Do you think goth girls browse Jow Forums?
Do you think goth girls browse Jow Forums?
where did you get this one image of me
I want a cute goth girl to rub her smelly pale feet on me
Do you think Slavic/Asian mixed girls browse Jow Forums?
If they do they'll be fat unfortunately
t.russhit tranny
Are Goth Girls still around?
I thought the emos and hipsters were the new thing.
pretty sure its female
you mean like this?
smelly goth feets~
That's a dude
you would really fucking know if there was a girl on Jow Forums
succumb to the feetish pls
yes and they are underage too
I doubt
but if any goth girl is browsing here pls be my gf
why do I even try
Dudes dont have hips like that.
>3d feet
only way to tell is the feet
2d feet don't have that nice rose scent
that is a boy, he posted those pics in a trap subreddit
no feet
Yeah it's a dude
why do you hate feet
Not my thing sorry
what are you doing in a trap subreddit homo ?
bully racist anti footist
what are you doing here
1 million people use it there's bound to be a couple
someone posted in on Jow Forums
you wouldnt let these weak boney feet stand on you ?
Not at all, that's gross as fuck.
but she has cute feet
I guess so that's me
yes I would
they probably stink if it actually is a girl
girl feet always stink worse
maggy r u goth? Is that why your so skinny?
i like their music
Eww mongoloid goth
>attention sluts in dark makeup and torn cheap clothing
Seeing this being so prevelant is like watching vultures knash at the bones of an animal today, that rotted away, 20 years ago.
>Do you think Slavic/Asian mixed girls browse Jow Forums?
you're asking Jow Forums/r/banter about finding a particular type of mixed race woman.. get over yourself. you would be lucky to land one of these. go fuck a roadkill kangaroo.
>a fucking leaf
I'm not ausfalian
FOX News Alert: mutt gets an incidental (You) for context, gets confused and mad, 37 innocent bystanders reportedly shot.
A fucking LEAF
holt shit, I hate Canada now
what do you guys think of non-white goth girls?