How can I get cardio in if I'm crippled...

How can I get cardio in if I'm crippled? Portions of bone in my knee are dead (literally) so I can't incorporate a lot of leg motions into my activity, this rules out swimming, running, jumping around, elliptical, etc.

If anyone is interested in bone death here you go feel free to take it for your band

Attached: femur.jpg (600x452, 37K)

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not a doctor but curling and ohping constantly should do pretty good

flail around in your chair til you get winded

Attached: that cat.jpg (237x251, 22K)

Constantly? Like a low weight for half an hour?


can you pick a thing off the ground

Row machine dawg

i can walk but if i had a wheel chair id just bomb around in it for an hour

what is OHPing? one handed pushups?

Can you swim with one of those noodle floats?

sounds intriguing but it looks like i'd have to bend my knees doing that

oh no buy a dumbbell are press it over your head, can you?

maybe once or twice but not long enough for cardio

this sounds pretty good ill let you know how that goes


Doesn't rule out swimming, rest your chest on a floating board.

Arm crank

thanks, goodluck man

Seated boxing bag cardio might work. Not as effective as normal boxing but it's still cardio. Do it HIIT style with a tabata timer for 20 minutes.

swimming can be done without using legs though
also you can try riding a wheel chair as cardio, there is this dude on my gym that he does half marathons on his wheelchair and he is pretty fast with it, he also rides it on the threadmil

thanks these are some great common sense solutions

For the swimming thing don't use a noodle, they make leg floats you clamp with your shins. Could probably do thighs instead.

Hey I asked my dad about your condition. He's a sports med doc. He said to gear up and go swimming. I'm not sure if you can even do much moving with your knee at all, but the floaty things don't sound like a bad idea.

curious, how do you get around without a wheel chair? Is it just one knee and you crutch around?

I had a surgery to correct the bone 6 years ago, my knee was weak but I could still walk, I just stayed away from any activity with even moderate impact like running.

A few days ago everything got much worse and my doctor just went on vacation for month, perfect timing.

thanks dad

I'm in a similar boat. I was diagnosed with AVN about 2 months ago after a year of hip pain and physical therapy.

Both of my femoral heads are dead and i've already got signs of collapse in one of the heads. (Basically a flat spot)

The gave me a NASID which has helped get me walking again, but I'm still only functioning at about 80%, but it's been about a year and a half since I was about to squat or dead lift. Running is also out.

At age 31, i'm looking at two total hip replacements in the next month or so.

Thankfully I'm able to go pretty hard on the bike without much pain so I'm losing weight again.

Have you looked at an arm bike?

Also, have you identified the cause? Mine was likely caused by a high dose of corticosteroids(Prednisone) I was given after an allergic reaction.

Have you discussed options like a knee replacement? I know the brochures are all filled with old fucks, but the outcomes for younger folks are excellent these days. I'll never do parkour, but I should be able to do many of the activities I used to enjoy after I recover.

>what is OHPing? one handed pushups?
what the fuck

You might want to consider looking into a handcycle, OP.

Great upper body gains would be made, too.

Attached: 8264G_large-01.jpg (600x384, 40K)

Wendler addressed that.
Do NOT use a weighted backpack as the weight will be entirely on your back and will destroy it, also forcing an unnatural motion and exploding your knees further, just ask any ex military.