What mode is this and does anyone have a routine for it?

what mode is this and does anyone have a routine for it?

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How shit do your genetics have to be to look like that as a nigger, they have abs by default

dome some pushups every week, drink beer and don't worry about your physique.

Nigger that thinks he's a creative snowflake mode

diet-and-nothing-else core

this is gold standard nogym pleb but knows not to eat shit

Skinnyfat mode
Used to be ottermode

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Looked way better w/o that huge beard

Yeah it's called "Homeless man outside of 7/11 begging to use your phone" mode.

Ive never enjoyed this dude in any way shape or form

hiding the double chin

workout for a bit, then stop working out all together

Those dance moves tho, what's the point of being fit if you can't dance?

I wanna lick on that torso

Who is it?

childish gambino


Ah, I haven't listened to nog music since the early 00's.

ironic mode

Walk on a treadmill every other day, smoke weed, do some mix of calisthenics w/ weights, and dance

Attached: spray.webm (1280x668, 2.35M)

manlet rage

What season was this? I don't remember him looking that good.
