What is the meaning of life

As an atheist I have come to the conclusion that one of two possible thoughts are correct:
> There is no objective meaning to life, the universe just is and we dance to it's music, molecules in motion more or less.
> the meaning of life is to pass on your genes

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What's the meaning of passing on your genes?

to die. originally so.

life, you dingus

None, that's why im leaninh towards my first point.
Meaning implies purpose of which there is none

To leave it a better place

>meaning of life outside of the context of life itself
brainlet thoughts. if you need someone to give you "objective" meaning, literally just walk into a church.

While there may not be any meaning in passing on your genes, that doesn't mean that passing on your genes isn't the meaning of life.
The meaning of life doesn't need to have universal importance, every motivation is rooted in reproducing at it's most basic level, so that makes reproduction the meaning of life.

did you just watch the matrix for the first time?

There is no essential meaning to life if the meaning of life is to pass on your genes and passing on your genes has no meaning.

This topic was never discussed in the matrix. The matrix focused on the fundamental nature of reality, contemplating what is real or not

you are literally quoting the matrix here and you are having what is known as baby's first existential crisis

existentialism to the hilt leads to nihilism or solipsism, both of which are stupid.

but there is if you think about it.

By asking you have created meaning in life

how so?

How are they stupid? Because you don't like them?

Its high school freshman's first existential crisis.
The meaning of life is whatever the fuck you decide it to be. You will always lack meaning if you seek to validate yourself externally.

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Mmm, meh, subjective meaning just means make up a meaning. May aswell "make up" a god and be religious if I'm trying to delude myself

not him but both are just arguments for arguments sake. they filter out all complexity and don't really apply to anything in life.

Just because you made it up doesn't mean you are deluding yourself. Imagine being such an utterly pathetic person that you are incapable of imparting your own meaning onto the world around you. Put down the Dawkins and read some Sartre.

considering how little control we generally have over reality, there must be at least one thing that exists outside yourself that is dictating or composed of the rules of reality. It could be like a dream that you've lost control over- but even that implies a division within the self.

Even if I wanted to invent a meaning, what would it be? Maybe if I was someone like stephen hawking, or martin luther king, seeking and aiming at a purposeful goal, then that might he good enough. If I was albert einstein trying to unravel the reality of the world then yeah, that's a good subjective meaning. Hell, even if I was a doctor helping the sick that's fairly puposeful. Alas i do none of those things, im just some user

>there must be at least one thing that exists outside yourself that is dictating or composed of the rules of reality.
maybe it's my subconscious creating things like rules of reality and what not, but oh wait that's inside of me...
hmm why would it create rules? I don't know it's my subconscious so it does what it wants, including determining what is my reality, either way it's inside of me, and so is everything right now that is my perception of "reality".
And it will all disappear to me when I'm gone.

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Comfort and enjoyment are good meanings.
On the other end there is accomplishment.

The impediments you place on yourself for not imparting personal value is also completely subjective. Get over yourself.
Lets suppose that God is 100% real and has designed the universe with an inbuilt system of objective morality. He has a plan for you and the universe's purpose for you is to enact his will.
What does this mean for you?
Not a damn thing unless you decide that it does. Despite all this, if God's objective purpose for you is to grow carrots, this has absolutely no bearing on you if you decide that your purpose is to grow cabbages. Your existence precedes your essence, and validation within yourself is far more essential than whatever external strictures may or may not exist.

>self and subconscious as separate entities under solopsism
replace subconscious with "universe" and you are just agreeing with him

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>implying my subconscious isn't part of me

I see your point, and I agree, I am an atheist, and even if a god did exist and create us even then I'm not sure if I would be content with meaning. A true meaning to me would be If I where a god. I know it sounds silly but it is what it is

that's what you implied, try again.

>implying my subconscious isn't part of me
my subconscious is part of my mind, which is me, there it's part of me and not separate from me.
Perhaps you misunderstood something.

Atheism is a retarded ideology. As a Christian, I fully support agnosticism as the most logical ideology. But atheism is pure arrogance and foolishness.

You say potato, I say potatoe.
Same crap, call me an agnostic then, I'm fine with both definitions...strictly speaking I am an agnostic because I can't prove god does not exist, but for all intensive practical purposes I am an atheist

a part of you that has an independent will that you don't understand? that's more buddhism than solopsism. you're still admitting that other realities may exist.

Atheism has utility (and I would argue that other religions, whether false or not, can have utility too, but of a different kind). Maintaining a critical outlook and choosing not to be influenced by whichever narratives come your way helps keep the mind clear and perceptions grounded.

I'm not atheist but I was at one point

there is no other reality other than my own.
sure the reality that seems to be real may not be mine entirely, I may not have complete control over it, but my subconscious created it and I exist in it, the subconscious is my mind (or at least part of it) which is me, thus I am the reality and it is only me.
What I sense, is my own creation, doesn't have to be voluntary, but it's still me, like a dream.
I may not be in full control of the reality and I may not understand it, but no one said it isn't outside of my mind and existence.
As long as I (and my mind along with subconscious) exist, it's there.
The moment I perish it doesn't, because it's still me.
It seems you still don't understand.

i guess the meaning of life as a whole is arguable the gene shit, but the meaning of your life is what you make of it