Why all of you are weaboos? I mean, the porn is right but the rest

Why all of you are weaboos? I mean, the porn is right but the rest...

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>Why all of you are weaboos?
I'm afraid your information is incorrect.

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I'm an ameriboo

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Because anime is the most effective method of escapism

>Why all of you are weaboos?
How far do you have to go to be a Weeb? I like anime heaps, but I wouldn't be caught dead in an anime shirt or convention, I would never buy a figurine or body pillow or any shit like that. But I do know all the terminology though. Is that still considered a weeb?

America > Japan

Japan's only purpose since WWII has been to produce entertainment for the U.S.

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>Be virgin
>Chinese cartoons out of >/a/utism

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Lainboo's shit is not avatarfagging?

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What do you do when you can't escape anymore?

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>How was school today, honey?

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im not a weeb but sometimes I post anime pics t.b.h

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Shitpost about anime on a particular anonymous imageboard until you find another good anime to watch

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I dunno, you tell me

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i'm not a weab I just want a Japanese gf

I don't like anime but I have watched a bit of it, occasionally it's a nice change of pace but I usually only watch ones with english audio because I often just have it playing on my second screen and fuck reading subs and listening to that endless chingcongdingdongdesudesu, you gotta be a real weab to "enjoy" that.

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What were you really expecting to find on a website founded for the discussion of anime?

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>the "Jow Forums started as a copypaste of a Japanese imageboard and over a decade ago it was mainly about anime SO LET'S PRETEND IT LITERALLY ALWAYS HAS BEEN COMPLETELY ABOUT ANIME AND NOTHING ELSE AND STILL IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE" meme~~

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where did you get this one picture of me

We all found it on your mom's nightstand