Hey bant. Australian man here. How does one get a slavic/asian mixed gf? I know one of you have to know how.
Hey bant. Australian man here. How does one get a slavic/asian mixed gf? I know one of you have to know how
in asia
where did you get that pic of me
It's simple, my rough-and-tumble friend:
Just Be Yourself!
This is a pic of me, Ivan.
go to boratland and pay his dad two goats
you will have trouble finding one in australia
you miight have to venture into Belorussia, ukraine or snatch a war-waifu in moldova
find a Russian male and a Asian female and pay them to racemix. then all you have to do is wait 4 years
Kazakhstan, just say she will get Aussie citizenship if she marries you and boom, you got a wife (or gf if you don't actually marry her). I know one Kazakh-Russian, she is very attractive, like fit and muscular but thicc in the right places, and very strong traditional family values and looks like a perfect meld between a white person and a Asiatic/Turkic person.
Otherwise if you want a more Asian looking Slav mix, you need to head on over to northern and central China, Russia has 10 million less women than men, and China has 20 million more men than women and so Chinese males are heavily encouraged to take a Russian bride, and Chinese business men usually make more money than most Russians so it's a win-win for Russian women.
*Russia has 10 million [more] women than men*
messed that up
That usually means women are outliving men, and it's a bunch of old widowers.
In Russia's case it is actually a result of WW2 that is slowly fixing itself, about 15 million Russian/Soviet men died in WW2 and there was a massive deficit of men to women after the war that still hasn't fully balanced itself 3 generations later. 6 million of those extra Russian women are under 50.
In China's case, Chinese have extreme family values, and prefer to have a boy child rather than a girl due to these values. And so during the one-child policy era, Chinese families literally gave away or threw away (literally in dumpsters in some cases unfortunately) their baby girls so they could have a boy. This resulted in a gender imbalance 40 years later to get what they have today.
>In Russia's case it is actually a result of WW2 that is slowly fixing itself, about 15 million Russian/Soviet men died in WW2 and there was a massive deficit of men to women after the war that still hasn't fully balanced itself 3 generations later. 6 million of those extra Russian women are under 50.
Russian women have been birthing girls in disproportion to boys for three generations? Wow, fascinating.
Actually yes, even Putin himself has only 2 daughters and no sons.
i hear two things about chinese women
women who focus on their careers or go childless (leftover women)
or women who try to shoot for only really-wealthy men because of the men-to-women ratio, and are really picky
Yeah in China if you are an unmarried woman at age 29-30 you are labeled a left over woman and usually won't get many suitors after that age. Chinese society greatly favors being born a male. There's about 20 million more men than women in China now, but that's out of 1.38 billion ppl
why do you want a slav?
Because their accents and languages are really cute.
lad you are either going to have to move or buy one
Fuck you they’re ours, you can have the abos
is the slav girl meme true east eurobros?
>slavic/asian mixed gf
Just get a ruski
Actual advice, not a yoke: go to Kazakhstan