One chance at life

>One chance at life
>Have these on my face
What did I do to deserve this fate, Jow Forums?

Attached: 79897834724.jpg (640x512, 33K)

Other urls found in this thread:

gross what is that?

You can get those lasered off at a cosmetic dermatologist.

Jesus christ thats disgusting wtf is that

cheap af too

We told you eating meat and drinking milk will ruin your body. Did you listen? No? Then don't complain.

You drank too much

This desu

How cheap is it? What is the procedure called?

yeah my old man got these when he was drinking heavily

its called a mustache retard

What’s wrong with having a nose? All humans have one

it's called an unuggening. you can't afford it.

talking to you faggots


Imagine feeling this distressed in your life that you feel the need to lash out against some strangers on a liberian communication technology major enthousiasts forum

stretch marks are a badge of honor.
you didnt do all those nostril presses for nothing, right?

Imagine feeling this lonely and desperate to belong that you feel the need to communicate in pre-approved memetic structures


this vegan shilling thread is getting on my nerves.
no one is buying it, just piss off

imagine being such an aborted fetus that you would ironically use the very same sentence structure that you are criticizing

You are just mad, vegans have owned you once again, meatcuck

Imagine if you will, vividly, your face buried in your father's naked butt while he has diarrhea into your holes.

Imagine all the people

Crawling in my skin

Imagine Dragons

Attached: BCA8BCDD-00C9-4D31-B31D-BE5C1E8591AB.jpg (1000x955, 257K)

Imogen Poots

Attached: Imogen_Poots[1].jpg (1000x1398, 178K)

Imagine these trips completely trashed because you decided to attempt to use your brain

When you are so white your skin is see through and your veins are visible.

humans are designed to be able to eat many types of diets. eating nothing but raw meat is perfectly fine, but eating only grass your whole life is also fine (obviously you would have to have been doing it from the beginning. you cant just jump right into the grasspill and expect to be healthy)

imagine being so mad about being unable to follow the pattern that you have to resort to jewish fantasy porn

Imagine following a pattern your whole life, even directly after being called out for it.

That's the price you have to pay for making sick nose gains brah.

Yep same, OP is an alcohol

>not wanting to look badass

i'm a hot girl and i think those things are sexy. so do all of my hot friends. it's the #1 thing we look for.

>humans are designed to be able to eat many types of diets

Attached: 05_humans_are_frugivores_750.jpg (756x576, 155K)

This give me a boner for reasons, and is not the mouths.

That's couperose both my father and I have the same shit, less drastic luckly. Go to a dermatologist and they will give you a treatment

Attached: download.jpg (310x162, 7K)


It is called a nose and everyone has one.
You are a noselet, nonjew, beta sniffer.

cold weather and too strong sniffing
some light skin and nordic peeps have those

It cost me only a handful of hundreds (like $300 cad) it was done with a laser and took like 10 minutes

Pretty much this.
Also get yourself gloves durin winter, my dad tried to be badass and got his nerves fucked ,his hands are basically purple from now on.

Attached: 1504202792122.jpg (2048x1536, 294K)

At least you dont have pic related it is 100x worse

Attached: E43B5433-FCD3-4679-87E5-C1DD991D07CD.jpg (223x226, 8K)

Same, user. Deciding whether or not to get it removed

Attached: 18-05-05-15-52-32-157_deco.jpg (1163x996, 403K)

Check out this video:

I had several burst capillaries down the front and side of my nose and this treatment removed them with 100% success.
Remember, after you remove the vessel you should put some aloe vera unto the burn to prevent to chance of it leaving a mark.

My sister and I both have these on our hands, she tried that burning thing and it didn't work.

that was hard

Just did it on my nose, it’s like OP’s pic, in the comment of your video, a lady said it worked with a sewing needle, i stuck a red hot sewing needle in the vein and it disappeared instantly, i have a small burnt mark on the exact spot the needle penetrated but the whole vein disappeared

>literally branding yourself
I wonder how many idiots tried this shit and ended up with burn scars lmfao

>paleodiet nigger
Are we in 2012 ?

it's just some broken little veins, who cares about that?

what causes this? i'm guessing alcoholism as it's usually old gits down the pub with it.

I used to have these before starting roaccutane. Try and moisturize, I think its just scarring from dried skin.

Wrongest retard ever

Alcoholism can cause it. It’s way more common from sun damage. Wear your sunscreen.

Looks cool to me.

>burn scars from a tiny burn like that

I'm considering veganism but I'm concerned by all the thing I read on the internet, I need more information, just a few questions.
Square [brackets] denote default answers, there is no need to reply if your answers are the default but you may if you would like to add a comment.

>All humans require meat, if you can survive long-term without meat or meat products you are not human.
Do you agree with the above statement? [No]
Can you sustain a healthy existence without meat or meat by-products?
Do you believe in evolution, did you evolve from apes?
How long have you been a vegan, always or not?
What us your stance on marriage?
[Never/Its a scam.]
Do you plan or wish to have children?
Are white people racist?
[Yes,Eliminate Whiteness/Kill Whitey]
Have you ever used mimicry to emulate humans?
Have you been deceitful in answering any of the above questions?
