Anyone else on here got a follow request from this girl? She sent one shortly after following cadaverqt and apparently browses/posts here. Thoughts?
Anyone else on here got a follow request from this girl...
Other urls found in this thread:
o shit thats me
nasty digusting bitch delete ur account
Jk what's up?
What's with that scat website she's linking to in her profile description?
y-you too user!!
not much, should be studying but i keep getting distracted, how about you?
Anonymous website for asking people questions.
Trying too hard to copy Muffy and be a "pure waifu". Also when she first posted her Instagram here it had close up shots of her thighs and bondage gear on it, so don't believe this facade of being pure she's going for.
I'm on summer break fortunately so just relaxing.
Muffy; right. Forgot her name. You've been following cheeki for a while?
you are cute cute cute cute cute
y-you added me too and it made me happy cause you're cuuuute
i dont think i ever had bondage gear on my account! if youre referring to my chokers, then i wear them out for outfits, its not a kink for me!
No I just remember her shilling herself in a waifu thread.
thank you so much anons!! you're really making my day!
i remember that too! got banned for it for 24 hours, not a good time.
/soc/ attention whore. avoid these girls like the plague.
Underage af apparently
>just blindly accepting the notion that she just happen to be browsing the exact moment a thread about her got made
>not even trying to ask for proof
you guys are fucking stupid, you're talking to a dude
i dont see anything wrong with posting pictures myself, user! im sorry you feel this way!
Stop typing like a retard. This act is so forced.
if you need proof feel free to DM me! i browse a whole lot
She is a dumb bitch who probably suffers from bpd and has nudes out there.
i like to call everyone cute though. especially boys.
im not really sure what you mean. if you want me to break down and start calling everyone names, thats not really my jig, sorry.
Seriously, take note of all of the orbited girls that actually post here. Sunny, Ciara, Oxy, Natalie... All are huge BPD sluts. Jow Forums is a red flag, especially trying to gain orbiters like this.
With no proof of course.
>implying i use normiegram or whatever the fuck website that is
at least post your boibutt you sick faggot.
I noticed this too. She copies Muffy's answers and also commented that she wishes she was her on her most recent picture.
Sent a question on curioscat.
i second this. if you are a boy please post your cute boy butt
I'd blow a BIG fucking load on that little face
Dead thread probably but it was really her.
i do like muffy a lot, ill admit, but not really sure what you mean by copying her answers.
Why are most of your pictures 1 day old?What are you hiding?
Read the thread posted above. She admitted to deleting all of her suggestive pictures in favor of "pure" ones in order to fish for orbiters.
i asked you something, you better answer
chokers aren't bondage shit retard
Posting close ups of your legs is slutty, and the photo of the "chokers" was a bunch of bondage gear and harnesses laid out on a table. The fact that she is posting on this board and actively searching for orbiters should tell you that she is being deceptive.
you dont even play stalker do you, you fucking normie
there wasnt any harnesss. at all.
please show me where exactly?
i dont own a harness or any bondage gear.
i took down most of my pictures because i dont like how i look in them after a few days. so i keep constantly deleting them.
wow how much of a prude are you to think legs are slutty? I'm pretty sure there was no harnesses or bondage gear at all but okay
answer my question on curious cat pls
lol why are russian bitches on IG so slutty and desperate for followers/attention? i remember when i used to use ig a lot there were like 20 russian ig whores would DMed me for sexting
It wasn't just legs it was close ups of her wearing thigh highs without pants.
i was wearing skirt. i wasnt butt naked with socks on, not sure what you mean.
>what should i do then? should i delete the thigh pictures and fill it up with more pure stuff?
bpd slut confirmed
cute thigh highs and skirts are slutty now?
im not sure why you have a problem with me dressing how i want to, but if it really bothers you ill stop!
i you take a picture and post it online, yes
>posting a photo of literally just a close up of your thighs and almost crotch showing isn't slutty
Are you even Russian?
Cool, dodge the entire point of the quote. The fact is that you're putting on an act of being a "cute pure waifu" when in reality you're just another whore. No "pure" girl would be on this website looking for attention. You will be the next leaked nude slut here.
>i you take a picture and post it online, yes
But if you don't post it online, it suddenly is okay?
I fail to see how it's slutty there's other shit that's way worse but thigh highs and a skirt trigger you?
im not here to looking for attention, user. im here to shit post and have something to do. i dont go out really. i just like being here just to be here. ive been here for months before i ever showed myself and ill continue to be here, because even though people dont feel kind towards me, i still like being here.
i am!
>i don't see how assault is bad, there's way worse crimes you could commit
its the fact that she took a picture of her thighs and put it online where guys go to jack off
This. The photo wasn't even of her outfit, it was literally a photo zoomed in on JUST her thighs.
i asked you how many cocks you've taken and you are yet to answer. what gives?
"Put it online for guys to jack off"
Retard, you do realize you could say that shit about anything and it wouldn't make sense.
'That woman shouldn't have posted a picture of her feet online! Now I can jack off to it!'
how could you even compare the two? they are nothing alike? one is a crime and the other was just a cute pic? maybe you just like attacking any "roastie" you come across
my point was just because you didn't do the worst thing possible, doesn't mean you did something okay.
yes. social media shouldn't exist. its designed to dehumanize women and get them to post pics for guys to jack off to.
I'm not sure which one of your statements is more autistic.
>you're autistic
and you aren't making an argument
mmm you're that kinda guy aren't you?
He's making a conclusion which is basically the same thing because it has implications
explain to me how posting arousing pics on the internet for everyone to see is not slutty
i am not autist
is this kimchi? ive seen a few people say shes boring, but she seems nice from what ive seen. i wanna meet her
yeah, thats me! if you ever want to talk to me, you can! i tend to be boring because im no good at continuing conversations.
pls inform us how many cocks you've taken, bitch whore.
it's not even SLUTTY it's just thigh highs HOLY SHIT are you that disconnected with a girl that anything they do is slutty to you?
shut the FUCK UP
pretty sure shes 14 or 15, 100% jail bait
You really wanna ask some girl that looks like she's 12 how much cocks she's taken?
i think i have your discord, ill probably message you on there sometime.
posting a pic of your thighs inspires lust in men. it is slutty and immoral.
you get mad at me when i ask her how many cocks she's taken, but not at her when she posts immoral smut for all to see? white knighthood is a disease
So is pedophilia.
yes, it is of much importance...
of course it is, how the fuck would it not be? are you implicating implications?
i've deleted a lot of people since the last thread made about me, but feel free to drop your name and ill add!
i think u r the only one with my dicpic
ill randomly remember this fact sometimes and get scared that its somewhere out there
i meant i know the name, i havent added you or anything yet.
thats what you get you sick degenerate. keep your dick in your pants where it belongs
i changed my name recently on discord, but if you want the new one just DM me on instagram. speaking of which, im going to head off. i hope all of you anons sleep well! take care of yourselves! i love you all.
i dont think she hates me so dont see a reason they would get spread its just a spooky feeling
how do u know it wasnt a pic from inside the pants still user
how many have you taken faggot?
this is her discord she is just a piety alt though
more than you faggot
This thread is fucking tragic
Yeah this was a mistake sorry.
Don't you faggots have better shit to do then try and dox some kid?
in what ways? butt
How old is this cutie hehehe
pretty sure she's 14
thats fucking disturbing. God should really fucking kill us all already
Just the absolute state of some cunts with 0 self awareness and obsessing over girls they found on the internet while fuming about roasties in another tab
I hate this board do much. Why can't you faggots go a day without getting off on harassing some 14 year old girl?