First day at work, wanna come back to neet life/Or kill myself

First day at work, wanna come back to neet life/Or kill myself.
14$ hr Wood Worker

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I will be a NEET for the rest of my life. In no way can I handle a real job. I tried and it was just an endless nightmare of despair. All I want is to be alone in my house and comfy, away from the horrors of the world.

I know this feel
But soon reality will kick your door down and drag you out kicking and screaming. Then if you continue to resist it will just fucking murder you execution style with a shot to the back of the head.

I make $25 an hour and I don't know what I am doing.

Just think of the freedom even that little bit of income will grant you. More toys, food, and maybe even a small trip somewhere.

Maybe even afford trying to get out there and date!

Take advantage of your job and just suck it dry of resources to support your main life and pursuits.

i feel the same shit is wacky

what do you do my nigga?

same i am hiding away from the rest of the world, when that comes to an end i am just going to lay down and die.

thanks for the encouragement. you a real one

Literally how did you get a job? I've been applying everywhere in fucking low level minimum wage shit. I guess it's because I don't have shit in my resume but that doesn't explain how others were able to get a job in the same position as I am.

i'm buy some pros/hoes, anyone know where to find them since backpage got axed.

my uncle got me in, they'll decide if they will keep me or not after 4 weeks.

i just dont get life, i work for more than half my life and then get old, become free but can't do nothing now. I really wish i born rich, not for material object s just so i don't have to do this shit.

being rich is freedom.

are there any suicide forums to check out???

another thing i didn't like about my first day , was my supervisor takes her job so fucking seriously.

He doesn't know


I have utilized prostitutes, strip clubs, asian massage parlors, and everything under the sun user. I've even fucked a few prostitutes bareback and I can tell you this with the utmost confidence.
Don't waste your money. The MOMENT you nut you will feel like you've just wasted a shitload of money that you know could have made you feel happier if spent elsewhere. I'm telling you that it's not worth it even if the girl is good looking.
Instead buy an onahole, no not a fleshlight or a tenga cup, an actual GOOD onahole. Get a warmer too and a big bottle of lube, for 40-60 dollars you can get basically the same thing as a prostitute (it's not like there's any love/affection with them anyway so there's nothing elevating the experience past putting your dick in a wet hole) and you can use it for a year or more if you take good care of it.
Plus no STDs, no haggling, no girls trying to steal from you or call in their pimps/boyfriends to threaten/pull a gun on you. None of that, just a wet waiting pussy/mouth you can fuck on demand delivered to your door.
Check out the /jp/ onahole general or just go with a mouth of truth/ virgin age admission HARD/ lolinco virgo, get a good onahole warmer and onoyatsu lube. I guarantee you'll enjoy it more than feeding some roasties drug habit

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I just saw an awkward teen getting an interview at McDonald's. Probably for the summer. You got some competition but they usually only work part time. McDonald's needs losers for the super early morning shifts. I don't understand how you guys can't land one. I remember literally walking into McDonald's and handing in my resume and getting a call the next day. People there still remember me and say if I ever need a job I have one there. And I might who knows my security job isn't giving me any hours at the moment.

I have nothing on my resume which is my point. No work experience, no extracurriculars.