which may seem quite wimpy but everything you do is designed to minimise pain and maximise happiness so it quickly becomes extremely relevant when you understand that.
I guess I was 2 dismisive. I don't want to completely discredit meditation. I guess I'm jsut biased against it because I;ve heard so many pseudointelectuals and self help gurus push it.
But I still thinks that no amount of meditation will come close to having a happy family life, a SO that loves you, a fulfilling job and a healthy environment.
First time I got the real effect of meditation my head was crazy clear. My vision seemed hyper focused. I dug right down to my very core and found I wanted a cigarette. It's never felt so obvious that the thought of wanting one was not my own. It just gets buried under so many things it seems like a natural desire. (I only smoked like a pack a month)
Wtf is sensory deprivation meditation?. I always meditate in a silent place with my eyes closed, so how i am supossed to lose even more senses?
The public image of meditation is not great but the scientific research on certain strands such as mindfullness have blown up in the past decade and have shown the many benefits in a objective, neutral light.
To address you last point, I think in the long term you're right .The feeling of raising children and doing the things that make you happy are powerful but I can personally contribute here in saying that some of the states one can feel in meditation are so peaceful that all these other experiences really pale in comparison.