JF mocks Andy for his lack of Intelligence

>tfw someone suggest Andy has ever read a book
According to JF, the average audience member of Warski like is more intellectual than Andy. Great friend


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Someone should bring this up on the Kumite and go Jim.

Indeed. That would make for some lulzy drama

>I dont develop friendship. I use friends for temporary purposes

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so it looks like he won...

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He got angry that he couldn't finish his point against the christfag.
so he exploded and drunktexted andy

then he backpedaled and said "lol jk"
which was pathetic, he obviously meat it. what a horrible attempt at a spontaneous lie

Why? What does he have to gain at this point in time outright admitting he's a sociopath?

This e-celeb shit is not politics.

Yes it is

Soon after the STFU retard comment I predicted the show was over. The only question is how long they try to make it work before they finally quit. You can't show that much contempt for a low IQ person and then expect them not to react irrationally. The gap is to big, there is no way to bridge it for very long.

No it's not, it's gay youtube drama between failures.

No, it's not, you fucking leaf.
This has nothing to do with politics at all. This is /b/ tier shit at best.

Acting irrationally would be to frogive J "the rapist" F after constantly undermining you and belittling you then claiming it was just a joke.

They need each other. Andy is too dense on his own and JF is too dry on his own. JF is the brains and Andy is the everyman.

Andy had a moment of clarity and realized how much he had to lose and totally cucked. It was a sad thing to witness, a young man sell his respect for shekels that won't be coming as his show collapses around him. He doesn't know who his friends are, the retards on Kumite are his enemy and he has no idea. They are low IQ envious opportunists.


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>needing a guy who admits he doesn't have friends and just uses people who are disposable

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what in the absolute fuck is wrong with JF?
Either this is an elaborate 24ruse that Andy is in on or JF is gonna drag that nigger down into ditch nd leave him there strangled into retardation and full of insane kwibecky super jizz.

I have no clue. First he was saying how a psyops was trying to tear them apart and now he's just outright admitting he has no need for people who he cant use.

We need to push this to double murder suicide. There's no stopping this train.

Andy isn't the smartest but he's the most likeable honestly.

Force the kumite crew to address Luke Ford's interview with JF and you'll probably get the ball rolling again

>what in the absolute fuck is wrong with JF?
He literally has autism, I thought everyone was aware of that by now.

I wasn't aware autism involved confessing that you're a sociopath soon after denying the allegations made about your intentions and personality and trying to convince everyone you're an ally. That just seems like the behaviour of someone out of touch with reality.

We weren't sure how much further he'd push the envelope. Amazing there are people still defend him at this point. He could admit to child sex trafficking and you'd still see people call him papa JF.

Why are the anit-JF shills always leafs?

shut up andy go to sleep.

>That just seems like the behaviour of someone out of touch with reality.

Yeah, an autist. JF has no sense of personality.

He didn't mock him, he just made a statement of fact. He even said it's not a bad thing that Andy isn't cut out for the academic life.

Are you denying that JF said he doesn't develop friendships and just temporarily uses people?


Considering he literally said that, no. I just think it's funny that the obvious shills are all leafs.
>inb4 moralfagging

JF should never have gone on to talk to Luke Ford as Ford is a bit of a sociopath himself and takes delight in asking questions like 'what is it like to talk to someone with a 100 iq' after spending 20 minutes telling JF his iq must be 160 and he's a fucking genius. JF unfortunately took the bait.

If anyone isn't familiar with Luke Ford you should know a few things. He worked as a journalist and after converting to Judaism decided a good way to get noticed so he could write a book was to cover the porn industry, which he did for 12 years, while he was an orthodox jew. He also wrote about Hollywood and the 'gay mafia'. He is a 'sex and love' addict, hence all the bizarre and specific questioning about sex in this interview with JF. He is no friend to the alt right, he is merely covering it as a journalist and as a jew and will frequently profess to agree with an alt right stance to get the interviewee to open up, then oppose that stance on a different stream and quote the person out of context as evidence of their extreme positions. All this is on his website and on his youtube channel.

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I wasn't mad guys I was just joking :)

they need each other they should try to atleast be friends.

they need each other.
JF on his own is unbearable.

I wanna Sniff Brat ASS

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it's andy

Not now brat poster.

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that's fine but saying "andy I was kidding" was gay as fuck
fucking troll's remorse.
sperging because you can't finish your shitty point against the retarded christfag, he clearly has unwarranted self-importance and is sabotaging himself like he did with the autistic chick he wanted to marry


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Friends shit talk each other all the time. Grow a pair you fucking soyboy.

Nothing smart about hanging around moral nihilists that treat and toss out people like they're used condoms. Call it moral fagging if you want.

well would ya look at that.

Disagreed. Warski is unbearable

Its literally just destiny fans that make a thread, link it in the discord and they spam it. Thinking it will manufacture a consensus. They are beyond mad about JF btfo'ing dustony on race-realism.

That's a downsie though.

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JF admitted he doesn't have friends you sad cunt

i get having a thread when there's a big POLITICS-related debate, but this personal drama shit is not at all POLITICS

I like the guests... sometimes.... more blood sports go

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Why the fuck should I care? Make arguments against his ideology if you really want to take him down

Imagine being this fucking paranoid. Get lost, newfag, Jow Forums has always been a pro Destiny board. Take your retard-raping French kike back to leftypol.


JF is doing a hell of a job blowing himself out of the water and providing other the ammo against him.

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Your right. I’m driving to (((Los Angeles))) tomorrow and may possibly miss a thread or 2.

I’m off to personally kick Baked Alaska in the balls

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Why are you niggers so obsessed with JF? He just hosts talks between interesting people on some fucking youtube channel? You niggers really have a vendetta for some french canadian?

pol is always pro manlet

Godspeed, I will miss your autism

This. People think it's liberalismistismists, but I don't think they're petty enough to keep shilling this much.

A mentally incapacitated autistic girl that somehow drove across 5 states to fuck him and then drove herself back home.

haha great to see snowflakes triggered so much that they go out of their way to promote the show! Warski is the best thing on Youtube and apparently it's doing the job it set out to do which is causing the chemically castrated soyboys to create what they love most drama! here, hold the your catfish's tamps cuckie

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There was such a clear difference when the DesTiny shills went away for a bit, some of them are quite fun to argue with.

Its not every day you get to observe social dynamics play out between a sociopath and his fodder.

It's because a lot of his fans are radical leftists like tranny communists and shit who share a lot of the same chan humour the dissident right has.

>manlet militia
Want to break up JF and Andy

I heard he was autistic but I didn't realize he would incriminate himself in a live stream. That my banter friend is a murderer in wait, and Andy's neghole is just around the corner.

then why do blacks keep voting for democrats?

Calm yourself meme parrot. We're just highlighting what JF said publicly.

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why should ANDY trust ANYTHING you say
what have you done for him user

Thats the major question. Why would someone that intelligent incriminate himself soon after being on the defensive ?


you are a liar

Bring it on.

Meet me on Hollywood Blvd. Saturday afternoon. I’ll be waiting.

he never said that, cause you provided no proof but your lies just promote the show so good job moron

Kick that faggot twice for insulting Alaska and her people.

fuck you baked

he had a guy on his show the other night that said jews don't trust him, they just use him. the Hitler salute he did on tonight's show won't win him any more favors from the tribe that's for sure

What!? Can’t have a little fun with my fellow channers?

you're IQ equals your shoe size

JF is playing 4D Chess, forcing liberals, kikes, and kekistanis to advertise the show by shilling against him.

>you're IQ

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Wow you're so desperate to defend your e-daddy that you're in denial. He says it at the 9 minute mark.

I honestly don't understand though. Why is that morally wrong, and does it effect his arguments in any way?

>trips wasted on poor amerispeak

its called the oddball and the straightman

It seems like spergs are just shitstirring stuff about JF when all they had to do was watch his older videos. Its the equivalent of retards who knew nothing about Trump and only now pretend to care because he's in the limelight.
Garbage thirsty mental manchildren that are upset attention is being taken away from themself or content they want the limelight on.

You should bring up this JF development on the Kumite today. He outright said Andy is no friend and he's using him.

Almost like he is autistic or something. Oh wait. He is.

you're a cherry picking asshole, he doesn't hang out with anyone, but his family. He's not a social gay butterfly like you. He's a man, an alpha male, he's not a high school baby looking for acceptance from everyone like you soyboy

i, unironically, believe JF raped that retarded girl

You're too low IQ to grasp the context of the conversation around the 6min mark. He's not saying they aren't friends and he's using him. He treats friendships as temporary and contextual to begin with.
The friendship of Andy and JF starts and ends with bloodsports. Like having a work friend. You have no interest in doing anything with that person outside of work, but within work you enjoy their company.

you really sounds like a gossipy old bitch.be a fucking man, stop acting like a little girl. what are you a shemale?

>unironically running this level of damage control
He could rape and murder a baby in front of you and you would waste no time in performing the mental gymnastic needed to rationalize his actions.

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i bet jf was using that retarded girl as a temporary baby incubator and he wasn't interested in anything outside that relationship, as they would have nothing in common and she hasn't read any books

I could kill you with my bare hands kid. Unless we're going to have sex you can go bake an egg.

it's got to be all these boys raised by single moms. they have no idea what it is to be a man, they are all little girls filled with years and years of estrogen exposure.

it's so sad

>he had a guy on his show the other night that said jews don't trust him, they just use him.
Yeah I think he did get a bit rattled by that guy, he was intense.
It's tempting to think he's /oujew/ when he does stuff like a roman salute but at the end of the day he's been a jew for 25 years, lives in a jewish community, and all his friends are jews. He's even said he doesn't care if a lot of the beliefs aren't 'true' because as a whole it has helped him.

I'm just saying no one from the alt-right should go on his show thinking he's on our side, he's just an interested observer in a journalistic sense and likes the frisson of being challenged by beliefs that are the opposite to his own (he has also specifically said he likes to do that).

I thought the same after hearing his sdlf-centered outlook on life and values.