>customer service on the phone calls me "ma'am"
Any other robots know this emasculating feel.
>customer service on the phone calls me "ma'am"
Any other robots know this emasculating feel.
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>Any other robots know this emasculating feel.
No ma'am.
Yeah, when I was 8...
every single time
if anything it seems to be getting worse with age
Post voice. Do you look fem too?
>tfw customer service on the phone calls me "sir"
My dad as an old man developed a high pitched tone and some guy on the customer service kept calling him maam despite his many corrections until he blew a gasket and told him that if he called him maam one more time he was gonna show up there in person to show him what a man looks like. Funniest thing is he said this shit in his high pitched old man voice.
They probably thought your dad was trans and refused to comply
I don't look fem, but I'm 24 and people still ask me what grade I'm in.
You can train your voice to be lower, fagboi.
I feel this feel, I made a thread about this a few weeks ago
>Hello ma'am
>Have a nice night ma'am
Also to add on to this, sometimes I get called ma'am irl as well
>In Sears
>Some guy walks up behind me
>Asks where he can find the perfume
>Sees my face
>Says "oh, sorry..."
>Walking around this cathedral on vacation touring it
>Some lady walks up behind me
>Ma'am, we're closing soon
>I said "sorry sir" when she was clearly a woman
>work a job where I have to regularly interact with customers either in person or over the phone
>answer and rattle of the usual greeting/how can I help/etc.
>voice on the other end is incredibly androgynous and could very very easily go either way
A lot of times I'll default to ma'am because I feel like women are more likely to pitch a fit, especially if it's a tranny though I usually don't have to worry about this because of where I live plus most guys that sound like that are too effeminate to argue/complain. The very few that do, I just apologize and blame the phone being an older phone.
Masculine looking guy with a soft voice is really hot. I like the juxtaposition between the 2.
I feel you about the age thing. I'm 26 and just got asked to today if I was over 18.
>plus most guys that sound like that are too effeminate to argue/complain
vocaroo that shit right now nigga
I mean, it's true. A lot will just rationalize it away, or are used to it.
>most guys that sound like that are too effeminate to argue/complain.
kek fucking sissies
>taking my little sister to the concession stand at a ball game
>tell her what you want, sis
>it was a guy with long hair
fuck, this too, but only old people
they're also just about the only ones that confuse me for a girl face-to-face
my hair grew out a couple months ago and it was a fucking pain, every day "thank you ma'am", "be careful sweetie", "sorry honey"
I know that feel, people have straight up told me I look 16 even though I'm 21. I don't think I'll start looking older anytime soon, since I still look nearly identical to how I have looked for quite a few years.
>correct them
>they keep on calling you ma'am
>correct them again
>no change
Not OP but here you go.
this i wanna hear.
not that guy but I've considered it, and maybe I'm insecure or something, but I wouldn't put my voice out there like that unless I'm fairly certain there isn't going to be some guy jacking off to it
Hmm, I don't see how they mistook you for a female. Sure it's not exactly manly sounding, but I could at least easily tell that it came from a male.
sounds pretty feminine.
i know that feel. can understand that.
You shouldn't care so much. People will fap to anything. Someone is probably fapping to your insecurity right now.
>"actually I'm not a woman"
>"sorry ma'am"
Guy on discord call me "Boy" and think I was some 14 old male. I'm actually 23 and female. Low-pitch voice is terrible.
Here's mine
>>"actually I'm not a woman"
>>"sorry ma'am"
Holy shit
I instinctively raise my voice on the phone. It just gets weirdly high, and then I get off the phone and think, wow, why did I talk like that. Don't do it at all in normal conversation.
You sound like a (really!) cute boy, not a girl. Although maybe if you were talking to someone in a loud telemarketer sweatshop they could be confused.
>have a slight lisp
>'Sorry, can you repeat that'
>hang up
god why can't be normal.
Thanks for the laugh you saved my night
hi there girlie ;)
I get told I look 14, I'm 20
>tfw have stopped being ID'd even though I'm only 22
You're lucky, kid.
>tfw you stop being ID'd
I seem to get both 50/50, sometimes they use female sometime male
>have long hair
>on the school bathroom
>guy sees me from behind
>"hey, what is a girl doing here?"
Actually was one of the times I felt the best about my appearence, as I've always wanted to be androgynous but can't as I'm an ogre-faced abomination with a shitty endomorphy body type.
Fuck, I am so ugly.
you sound like a guy user, you have nothing to worry about.
ty nice user
you're welcome feel better
>tfw i used to have long hair and recularly get called mam by people that hadnt heard my voice.
>leaving gocery store
Goodbye mam
Buzzed my head and now i just look like an ogre
a guy that wants his boipussy filled ~
I have the opposite problem. My voice is so deep it's below a lot of people's hearing range
Post proof
His tripcode.....EXPLAIN
my bad :c you sound like a girl though try to do voice training to make it deeper.
How do people still not know about trip explorer?
I'm newfag plz explain. i ask nicely
This happens all the time to me. I let it happen though because I can at least pretend I'm a girl for a bit.
I actually come off aggressive over the phone because my anxiety gets so bad it's just how I come across in a voice to voice conversation
There's a problem called tripcode explorer (and others) that allows you to make a custom tripcode by generating a load of random trip codes until it finds the one you specify and gives you the password. As long as the trip you want is short it's very easy
Thank u so much. have a apu
I bet you've never seen a secure tripcode with the word Lewd in it. Ohhhh shiiitt how'd they do thattt???