>nofap day 1 on a sunday
Nofap day 1 on a sunday
We can do it bruh, by wednesday we can already talk to women like a normal human being
Day 30 here
I am sweating semen scent and the females can sense it I can tell. They stare at me. They want my semen but they aren't getting it until I reach day 90
Started this month. So far so good. The worst part is right before I fall asleep because I became so used to doing it right before I sleep to release stress and help me sleep. So now I just sorta lay there staring at the ceiling for like an hour, but at the very least I don't feel as disgusting as usually do.
>My day 1 mark isnt for another for hours
I seriously have a problem this is torture
Just buy a chastity cage and find a keyholder
is it safe to lift with a cage on?
Start with a cb6000s then once you find the right fit( 3 days with it withouth problems) buy a more expensive metal cage.
Already a day by now
Last time i tried edging and felt a sharp pain my lower abs, after 3 days i was forced to fap because the pain was increasing.
Any explanation of it? I don't want to feel it again
>tfw I jerked off so much before because I was bored and not horny
>tfw on day 15 and it was very easy
Does it means i've got low test ?
I just failed doing nofap again
how do I help myself? I cant go 2 or 3 days without looking at porn
Its a bullshit. I am on 3 months of no fap and no porn. And it fucked my brain. Now i can get super horny a boner when i only toucha girl or woman.
I cant sleep properly and more ill than anything.
YOu need to fap but you need to avoid porn or pictures of naked woman.
Or enjoy fucked your body and brain.
is there any way of blocking certain boards from Jow Forums?
Again pls?
Find something to occupy yourself with. I find that I often fap when I'm bored
hmmm maybe but there will still always be time when youre at home
Cold showers are not to be disregarded as a meme.
then after cold shower u fap?
When you get horny take a coldy.
as punishment u mean?
To get your mind off it. All your thoughts will be washed away and when you get out you'll have a new outlook on the day
If you need to jerk it, go outside to take a walk for a mile or so. You'll burn some calories and take your mind off porn. If recommend listening to music while your at it.
Day 20
Feels like I am losing my libido
how do you pee with it on?
You sit down.
you can find various browser addons that block pages. For Jow Forums, just add the appropriate board name after boards.Jow Forums.org/boardNameHere/
It's essential you add b, gif, and hc to that pronto, plus the male versions if you're homo or confused
Only girls sit when they pee
Right here with you bud. I tap purposely every 10-14 days though to reset because I find the highest test boost/placebo effect to be around the end of the first week.
Chaste boys do too.
It empties your bladder more and feels better.