Anyone else unable to gain any weight despite eating literally everything.
Yesterday I even went to Taco Bell and ate literally 4000 calories and I did 50 push-ups just an hour ago, but I'm not gaining any mass.
>Any advice for a hardgainer?
Anyone else unable to gain any weight despite eating literally everything.
Yesterday I even went to Taco Bell and ate literally 4000 calories and I did 50 push-ups just an hour ago, but I'm not gaining any mass.
>Any advice for a hardgainer?
Can relate. Curse of the fast metabolism
Yeah I can't seem to gain any weight either :/. I even smoke a lot for my appetite.
unironically GOMAD
No that's not a good idea. OP, you should tell us your stats
you did an entire 50 pushups? holy shit
>>Bench: 87.5
>>Squat: 25 on each side
>>OHP: 7.5 on each side
Yeah, I've been practicing for 7 months
Word. 6'2/65kg skelly myself. Bought high-protein gainer as an addition to my diet, so we'll see how that goes.
Heres how I eat 4000 calories a day for $15 a week
drink two of these shakes
2 cups rolled oats
4 tablespoons peanut butter
1 scoop proton powder (20g or above is enough)
0.5 cup of dextrose
2 cups whole milk
2 cups water
each is 1600 calories, not quite 30/30/40 macro ratio as its a little fat heavy but I find it works
then on top of that eat two cups of split peas. each cup of split peas has 44g of protein
the trick is to buy the oats in bulk. I buy my oats online in 50 lb bags for about $50, lasts several months.
Might have to GONAD
Solid stats. I'm hovering around a 135 swuat for my 1rm, thinking about test or ostarine mk677
eat more pussy. My maintenance calories is like 4-5k
skeletons are the biggest fags around. i’ve been over 200lbs since 9th grade, and now for the first time in 11 years i’m finally under 200. i wish i “couldn’t” gain weight like all the girls in this joke of a thread
piggy piggy oink oink!
This is really rude. Not eating enough is a mental health disorder. It's in my hormones, I can't change it.
Been thinking about these as well. Will they make me big (or make my balls small?)
OP here. I'm sorry, I didn't think about the consequences of my post. I realize now that I didn't take consider the privilege that comes with being a hardgainer
>I did 50 push-ups just an hour ago, but I'm not gaining any mass.
dude weed bro amirite cx
Okay so I took a bio class on this. Basically, we're better than most athletes because our BMR is higher. We operate at a higher level, making building mass harder. I have been taking protein powder to gain mass-nothing seems to work.
3L of milk a day crew
LOL 50 pushups. one of my days includes 100 dips and 72 pullups. jesus christ go lift and work hard. you need to trick your body into thinking it needs to grow to survive. motherfuck if this isn't b8 then fucking fuck
Eat some onions OP