I got fifty bucks on Amazon giftcard, what should I buy that's fitness or fashion related? Also I guess general Jow Forums shopping and fashion thread.
I got fifty bucks on Amazon giftcard, what should I buy that's fitness or fashion related...
resistance bands
hanes crewneck shirts in earth tone colors
Why Hanes?
prostate massager
Track suit
squat plug
Pullup bar
excersize bands, you can do everything free weights can do, but better. they're cheap, light weight and easy to take where ever
a dildo to practice your passion
don't buy microplates
Nothing you can get off Amazon that is fitness related is worth getting
Trust me, I've bought
A power rack
Squat rack
Oly barbell
Bumper plates
Knee compressor pads
Knee sleeves
Chin-up weight belt
Elliptical machine
Resistance bands
And maybe only the straps and chalk were of good quality
Everything else will be okay to bad quality, and this is with me trawling the reviews beforehand, so many are bought or people just don't know what good is
My oly bar is a piece of junk that was painted black to cover rust
Everything just seems shoddy
Just buy some DVDs or books with that $50
why is it so hard to find shirts that don’t drape off me fucking chest
it makes me look like i’m wearing a dress
can anyone name a clothing company that isn’t gay af and fit big chest small waist
Different color do_ rags
idk they are best i can think of quality bang for buck wise. there were some japanese packs too but they costed twice as much. obviously they are likely to be twice quality tho
>buy some DVDs
What is this? 2006?
Only an issue if you're a manlet
Needles+Navy Blue thread. Learn to sew and you can effectively repair/maintain any ripped clothes.
I want to buy a Garmin Fenix 5 but I know I won't run/cycle any differently with it so I can't justify it
Have you tried Old Navy?
I don't know how to rock a do rag or headband
Black Seed Oil
Lugol's Iodine
food grade Diatomaceous Earth
for your health
What do any of these do? I thought Iodine was bad for you
time to buy a sick nasty jumprope man.
It is but Jow Forums doesn't know how to look up ULs and thinks the NIH is made up of evil Jews trying to give them deficiencies so they insist on megadosing everything because mineral toxicity is a Jewish ploy too.
This is the part where I get called a shill.
Maybe some sweet tanks, t-shirts, do rags, or shorts? I don't have a link, someone will have to post something.
Who said anything about megadosing nigger?
A bunch of candy
Lugols instructions include dosing many times the UL, and I see Jow Forums telling user to do dumb shit like 100mg/day magnesium all the time haha. Same with zinc. The RDAs are very close to ULs relative to other minerals.
>who said anything about megadosing nigger?
This board every day.
you could buy a bag of whey powder
The most sensible response so far. Get that Gold 100% whey.
Myprotein is superior
Biotin, daily multivitamin, fish oil, face exfoliator, facial cleanser, moisturizer, sunblock. Help your skin out a bit, your face is the first thing girls look at
Fuckin shill.
Everlane shirts are the best I've found