
anyone know where i can get some decent FUCKIN drugs or anything here in the city of suzhou, jiangsu province, china????

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You will find some in Guangzhou (a city in China).

no suzhou, should i just go to fuckin shanghai???


Order off deepweb. But aren't drugs a capital offence in China?

youre retarded op. they will lock you away for life for drugs. they dont give af where youre from

You can find some Uohzgnaug (a city in Anihc)

I wouldn't if I were you. A friend of mine went to China and stayed in touch every day for a few days and then went radio silence and never came back.

The last thing he mentioned was that he was going to try to buy drugs. Absolutely refused to listen when we told him Chinese prison was not a good place to be. It's been a couple years now and he's never turned up again. Can't find any obituary for him or any sign of having been arrested. No missing persons activity for him over there either.

i've heard stories of people just getting it off the street in shanghai.

maybe Chinese people and ultra wealthy 1%er diplomats.

but a 4channer? ur ass will get locked up

why dont people get caught in the states then, i moved here when i was 5, so i dont really know how it goes over there.

I'm sure you can. But you should be absolutely certain you know what you are doing because they have sting operations there as well and if you approach someone they can decide to report you, either because they are not a drug dealer or because they are but they just don't like the look of you.

The friend that went out there was schitzoaffective and had extreme episodes of mania that were also worsened by stress or drug use. His Chinese was not all that great, and his social skills were in the negatives in his own country, nevermind in China, as were his street smarts.

I'm sure op is better equipped for the undertaking than my friend was but all I can do is repeat: he was never. Heard from. Again.

Is that risk worth it?

Probably should also mention that one other shady thing was going on as well - the guide he had reserved for his trip kept putting him off and generally acting shady and suspect. Maybe he met his end when he finally met up with that individual instead. We probably will never know.

just drink gutter oil, user

why do you want drugs? because you have used them before or are you just curious?

Id just get drunk if i were you.

op here, i kinda wanted some xanax idk how to go about getting it here

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I actually do know... holy shit. I don't know how big Jiangsu is but I have a dude there and I can check exactly where he is.

holy shit lol my discord is Escalator Vore#6906

Attached: anger.png (586x470, 427K)

discord can't find you.

i've got the mercury planetary symbols on both sides of my name fuck try again

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-06-05 at 2.25.37 AM.png (254x49, 12K)

Looks like you're getting beer tonight. lol

Attached: Capture.jpg (673x127, 16K)

you put a space before the 'E' and after the hashtag.