/SIG/ - Self Improvement General

Keep On, Keepin On Edition

How is your weekend dudes? What are you going to do next week to self improve? Tell us about any obstacles you are encountering.


sticky: 4chanfit.wikia.com/wiki//sig/_sticky

last thread: For Feels and Self Help:

Bonus points: post /sig/ realted infographics, reading lists, movie lists, fucking anything.


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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=rock balancing&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS708US708&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuk7DY7fHaAhVBnFkKHdotCIMQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=805

>they want to take a picture at the end and go right to me to take it, dont even make an attempt to want me included in it

Ok, that's kind of a red flag, a normal person (I'm assuming a girl initiated the photo) would have taken a group selfie, but in any case, you still have to include yourself in more stuff.

>go to a restaurant where i stay pretty quiet
When everyone is talking, just give your opinion on what theya re talking about. Wait for a lull, or for a point between two people to come to a relative close, then say wehat you think. It;s that fuckin simple. And yes, you'll have to force it the first many many times, but it will become natural. Also, if anyone ever asks why you are so quiet, just say you are listening, or thinking. My very charismatic friend gets away with this when he's not talking, it's probably cause it';s true. That's the thing, if you actually listen to them instead of being off in your own social anxiety ridden world, you'll not only be more into the conversation and ready to say what you think, but you will LOOK more engaged too, your body language says everything, and people will be more likely to engage you. that;s just how it works, animals have been reading body language for 500 million years, it's just subconcious and automatic at this point.

>>drive with a few of the girls to subway station to drop me off and one starts hitting me with questions trying to find out stuff about myself and i give short/ambiguous or joke answers like i do with the others to hide my pathetic life from everyone

This makes me think they weren't that bad, if they tried engaging you, they actually genuinely wanted to know about you. And while seeming a bit aloof can get you kinda far in the realm of "mysterious guy" it only works if you are acting non autistically, so sure, give short of joke answers some of the time if you don;t want to expound, but they only way you get closer to people is by learning about each other.



So, tell them about yourself! It's ok you aren't happy with your life, many people aren't. You have to realize that perfect happiness all the time is basically unachievable, even though it makes a good goal or something to strive for. Life is a struggle, for all things, no one has it easier, any better or any worse than anyone else, because it's all relative nigga.

>i will never overcome my pathetic life. it will ruin any chances i have to imrpove

You litewrally have to believe in yourself. You fake it til you make it. When you exude compassion, strength, love, bravery, honor from yourself, the world can feel that, and will react to you accordingly. But you have to attempt to feel that way first, stop sulking. You need structure, balance, adaptability, and flexibility in your life.

Before I go any further. Tell me about your life. REALLY tell me, use this as practice.

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redpill me on the no shampoo meme, wouldn't my hair get greasy as shit if i didn't use it?

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>Want to get into a new hobby
>Was thinking of skateboarding or doing /out/ stuff
>It all costs more money than I have
What are some quality free or cheap hobbies that are Jow Forums and preferably /out/?

i appreciate you responding to me ill respond to a few of these things

>Ok, that's kind of a red flag, a normal person (I'm assuming a girl initiated the photo) would have taken a group selfie

yes a girl wanted to take a group photo and immediately went to me to take it. im not sure why youd think the initiator would want to take the photo, she wanted to post it on her own social media account so obviously she wanted to be in it. it just feels a little bad that they didnt even make an attempt to say "lets find someone who can take a pic of all of us", they dont even want a memory of me in the photo even though i hate photos anyway, so clearly they just want to forget my existence there which makes sense considering how ugly and pathetic i am

>and while seeming a bit aloof can get you kinda far in the realm of "mysterious guy"

the girl who was asking me that stuff even said that my lack of answers just makes her more interested and how im a mysterious
enigma or whatever.

>Before I go any further. Tell me about your life. REALLY tell me, use this as practice.

there is nothing to tell or to learn about me. i've lived almost as pathetic of a life as is humanly possible. 26 years old, kissless virgin never had a gf or even asked a girl out (have never cared), no friends, live with parents, basically a shut in, dont really enjoy anything. my entire life is beyond pathetic, so im sure you can see why i intentionally try to hide my life from other people. and please, if i ever tried to be honest with people about this, they would outcast me even more than they already do. its not about just "not being happy with my life", its that my life would actively repel people from me. believe me i wish i could be honest with people and not have to either lie or just give short ambiguous answers about everything, but its what i have to do


what is this, a chart for manlets?

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How to get rid of fear based anxiety from keeping me from starting to learn things like python and design or doing important things?

I just think about what will happen if I fail..

Just don't take a shower everyday, but if you still do, just don't use shampoo everytime. Maybe 3-4 times a week

>Don't take a shower everyday
>The power of this thinly veiled nazi recruitment thread literally advocates not showering

>they dont even want a memory of me in the photo even though i hate photos anyway, so clearly they just want to forget my existence there which makes sense considering how ugly and pathetic i am
>there is nothing to tell or to learn about me. i've lived almost as pathetic of a life as is humanly possible. 26 years old, kissless virgin never had a gf or even asked a girl out (have never cared), no friends, live with parents, basically a shut in, dont really enjoy anything. my entire life is beyond pathetic, so im sure you can see why i intentionally try to hide my life from other people. and please, if i ever tried to be honest with people about this, they would outcast me even more than they already do. its not about just "not being happy with my life", its that my life would actively repel people from me. believe me i wish i could be honest with people and not have to either lie or just give short ambiguous answers about everything, but its what i have to do

This negative thinking wil be the death of you, for reals. You need to pull yourself together and realize that you CAN make your life awesome if you just try.

>dont really enjoy anything.

Here is one of your main problems, besides the negative thinking. First, watch the videos in the OP. Second, you need to get hobbies and activities you enjoy. You can't have an interesting life if all you do is go on Jow Forums and fucking mope all day.

I want you do do this for me, to start with your self improvement:

If you don;t exercise yet, start. Read the Jow Forums sticky.
cook more, make your own food and eat healthier. Your diet will improve your mood 10fold.

Read. read about stuff you find interesting. If you can't think of anything, you haven;t tried hard enough. Think of 5-10 things that make you happy, or you feel are interesting. Then Go read about them on wikipedia, and after that, consult /lit/ or appropriate boards for more reading material on those subjects.


>Complex carbs
>Rice and white potatoes

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just last week i tried no shampooing for the first time. got a thick jewfro and was told sometimes shampoo can make that hair worse.

>go 2 days without shampooing
>hair even thicker than normal, dirty, greasy, musty smell
>can't stand it

>people find out that i'm an only child and they say "wow you're an only child? omg that makes perfect sense, that explains everything about you, it all makes sense now"

how am i supposed to self improve this

take it up with clerisy, not me

This ties into reading subjects, if you find something you are interested in, like drawing or woodworking or music or cars, you can find ways to do stuff that will produce or "create" within those realms. I find a lot of people don;t have purpose these days because they are consumers. The human brain is naturally inventive, you have a desire to work with your hands, and the best way to synthesize those two things is to make stuff. So,fucking make stuff that you think is cool. Could be lyrics or guitar riffs, drawing or painting, sculpting, fixing cars, coding or building a computer, fucking anything. As long as you get enjoyment out of it, it's fucking game.

Now, I want you top list 10 THINGS that you find interesting or cool.

I hate my internet addiction.
I don't want to spend all those hours on the computer aaaaaaargh

I want a normal life, friends, a family of my own, a stable job but I don't have any of that.

There are add one for that. Limits how much time you actually spend at whatever websites you frequent.

This is just your body getting used to not being shampoo'd constantly. It will reach equilibrium soon, do you think prehistoric humans needed shampoo to not have greasy hair? No! I only shampoo once a week and my hair only starts getting kinda greasy on the day I shampoo. Your body is "adapted" to being constantly "cleaned", it's not natural, threw off your natural equilibrium for body oils, it basically needs to reset.

This probably applies to you too

Whoops, for

This shit right here
Especially finding hobbies that can be worked well into group activites such as shop. It opens up alot of opportunities to interact and socialize with other people that are invested into said hobby which in my experiance helps build confidence and a sense of belonging and purpose. Humans are naturaly social creatures and isolating your self can often lead to detrimental thoughts. I mean I play fucking D&D and that literally nothing but a practice in socializing.

for starting with skateboarding I recommend searching for a skateboard on a second-hand store. I payed just 6$ for my first one and it lasted me years.

Every ones scalp produces more or less oils depending on their genetics and how much you need to shampoo can depend on even your hair style. Theres no one size fits all solution. You will have to figure out what works best for your head. I personaly shave my head so I dont really need to shampoo that often maybe once a week

Non-extended hiking is the only thing I can really think of. Or slacklining. You could even do that rock-balancing thing near rivers if you're bored enough. You could always try parkour if you live in a city.

With any hobby though, you must realize, you have to start out small, you don't dive into it with all of the equipment and none of the wisdom to use it. So, if you want to camp and stuff, start with day hiking and work your way up as you save money and can buy equipment.

>Rock balancing thing
What is that?

I only suggest it because it's free and /out/.

google.com/search?q=rock balancing&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS708US708&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiuk7DY7fHaAhVBnFkKHdotCIMQ_AUICigB&biw=1440&bih=805

>Now, I want you top list 10 THINGS that you find interesting or cool.

ahhhh uhhhhh uhhhhh i cant

i do have some things i enjoy doing, but they arent very conducive to having friends. i enjoy riding my bicycle but i dont do any super long rides or anything like that. i referee soccer and enjoy doing that. but yeah most of my life is watching sports and watching television shows. i dont really have any hobbies because ive never really had friends to do stuff with. i enjoy hiking but even this hiking activity i went on yesterday with coworkers i barely even got invited (i think they only invited me because i was in the room when they planned it and they didnt want to be completely rude leaving me out)

>This negative thinking wil be the death of you, for reals. You need to pull yourself together and realize that you CAN make your life awesome if you just try.

i dont understand what you mean by "negative thinking". its not negative thinking, it's literally just my life typed out. and its hard to not have negative thinking when it acts itself out right in front of your eyes. how the fuck would your thinking be if you go on a social activity with some people (people who think so little of you that they dont even want to have your phone number even after working with them for a year, yet they have their own group chat with each other) and they want a photo to commemorate the activity and literally don't even ask you to be in that photo and instead want YOU to be the one taking the photo of THEM. i hate social media and photos and all that, but even for an autist like me, the fact they dont even try to include me makes me realize how worthless it is

>no shampooers with hair that is absolutely CAKED in bacteria

what other area of your body do you NEVER WASH?

Does anyone have any advice for effective studying, and getting into the habbit of regularly studying? I find it difficult to study when I get carried away with shitposting.

Also, when I jelq, would it be beneficial to jelq my balls as well as my dick for balancing purposes, or do I just jelq my dick?

I have been taking cold showers and only using conditioner every other day. My hair feels amazing.

>ahhhh uhhhhh uhhhhh i cant

You're not trying hard enough, you got 3 or so:

>riding you bike

Try again. No matter how "little" you think you are interested in it, type out 6 more things you are interested in. This is an exercise, because my suggestion is that if you enbd up practicing with or spending time doing all 10, you eventually narrow your interests and focus on the top 2 or 3, which you will be able top spend your free time on and maybe even be able to bring a career or at least a job out of. This brings me to my next point:

> i dont really have any hobbies because ive never really had friends to do stuff with.

Hobbies aren't FOR meeting or doing things with people, it's for doing things FOR yourself that you LOVE. Once you get good enough at and into an activity or hobby enough, you will gain colleagues and peers who you WILL be able to work in, though you may have to seek them out in related discords, boards, or irl events. You have to give a shit man.

>i dont understand what you mean by "negative thinking". its not negative thinking, it's literally just my life typed out. and its hard to not have negative thinking when it acts itself out right in front of your eyes.

Life is tough man. For everyone. You have to have a positive outlook on life, and the world around you, and you will become more compassionate, honorable, brave, and more calm and less anxious. Believe in yourself man, and your self will follow. You just have to fucking DO IT.

So, try again, type out 6 more things you are interested in or find cool or make you happy, and research them. Wikis, books, literature, movies and youtube lectures, etc. Then actually get involved with them. Over time you will gravitate towards the things that make you the most happy, which at that point you should be able to continue pursuing with passion and happiness in your heart. You got this user. YOU CAN DO IT!

Really read all my posts again.

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Went from H&S and other shampoo brands to an organic one 2 years ago and quite quickly I stopped having dandruff and shit hair. Just recently gotten into cold showering.

I shop at lush for my hair and body products it works wonders for me

I am not that user, but I must say thank you for writing that and caring about random anons. In the end the stuff you write applies to everyone. It's such a great sight to see someone actually motivate and encourage people on this site full of degeneracy and whining.

Thank you. You should probably make a tl;dr for every thread as I feel that you will retype this framework for many different individual cases.

What do you mean by failure? Like in an abstract sense, e.g. "I will never be as good as other programmers, no matter how hard I try", or a concrete sense, like "oh shit I don't wanna start studying because then I'm gonna have to look at that hard concept I failed to understand yesterday"?

Do you wash your hair every 1-2 days? I used to do that when I was 13 for some weird reason, but it just fucked up my scalp so my hair would become unbearably greasy on the second day. I realized that this is not normal and it didn't use to be like this so I decided to only wash my hair every 3+ days from then on (it was in the summer and I was a shutin so I didn't have to worry about the social repercussions of walking around with greasy hair), and my hair fixed itself within a few weeks.

My weekend was good, relaxed, gonna do some real good shit next week for work and my art interests, might go draw or read some of Dune now, my cut seems to be actually working AND doable since I added ~400 cals to it, I guess I was cutting WAY too hard and it was killing my metabolism, I was hungry all the time, and because I would binge often I was actually not just stalling for like a whole year but ADDING weight. Now it seems to be under control. If anyone is having similar problems, I would recheck your TDEE calculations online, and even then, advise you to calculate it yourself to find your actual TDEE. I did it like this:

[70] lbs lost / [52] weeks
=1.3 lbs per week
[1.3] lbs per week x 3500 calories per lb
=4711 calories lost per week
[4711] calories per week / 7 days per week
=673 calories lost per day + [1500-1700] calories eaten per day (an estimate of how much i honestly ate on average per day)
=2173-2373 cals per day TDEE

So, now I know a -500 TDEE cut isn't 1500, its 1700-1900. Fuck year.

Figured out that equation all by myself too, and I hate math. Go figure.


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You can't make your parents travel back in time and squirt out a little brother for you, so nothing.

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Cold shower every day. Just don't shampoo every day. A little bit of oil in your hair is fine. Your body will settle into less oil production once you aren't fucking your hair with unnatural shit every day.

I personally shampoo and condition once every three or four days. Hair feels great, people compliment it, no real adverse effects.

I also use Dr. Ligett's shampoo bars, which utilize natural oils, not plastic microbeads and sulfates (which dry out your hair in the longterm).

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>tfw i had a NYR about joining a muay thai/kickboxing on top of me going to the gym
>its almost June and i still havent done it
>my writing and drawing has basically died
>wanted to learn some Unity or basic programming but i didnt do even a single step in that direction
>already over 30

Fucking hate myself.

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Me and my girlfriend were really high and went back to my house and we both really wanted to fuck, so we went to my room and we looked at each other and started making out and one thing led to another and we fucked

desu I'm really pretty vanilla, the freakiest I get is choking

#5 Absolutely, I cant shake wanting to beat my meat

It's been a long time since I've been on Jow Forums, lads. I used to lift, and I enjoyed it, but then I stopped because I am a faggot, and then my diet and lifestyle went to absolute shit and now I drink a fuckton of Dr Pepper every day and smoke a bunch of tobacco every day as well. Good news is, I have literally zero money in my bank account until Friday, and I have no more tobacco and no more Dr Pepper, and no means to purchase more. The withdrawals are going to suck, but luckily I have a few days off, and I've exercised decent willpower before, but that doesn't mean it's not still a struggle. Dunno why I felt the need to post this at 3 fuckin AM (stuck at work and bored, really) but it does feel nice to put it out there I suppose. Best to all of you, anons. We're gonna make it.

based .u too user

I'm in a similar situation. Feeling great after like a month of getting my shit together. Get your diet in order. It was a huge mistake I made before that I'm not going to make again. It has really helped.

Jow Forums is pretty much the same after I came back. Same amount of manlet threads and gf desperation threads but more mewing and fasting.


Fuck it. Roll.

What does your diet look like now? Any recommendations?

Not the user you replied to btw

>most memorable sexual encounter
One day that i had to leave my gf house in the morning but we stayed in bed to like 16:00 fucking lile mad..
That was nice.

Also posted in qtddtot, but got just one reply :c

I hit a plateau when cutting and need your expertise.

Been consistently dropping 1kg per week AND increasing my numbers (actually, it's more of 'returning to my previous bests' rather than new PR's). Went from 77kg to 73kg in a month. Would need 3 more kg down and then I can slow bulk.

I ate 1200 kcal for the past 3 days and still no weight loss damn it. I'm 177cm, for reference.

What am I doing wrong? I run, I ride my bike, do judo and swimming and a 3-day gym regimen all while autistically tracking macros. Halp.

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Not really a star in self-improvement or self-discipline but I did achieve 7 days without red bull today.

Tomorrow will mark day 7 without soda.
I woke up today without an headache so that is good, I still feel like shit but I stopped craving energy drinks(drank 2 a day).

Also I'm almost on a 100 day streak on duolingo but I feel I'm at a dead end with learning Spanish.

/SIG/ how do you stop hating yourself ?
How do you stop yourself from seeing everybody as some incredibly skilled and talented and strong human being while downplaying any achievement made by myself ?
How do you stop yourself from self-roasting anytime someone pays you c a compliment ?
Its fucking killing me...

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Weight lost from one day to the next typically isn't accurate. Your weight will fluctuate throughout the day as you eat, drink, shit, and sweat. Keep your calories the same, and keep weighing every day. Give it at least a week of no change before getting worried.

this as long as you consume less calories than you expend you will lose weight
physics doesn't lie

hold the fucking phone. I recognize that gym. I go to the same uni

You have made criticising yourself habitual. The wires in your brain are all pointing towards self-hatred. Rewiring your brain will require constant effort to reinforce positive thoughts with logical reasoning. You should be proud of your achievements. You are stronger than some people and talented at some things. When someone gives you a compliment, it must be because they really mean it, or why would they say it?

Try cognitive behavioural therapy, talking this shit out with someone forces you to confront it

It is a pretty good uni. Did you guys make academic gains as well?

>tfw you just lock yourself up in your dorm all day and only leave for gains

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This may be silly to you, so feel free to ignore it if you feel that way. I have a good friend who transformed his life from being an underachieving overweight beta to a successful entrepreneur Chad. He had something that he called his "book of achievements" (loosely translated) and it was essentially an album full of "diary-like" entries or pictures, etc., really just anything that could serve as a reminder for his accomplishments and just generally things he was proud of. He said to me that even if you have already made such a transformation, there are often times when you can have self-doubts or feel like the underachiever you once were. This is when he would go through his book and remind himself that there are in fact many things he can be proud of and that he has managed to overcome lots of hardships and obstacles on his way to improving himself.

In short, keep reminders of your achievements and use them to refresh your memory every now and then.

As for the other things you have mentioned: You can train yourself to control negative thoughts, however I would advise you to google that, as I won't be of much help in that regard. Also, maybe morning affirmations are your thing, won't hurt to try it out.

Weightloss plateau guy here. It's a webm I got off here, would've loved to meet up with some Jow Forumsizens

Ive been to therapy ( for adult children from alcoholic families ) already because believe it or not it used to be a looot worse.
Even when i read you i got to roast myself that i have no achievements worth a shit etc.
I mean i have no idea what should i consider achievement and what is trivial bullshit that only retard would be happy about..
Do the fact that i dont drink alcohol and dont do drugs count ? Never cheated on anyone ? Does it even count when you literally had 3 short lived relationship and no opportunity to cheat on anyone because of my looks and character ? Or this no drug/alcohol thing - does it count when both of your parents were drunks or is it expected and only sane that i dont drink and there is nothing to fap about ?

As for self roasting - its often quicker than i can conciously stop myself. I sometimes even know how stupid it is to say shit like that about myself but i literally cannot open my mouth to say anything else because it feels weird....

That achievement diary sounds like a nice idea tho.

What I notice is that you constantly seem to compare yourself with others. We all have different life situations and challenges and some of us were dealt worse cards than others. What may have been an insignificant thing to other people could have been a huge challenge to you, given your specific circumstances, so you have any right to be proud of mastering it. It's an entirely subjective thing and whether other people consider something you did an achievement or not does not matter one bit. When I was young I had lots of trouble in school. I got suspended, kicked out, went to a new school, dropped out.. I fucked up hard, but eventually got my shit together and finished school. Now just finishing school is not exactly something to brag with, especially because I didn't have good grades either, but given the situation I was in, it was the best possible outcome. I can be proud of it, because I have learned from mistakes and managed to choose the right path and stick to it. All of the things you have mentioned are achievements and the only thing that matters is how you feel about them, not how you think other people might feel about them.

I put something off that I should have done today.

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>only retard would be happy about
This is an example of unhelpful thoughts that you learn about in CBT. It doesn't matter if it's true or not, the truth is subjective. It's unhelpful. What does it matter what a retard would be happy about? You're obviously not mentally retarded.

If you feel happy about something, be happy. It's no use comparing yourself to other people, it has to come from within yourself.

Just started trying to learn maths properly. Even though I have a chemistry degree, I have never really tried to understand maths, I would just rote memorise the stuff I had to for exams. The hardest part is accepting that you have to go back and properly understand basic high school algebra and trig, but hopefully learning logic, set theory and proofs might help me pick it up quicker.

>pic related, oddly inspirational book that applies to more areas in life than just maths

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Ok that retard part was just a figure of speech.
What i meant is that im never sure if its a legit achievement ( as in something i strived for and overcome through discipline, habit and mettle ) or something basic, something that no sane person would consider an achievement.
Like that no cheating thing.
It feels, to me, like sayin " i never shot anyone " when i never held a gun in my hand or " i never killed anyone drunk driving " when i have no car.. Nothing to fap about.

>You're obviously not mentally retarded
Sometimes i doubt that..
>tfw i spend hours researching FAS and the posibility that i might have it

But isnt that the point ?
Its nice this whole "you are the only one you need to compare yourself to" but at the end of the day im still a guy who thinks not getting drunk is some worthy achievement while other guys are climbing the mountains, getting threesomes, earning shitload of cash or something equally awesome..
Feels like something akin to "mommy always thinks her son is the most handsome men around even if he is hunchback crosseyed manlet..

I dont know anymore...

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Bro just get jacked as fuck. At least people will be attracted to your body. No matter how ugly you are

Moving to the country as soon as finances allow.

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My only obstacle is myself. My only goal is to get stronger.
Bought quality food, gonna start really taking my diet seriously. Mornings still kill me. Getting myself up and moving is more challenging than anything.
>tfw went from skellymode to fit in a year, loving it and not wanting to quit

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Axe throwing is fun. Price of a hatchet and some wooden boards for targets.

Had these exact thoughts and picked up skateboarding. Super fun and endless skill ceiling. Do whatever you can to get your hands on a board, just not a Walmart one. /out/ wise hiking is super cheap, you don’t need to do day long trails start with some hour long ones and wear what comfortable. You can splurge on some official gear once you get into it more

Watch the videos in the OP

(Maybe not the right general but fuck it)

I hurt my back severly two months ago so I've just been running since then, but I wanted to get back into strength training because mfw weak.

I used the Greyskull LP as a basetemplate before and now I can finally do barbell rows, chin ups and squats without pain, but I am unable to do deadlifts, brench press and overhead press.

So my question is, since there are "only 3" things I am doing, can I exercise each day? Been fucking awful sitting on my ass and running all the time.

I think i will have to.
Time to change my dumb ass because shit i did until now hardly works.

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rolling this new age shit.

'Nother roll.

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Nope. Im on NoFap, rolling another one.


lel skycoin antenna? Did you make this post? Also Mirin, where are you going?

championspress.org is pretty awesome

>jeff pls go
fucking kek


Maybe you should start shilling AFTER there's any actual content.

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Do you floss user?

That is what I ask whenever someone comes to me for advice on how to get into shape or just improve themselves in general. Do you floss? Do you floss daily? I'm not a dentist who has a massive hardon for flossing, asking that question is simply the best way to determine if someone is worth putting effort into helping them become a better person.
If they tell me that, yes, they do floss daily, then I know they have some self control and I can give them real advice. If they tell me that they don't floss, I tell them the proven health benefits of flossing which everyone already knows, and then tell them to start flossing daily and then I'll give them more advice the next time I see them
The vast majority of the time, when I see them next and I ask them if they floss now, they give an embarrassed laugh and quote some stupid bullshit tired joke about bleeding gums or something as they tell me that they still don't floss.
If you are unable to keep a habit up for a month, that takes 2 minutes a day to do, requires no physical or mental exertion AND that has countless proven benefits, then how the hell are you going to go for a run every morning? How are you going to stop watching porn? How are you going to mediate for 20 minutes every day? How are you going to stop being weak?
The only reason that anyone doesn't floss isn't because they forget, its because they just don't feel like it. The fact that you don't have the innate discipline to even fucking floss your teeth makes you an NPC, a bugman, a basedboy, a beta, a loser, whatever you want to call the hollow husks that make up the majority of the human population that spend their lives doing nothing but consuming.
I hope your better than that

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I can't floss because the dentist jew put a retainer behind my teeth

I'm actually in the same boat, but I've managed to "floss" my retained-bottom-row before using those plastic floss picks. I don;t floss erry day but it's still good to do erry once and a while.

Also lol

>The fact that you don't have the innate discipline to even fucking floss your teeth makes you an NPC, a bugman, a basedboy, a beta, a loser, whatever you want to call the hollow husks that make up the majority of the human population that spend their lives doing nothing but consuming.
>I hope your better than that

LMAO confirmed ngmi. Have some honor and respect for your fellow man. Plus, you trollin?