Kpop general

balloons or other party accessories edition

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Other urls found in this thread:

Does this count ?

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background accessory

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oribia hype

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Attached: taeyeon balloon kick.webm (700x556, 1.08M)

get in here

Attached: omo.webm (266x322, 571K)

the eternal too slow

took forever to find this

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i like it

What a fucking banger this is.
I love her voice.

not bad

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Good Night

It's okay

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pretty gud

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its p decent
ill listen to it again later


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if it weren't so fuckin dark i'd say that it almost feels more like an odd eye circle song than anything else

her voice is pretty low, it's kind of surprising

you're okay

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i was about to make a a joke about this too

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that snare tho

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that's a sauna accessory

>not a ballad
pretty average until that other girl started rapping, then it stinked


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i'll admit that i didn't like jinsoul's part as much as i was hoping to
but also
opinion discarded

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yeah jinsoul's bit was a low point

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alright gang, I'm going to bed. Enjoy your Loona posting.

ballads are for patricians only

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Now I cant wait for the Yves, Chuu, Go Won, Olivia subunit.

Going to bed as well. I hope I will dream about LOONA

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>ballads are for gays only
i guess i can word this

>I cant wait for the Yves, Chuu, Go Won, Olivia subunit
word, i wonder when we'll get info about it
sleep tight

Attached: winkwoo.webm (1254x1012, 411K)

they're great
nancyposter is just a hater

you're a gay

thank you

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i have no fuckin clue where people are pulling the information from, but apparently the full unit will debut in May

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What's everyone doing tonight

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Playing a meant for multiplayer platformer by my lonesome

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I'm playing Runescape alone

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I cant believe that i was nervous about the bipolarqt

i forgot that i was going to chad it up for this year
im going to give her the time and location

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rayman origins
a classic

im playing geoguessr and being cozy

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Oh nice, definitely a classic

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Coughing so hard I can't sleep apparently. Took meds to sleep. Nothing.

Tomorrow's gonna be greeeat

do it.

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only lonely

wtf jinsoul's my favorite loona now

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todas as garotas do loona são adeptas das high notes

man, i liked it. and that mv was pure kino, right down to the post credits scene

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Okay I found one of the Starbucks in her town.

I'm going to ask her tomorrow

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woah lmao wtf is going on at 2:05 on the b-side

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wording this to the max

holy shit i forgot to listen to the this

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if that's heejin rapping on the b-side, she has a very pleasant rap voice

that weird as fuck bridge aside it's really good
i agree heejin rap is nice

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the best party accessory coming through

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a coworker of mine says he tried one of these beers once. said it was dogshit

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I like them

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what about this party accessory

>it's dog shit

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lol just found out they make this in croatia. thought it was mexican or something, like the corona

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where did you get that info from?
Żywiec group makes it in Poland but we got a license from Heineken and Heineken is Dutch

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it's decent

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from wikipedia
i've never tried it but it's shit imo

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I bet his friend is one of those retards who never drink beer from huge corporations and only drink beer made by small breweries

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Daily reminder to praise Dubu.
I had another thrilling dream today. There was some kind of game or show that involved all the people from high school as well as a lot of kpops. Everyone was sitting in a big room at breafing. Then, I appeared in my bathroom, sitting on the floor and watching some lame commercials on the wall. There was a knock at the door and I realised the bathroom was much bigger than normal and filled with people. Momo walked in and I scrunched my nose at her and she did the same. We walked into the hallway chatting and turned to an empty room where the big reveal was made - there were cameras and microphones all over the place. Momo told me to meet with another idol so I made my way across the building. I found myself in a high school hallway and entered a classroom where my chemistry teacher scolded me for being late but I ignored her and walked to the back of the room. I don't remember who I met or why but soon after I met up with a good friend of mine. We were in our garage and he said he was thirsty. I remembered that we had a valve at the back of the garage so I opened the door and we walked out. Suddenly, a guard entered the garage and he gave chase. We ran across the village towards the woods. At some point, the guard caught up and pulled out his pistol - I reacted by bringing out a gun out of thin air and killing him. We made our way into the woods where we found several sniper rifles and the dream ended with us shooting up a bunch of people standing around a helicopter.
There was another dream where I kept waking up to finding a dead guy somewhere in Germany (there were a bunch of Turks and Viets I was working with and there was a body in the cellar of our place) but it wasn't as long or exciting as this dream. Also, no kpops.

>drinking beer

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ok i'm unbanned

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>i've never tried it but it's shit imo

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hope you learned something you scum

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what emotion is she trying to convey here?
good morning. the second one sounds more intriguing.

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I guess. I was in a small room with a bunch of people, Turks and Viets as I already mentioned, and I found a dead guy in the cellar. I called 112 and in broken German tried to say what was wrong but a voice on the other side said something and ended the call. There were some similar scenarios as I woke up several times.
Then I was somehow teleported to somewhere in a city where I met Putin but a friend and I decided to play a prank on him and I shot one of his bodyguards in the head and he fell off a cliff.

i don't know. but what you said was dumb

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imo your next post is dumb, even though i don't know what it is

i learned /mu/ loves jeong

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goodnight lads

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kek, good one. i was right too.
good night

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Good night.

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Not very worth it dbh.



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u got cheated on that resolution, it's low

>i was right too
don't be too hard on yourself

mo in the actual morning for you

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Tired mo
I know. I'm on degen times now.

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i'm talking about bulgaria the country. i'm smart af

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now this is kino

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time to try for an early bed time, goodnight bant

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Good night~

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good night

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i figured you'd go for something like this
aren't you a certified brainlet though?

but this is normal times. you should feel at home here


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>aren't you a certified brainlet though?
if i am, i'm definitely getting stiffed on the governmenent tardbucks. haven't gotten a single red cent yet

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I don't know what happened today but I heard the trash truck driving around at six today for some reason. It made me wake up and I thought the world was ending for a few moments because of all the noise.

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maybe they have a new route has them passing at your house in the morning. that would suck. it was that way in one of the places i've lived. and at another one, they were passing at 10 in the evening so every time i heard the truck i knew it was bed time soon.

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There there.

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