Hey Europoors, would you buy one of these?
Hand for scale.
Hey Europoors, would you buy one of these?
What are these?
Huge jugs with covers for $9.99 each. Your first fill of whatever soda you want is free.
no i would buy a 6-pack of pepsi instead
Based, economically smart, and pepsi pilled
Why would you have that much soda in a jug??????
That is insane
So basically an express ticket to beetus city.
You can fill this jug with 6 cans of Pepsi though, and it'll keep 'em cool for hours.
Hi Jiburi.
I think this is for construction workers. If I didn't already have a thermo water bottle, I'd buy this so I don't walk to the watercooler that often.
Howdy mate, how've ya been?
yea but 6 cans of pepsi at my local shop is around £3, and i can keep em cool in my fridge or freezer
it just seems unnecessary to me
I was sick a couple of days ago, but I'm fine now. Got less than an hour until work though.
What about you?
Yeah, I agree that it's a useless invention lol.
Nobody asked you.
glad to hear you're doing well,
my spring break will be over in a couple of days which is lame but I'm doing pretty good otherwise
yes i would
t . drink 2 litres of german soda every day
Aw. Oh well, that's great to hear. Hopefully whatever's left of college is kind to you.
I thought you Finns only drank energy drinks.
I buy energy drinks from the store but Germans sell cheap soda but energy drinks are still too expensive so I drink more soda
I do admit that European soda, specifically German ones, are good because they use real sugar.
In fact, it's kind of funny how our neighbors down south still use real sugar in their Pepsis while ours are all high fructose syrup bullshit. I prefer to consume those over regular pepsi.
>Texas lottery
It's a lottery in Texas, fella.