Kill urself my man.
Kill urself my man
Other urls found in this thread:
t.gothic russhit tranny
thats not me and im not a gothic russhit tranny
all russhits are mongoloid gothic trannies
mfw a 56% creatura claims i am not white
post skin eyes and hair mongol
You first
Also posting your face on an anonymous vietnamese rice farming forum is quite a retarded thing to do
do this then
The "i'm whiter than you hur dur" thing is pure autism, yet I'm posting this nonetheless just because otherwise I'll lose this argument I guess. Also I seriously doubt the accuracy of this thing.
hispanic is part of the white race
trips of truth i win 100% white
actually retarded
Hispanic is part of the white race
What the fuck happened to the other 1%
Found you again
Can't argue with this
I'm actually not SP if that's what you imply
retarded Alpha dick eater