What are the best non-lifting Jow Forums hobbies to get into? Looking to make friends and meet qts as well

What are the best non-lifting Jow Forums hobbies to get into? Looking to make friends and meet qts as well

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pickup soccer is fucking amazing for looking for chicks.

No fat chicks play soccer

his not homo


1. Weightlifting for serious
2. Weightlifting but for fun

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Computer programming
Bible study

shes cute

foreign languages. if ur an americlap, learn french. girls panties get wet for that shit. it's hilarious.

cock push-ups

Climbing + mountaineering

Nothing works as an aphrodiasiac as well as knowing you could die any minute.

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Combat sports. Muay Thai. Bjj.

Sports, martial arts, etc. I usually play basketball or soccer on my off days.

BJJ is meatheads and SJW. Basically antifa

Honestly any girl hanging out at an MMA gym probably has a revolting actiongrrl personality and a thousand orbiters, dunno why you suggested this

It is the perfect complementary hobby to go with fitness.

how many cock push-ups can you do

clubbing, good cardio with the best looking people on town raising your test, nobody cares you being autistic
just drink energy drink and phenibut instead of alcohol

c-can you go to clubs alone without being "that guy"

I'm getting tired of rock climbing being used as a prime example hobby for finding friends or girls.
If they're climbing they already have friends that they showed up with you're not going to fucking interrupt them you autist
Everyone there probably already looks better than you if they've been doing it for an appreciable amount of time and god knows your personality is in the trash if you're here

you have to be attractive like face, body and dress, accessories must be 9/10
i don't have clubbing friend, enter with complimentary entry every weekend, only drink redbull never pricey cocktail and the bouncer always ask whether i'm a member of the club kek
after all imagine you see an attractive model level girl dress to the tee but alone, you won't think she's "that girl"
after all that with phenibut you won't be self aware, and from my observation normies just ignore ugly people anyway, they don't actively putting you down, that's bitter Jow Forums autists

Cooking isn't a hobby. It's a requirement. If you can't take care of yourself you shouldn't call yourself a man.


Not same user but that hasn't been my experience

Im growing 15’ sunflowers

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>>Computer Programming
>> Looking to make friends and meet qts
>> Great answer

Volunteering with a church.

This. best 2 MA's right here too, go great in conjunction with one another.
who gives a fuck about girls at an MMA gym? all they are is a more relaxed spar


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girls don't really do muay thai though. bjj and judo are better bets


It can be done but you basically need to be a Chad anyway, in which case you wouldn't need to do it unless you just kind of hate people

Rugby if you want chicks outside of the sport itself

BJJ and Judo is good to meet girls there, just be wary of shitting where you eat

They seem to love rock climbing too, I've noticed, but stay away from hardcore hiking girls

my entire climbing group, none of us knew each other when we first came to the gym. Theres like 15 of us now, we take big trips together n shit
Climbing is mad fun, just got some new shoes today, but maybe not the best if just looking for qts. Climbing girls usually arent my thing desu. That being said Im a fan of living a fun life, not chasing girls, be fun and theyll chase you.

>stay away from hardcore hiking girls

why this?

they have lyme disease

Barebacking whores in Thailand

Livin on the edge bro

Dem are going to be some BIGBOYS

because your god damn clothes aren't going to fit you anymore because they're sized for the average amerifat

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There is always the goalie

Just avoid actual french girls. French people are overall quite snotty, and paris smells like ass.

Does Rick Owens deadlift in Geodunks?

Of course its a hobby you retard, it's no requirement to go beyond basic nutritious meals unless you're interested

Other good hobbies are reading, painting or playing music

It's funny people saying shit like judo, dominated by men, when yoga is dominated by women

You just have to be fit enough not to be the incel weirdo doing yoga

I have heard good things about volunteering.

i took yoga from a pregnant teacher at a community college, lotta chicks, lotta creepers, one mexican dude who wore a red thong and made sure it showed

Swimming. The best shit for your cardio and for healthy back.

raf simons rick owans usually what i dressed eeeen

They just tend to be weird and not very attractive in my experience

Maybe it's different in hot weather climates

That having been said I met my last gf hiking and she was great so ymmv

That easy, theres no french people in paris


Treadmill dancing.


In all seriousness group fitness classes are great to make new friends. Extra points if you can take a dance class seriously, the girls will respect you and socialize if it seems like you're just there to have fun/learn and aren't leering at them.

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How do I "get into" cooking? Like in a social way?

>he doesn't also weightlift out of boredom

Ironically Volleyball, but you will get mogged by 6'4" Chads if you're a manlet.

Swimming cured my back pain after one week, 3x a week.

For real if you have back pain from a sedentary lifestyle of lying in bed and sitting on computers, its amazing

how you get in touch with women in soccer? most clubs are men only. maybe they have one women team, but you never play with them

Boxing classes. Really any class. Women love classes

Minging feet

Tennis has always had some hot ass chicks. Get into a beginner class and just make your moves. Extra points if you already know how to play and then are better than everyone (alternatively take more classes per week than the others and progress quicker).

learning effectively is done mainly on your own or one-to-one with someone who knows their shit
its once you have a decent base knowledge you can cook for/with people. doesnt hurt to have a couple of flashy moves perfected to show off

Girls doing boxing are very fit and hot. Nice firm asses, confident about themselves and appreciative of masculinity and strengh. They can take banter.

This. If you're not a complete autist, you can have a lot of fun and make lots of friends through dance class.

>Not doing what interests you.

user, people can tell when you're being a basic bitch and trying to do something to "expand your interests". If it sounds interesting to you and you can afford it, do it. If you realize it's not your thing, cool. Move on. Just don't do something to make yourself seem like a more interesting person. People can smell your fake ads a mile away

and what if you are a complete autist?

t. guy who took dance classes, and didn't make any friends

do you mean dance as in partner dance or dance as in choreography dance?

Either, but latin dancing is pretty hot right now.
Look for clubs in your area that do latin dance nights or something, many do classes for an hour or so and then play music for it all night.
it requires good coordination and close body contact though so if you're a complete sperg and smell bad maybe try for a krumping class or summit.

in my country 85% of the girls playing amateur soccer are either lesbians or soon to become bi/lesbians for social acceptance

t. guy who used to hook up in freshman year with freshman soccer chicks and they slowly started getting a taste for pussy the closer they got to graduating

Then depending on your autismo you might have less fun and make no friends.
I made few friends because I happen to be quite an austist. I have lots of fun though. And the girls look good.
I mean dance as in partner dance. Like Salsa. I don't know about choregraphy dance. There's this hip hop taught by my salsa teacher, but only teenagers attend this class.

unironically cosplay

You already missed the pre-2013 golden age of there being absolutely zero other fit, attractive, socially competent men in the hobby, but even now there aren't many. You will be in HIGH demand. Just actually put in the effort, make something you're passionate about, no Le shirtless, wigless Goku or Le 300 soldier

Pussy aside it's an inherently social hobby, gives you an excuse to travel all over the country, and will teach you many cool hands-on crafting skills if you apply yourself. Also wearing costumes and gathering, temporarily adopting a new identity, and celebrating in groups was a part of ancient shamanistic cultures for centuries. Once you do you'll see why. It can be a fascinating and even addicting experience

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how do you get complimentary entry every weekend?

what's a normal con like for you?

Post cosplays

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Lesbians don't exist
All of them love cock and all of them will ask you for more when you ram their live hole


What if they say no?

Also asking for you to elaborate. Post pics if you got any.

BJJ is a nigger style and a meme
Seriously kill yourself if that's what you practice fucking huehue monkey

t. Depressed eurocuck who can't cope with the fact his people are becoming fat just like in bongistan and South America

Not good for your skin unless you actually swim in a lake or river

Tennis is amazing for landing chicks the only problem I'd as a sport it will fgk your knees

>You already missed the pre-2013 golden age
The fuck I did, having autistic nerd girls gushing over me was amazing and made me realize how easy women have it
Now days I won't even go to a concert because they're so filled with whores doing everything they can to be basically naked and that shit pisses me off
Suggestions for if I want to start going back again?

I've yet to fuck one that didn't enjoy the experience
If you're raping someone user of course they're gunna say no

Key to the whole enjoyment is that it's a SUBCULTURE, not just a hobby. Which is a fascinating thing to participate in which most people now never experience. It has it's own signs and symbols and codes of behavior, and everyone is more close-knit for it. You're all just nerds in costume. Judgment is basically suspended and the shared mutual interest (doubled if you actually know the source of each other's costumes!) fosters a wonderful sense of community with the multi-thousand strangers you live with for a weekend.

There is a bit of a "learning curve" to cons because it's always more fun when you know people there, but everyone starts somewhere.

See a qt? Ask her for a photo of her costume. She will be happy to oblige, that's literally why she came. And you have a perfect opportunity to make a connection if you choose. Even more fun is that YOU will be approached for photos and connections too. A rare treat for men, and boy is it addicting and validating.

"Photoshoots" are one of the best was to meet people during the day. They are pre-scheduled gathering of everyone cosplaying from [X fandom] to meet in one place and take pictures of each other. Deep shared interests already established and on display. They're your friends already!

The hotel-based nightlife (and yes you def should stay in the hotel to get the full experience) can have a "college-dorm" room-party-to-room-party vibe. Which again does require a bit of effort and connections to navigate, but it's all there. From quiet mousy qts playing drunk Cards Against Humanity in their rooms to coke-snorting cosplay models, you can find it all if you look. Cons usually have raves too, which are usually trash, but check em out too!

Share a room with your bros or find and join a room of randos for the weekend (very common actually, I've done it many times). Sure it's a gamble but that's half the fun.

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Why? Outside of Japan, most cosplay is utter shit. Even in Japan, I doubt you'd find anything fuckable outside of professional models.

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Not , but the first time I cosplayed I was abducted by an 8.5/10 and dragged around the convention for the day to do a pair cosplay. At the end of the day we fucked. We remain friends with benefits to this day.

Honestly, with thousands of attendees you're likely to find some gems in the sand. The trick is making the connection.

I'll add a couple more tips:
Don't pick a common pair cosplays without a partner and hope to find someone at the con. I did Kirito once, and that was the loneliest I've been at a convention. I got lucky with a rare cosplay from an 80s show.

Make your costume yourself. It makes questions about others' costumes seem less like icebreakers.

Be memorable. It can be for a stupid verbal tic ("For cereal?" instead of "For real?") or for something silly. A guy handed me pic related and whispered "no homo" as we passed in a hall a few years back and we've been best bros since.

Don't cosplay if you don't enjoy it. Seriously, people can tell.

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I dated a French girl. Best sex I ever had and she was chill as fuck. You're probably thinking of Parisians. I suppose it can be that way since your city is being taking over by migrants. The French from the south are cool people though.

Its like this anywhere in the western world though. Not everyone is perfect for everyone, but there is that one for you

I can relate to that with this one hiker chick I hooked up with. But its all subjective. Your own post proving that

>booty mad wrestler got triangle choked

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To be fair, even the legit Frenchmen in Paris -all six of them- aren't representative of all native Frenchmen. Parisians may seem like they're snooty, arrogant and hate foreigners but try to imagine a day in his life.

>Wake up, prepare to leave for work
>Walk to the subway
>Five Chinese people adress you in chingchong speak, one of them wants you to take a picture of them
>Take the subway
>Two women are adressing you in German and pointing at a map, you have to suppress your instinct to start digging trenches
>Leave subway, walk to job
>La Créature walks his gigantic mass of a body towards you, shouting something incomprehensible about the "LOO-VRUH". You have no idea what he's saying, so he keeps repeating it in a slow and condescending tone
>You actually arrive at your fucking job. You know, the thing you do so you can fucking eat? Because you're a human being living in one of Europe's major economic hubs?
>Leave work, some Swedish nu-male tries to ask you for directions to his hotel in high school French
>You get pissed off, reply with "do I look like a fucking tour guide to you?"
>He calls you rude for not serving him on his every whim

Living in Paris must be horrible, even without Mahmout trying to run you over or Mamadou trying to rob you. Everyone who isn't trying to live off your welfare thinks your hometown is a fucking theme park. If I had to live a life like that, I'd also hate foreigners.

Compare that to a more minor city like Toulouse, where the people probably come across as a lot friendlier because visitors are a novelty there. They don't have more tourists than actual inhabitants (Paris, a city of 2 million, has 80 million visitors a year).

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go to raves, take some molly and dance like crazy, most girls there are also high on molly and they will be lot more sensitive, just wait untill people chill a little bit and start talking, you'll burn a fuckload of calories, have fun, meet people and actually have fun
>inb4 drugs
thats the worst advice i've ever heard, i gave cosplay a shot 4 years ago and it was the worst thing of my life, you're literally surrounded by manchild that thinks they're actually the super hero they're cosplaying, half of the girls are ugly as fuck and the other half is a little above average with some a few looking girls.

t. skinlet

Find a running group with college/military people. Plenty of girls in the military now a days.

MDMA once every two months has no side effects unless you are allergic more or less or do something like 5 grams in a night and make yourself an e-tard

If you have a high stress job, fishing can be a godsend. I shore fish alone sometimes.

Something primal and restoring about it.

Sounds like you are an incel. Reported to the police.

you make it sound pretty awesome, we'd love to see some pics

Ya this is great for fitness, skill and meeting bros, but not for females.
Rock climbing is your best bet for all of the above

Have a specific credit card that has partnership with the club, enter before 12 am, doesn't apply when there's guest dj
Also this is like number 4 rated club globally

cant you name the club? especially if it's such a popular club

never heard of this
>credit card associated with a night club
>number 4 rated club in the world

Natty Guard
Team Sports (Rugby for me)