When is it okay to hit your daughter?

When is it okay to hit your daughter?
My daughter is 12 and i caught her trying to steal money from my wallet this morning. I gave her 2 rupees and she spat in my face. What should i do Jow Forums?

Attached: stock-photo-domestic-violence-abuse-and-people-concept-man-beating-helpless-scared-woman-with-belt-6 (450x320, 30K)

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beat her

Attached: r a e p.jpg (320x320, 16K)

Is it still OK to burn a widow in your country?


baby girl's never too old for a good spanking

Good question.

depends on which country ur in my pajeet fren. here in Aus mild smacking is permitted under a reasonable chastisement

Attached: 1522238723828.png (1200x1200, 307K)

spanking with underwear off

Force her to poo in an outhouse instead of in the street.

Human traffic her to someplace far, far away.

Spanking is fine

this is a pasta newfriends
holy crackers

Don't hit your daughter.


Hitting is ok as long as you use it just as a reinforcement method, your daughther needs to know why she is being.punished and the logic behind why what she did is wrong.....if you only hit her she will not.learn anything (it would be kinky thou)

Do this to her

Webm related

Attached: 1451821326774.webm (240x400, 179K)

Rape and murder her

I've raised 2 sons without hitting them and they're great kids. I hope that when you show up late for work, your boss slaps the living shit out of you, you know, so long as you understand why he's doing it.

Not every child will be good without proper punishment. You have two anecdotes. Don't pretend you now know how every child will grow up.

left right good night the little cunt

Attached: A FUCKING LEAF 16.png (720x700, 326K)

What a child become is about 80% education and 20% genetics, which anyways is 100 (You) : shit kids = shit parents

what the fuck does this even mean?

>american education

negative reinforcement never works and only breeds resentment and other psychological issues

literally psychology 101

it made sense up until
>which anyways is 100 (You)

dont beat her just dont feed her for a week that will teach her

he obviously meant 100% (You)

negative reinforcement isnt the same thing as punishment. try not to talk psychology and american education when you cant even get the definitions right


someone on my wifi said that, wasnt me

quads, do this nao

Not every child will be good as a result of a parent striking them. Don't pretend that you or anyone else in this thread, other than me, will ever have children.

>2 rupees
> 3 pennies
Kys jew

stick dickie in pussie

Why did you even have children.

this. and also shirt off