Can Jow Forums hold a free-standing handstand?

Can Jow Forums hold a free-standing handstand?

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my best was thirty seconds. I spent way too much time on this exercise fuck.

How do I manage this?

For what purpose ?

>hey guys watch me handstand

It’s the epitome of twinkdom

whats the purpose of lifting heavy weight?
whats the purpose of being fit?

being a more usefull human being

Even if I could do this meme shit I'm too tall to do it in my home

No but I can (almost) do a 1 armed pullup

are you living in a hut bro?

A handstand is just a party trick

If you wanted to be useful you should learn to program or study medicine. Spending 3+hours a day in the gym and jerking off to anime and traps will not make you a useful human being.

>Spending 3+hours a day in the gym and jerking off to anime and traps will not make you a useful human being

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bullshit i use my functional strength to help around my grandmas farm

For maintaining posture and shoulder health, supposedly.

why is it not common practice to shave or at least trim your armpit hair?

fukkin groce, seeing guys shamelessly flaunting their pit bushes...

You didn't even give a reason as to why you think people should shave, besides >I think its gross

I was able to a couple of years ago

Then I got serious about powerlifting and now my overhead mobility is poop.

Isley please suck my ass

Yes. I practice daily

If you're a non-athletic liftcel, skip handstands. If you're a gymnast chadcrobat, handstands are the basis for your training.

I’d rather jerk 2x my bodyweight than do twinkboi handstands

t. A dyel

I used to practice handstands for some reason I don't remember.
What a pointless thing to do.
Never got good enough to hold it for too long.

>Tfw already intellectual mog most people, so now I'm working on my body so I can physically mog them

I'd rather do cool flips and shit whenever and wherever I want than pick up standardised metal plates off the floor in a gym.

Awwwww did mommy and daddy not pay enough attention to you?

Aww are you overcompensating for your micropenis?

Yes. Can you do pushups like that? I can't unsupported but I think support is ok when doing pushups like that, I can do a few supported, I know someone who can do alot supported and a couple unsupported until he falls over randomly.

I can rep them with wall support, full ROM because i use elevation for my hands. I can lower myself undupported but then fall over. Still working on it

Obviously, it’s the only reason I train.

Me too bro... Me too...

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Nice, keep working at it.