11th hour edition
post youre favorite pics of youre waifu, war with the norks incoming, due to joy's drama
11th hour edition
post youre favorite pics of youre waifu, war with the norks incoming, due to joy's drama
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Pretty dumb reason to not participate in a historical event dbh.
kpop fucking sucks
Comfy a best
I like whatever that hairstyle is called. And the colour was really nice, too.
Word. It really suited her.
Someone here called it drill hair once, I liked that.
>joy's drama
What happened?
She got another role in a new drama
She won't be going to Pyongyang because she's filming a drama.
Oh, I thought it was another kind of drama
At least she will be safe
Well, it is drama surrounding a drama.
This is pretty nice.
>stock market is down
>Still tune in to Cheddar
>Gayming news
What do the animals mean?
Evening, lads
Each LOONA member has assigned animal.
Olivia is wolf, Yves is swan, etc.
>discrimination of women in online gaming
What a load of horseshit.
>Olivia is wolf
Most genderpolitics are.
Teaser time again
Slug rocking that freemasonry sweater
that hair is catching on in korea
I hate this modern feminism. Wasting time and money on useless shit, meanwhile half of the world still treats women like trash, but nobody does anything about it, because it doesn't benefit them and "muh racism".
And the worst trash of them all are these beta orbiters who are "male feminists" just because they think some bitch will fuck them if they act like good boys.
Very christian.
Man, I get triggered so easily these days.
What annoys me is how the more things get better the more they cry, it's too much whining
Relieve your anger hitting women in the face
>Relieve your anger hitting western* women in the face
Just don't hurt our k-girls
What the h*ck
here are my doggo bros (pbut). my dad took a few pictures of them once and i thought they were long gone, but it turns out he saved them. so nice seeing them again
And the only one who loses is you by getting stressed out and angry.
These children who keep whining about gender crap in the west are mentally infantile and doing little more than throwing a tantrum. Ignore them and they will either keep screaming louder and louder until they tire themselves out, or they will have to rise to the occasion and resort to reason, at which point it will be pretty easy to show them how irrational they've been.
Either way the only way to win is to not play at all.
Sad thing is that there are very real issues which go unnoticed because of these screeching harpies, though I will give them credit for the #metoo thing bringing to light actual abuse on a larger scale in spite of the attention whores who try to take advantage of it and use it as a social weapon.
In the meantime let's just relax and listen to some soothing music.
Don't do that.
Well, I don't really think about it that much, because here shitters like that don't exist/there is very few of them.
I just get angry when it starts spreading to my hobbies such as video games.
>Don't do that.
sadly, social justice does affect policy. and ignoring it doesn't make it go away.
here are a couple of examples. i could go on. or did you just mean that the pay gap whiners have no effect in the real world?
lel Dahyun can actually punch properly in the peek a boo stance
I have no idea what you mean but good song.
>peek a boo
True. Best way to keep it out of hobbies like that is to show your distaste with your wallet.
If it isn't profitable to pander to that garbage then they will stop.
America is taking a nosedive into third world status.
The only way for them to be saved is if they do it themselves.
Best thing we can do is to try to avoid it getting a foothold outside by not giving them the attention they crave.
And countries disposing of the meritocracy will pay for it with their own prosperity no doubt.
Always good.
i alternate between laughing and getting mad. this gave me a good kek. poor babby being attacked for making the punishment for infecting you with a lifelong disease a slap on the wrist.
yeah, true, but instead of ignore, i'd say "quarantine" and reject any influence from there. second article is from the uk btw, not america
>America is taking a nosedive into third world status.
Are you ready to the Chinese century?
>Best way to keep it out of hobbies like that is to show your distaste with your wallet.
I've always done that, but I am very much in minority. I hate all these microtransactions in singleplayer games or P2W shit, but what can I do when literally millions of people are willing to spend money on it ?
I can't tell them to stop doing it, since it's their money.
Same with the identity politics. I don't buy COD WWII because they absolutely fucked history in the ass with SJW propaganda, but their target audience doesn't care. Some little 13 y/o shit on xbox does not care about historical accuracy as long as he can teabag people and scream into microphone.
>second article is from the uk btw
That's why I threw in the last sentence. Diversity hires are dumb.
Century? I give them 25-30 years tops before their house of cards topples, unless they change their business model.
I wonder who could be behind this
It's the fighting style Mike Tyson used, where he sticks his hands to his face
Trying to remember how the song sounds like without searching it on youtube
>show your distaste with your wallet
>I give them 25-30 years tops before their house of cards topples,
I used to think the same, but now I'm skeptical
Why do you think they will fail?
It won't change overnight, especially since so many people are still taking the bait.
Give it time and keep doing what you're doing.
Megacorps like EA have money to throw away just for pr anyway but at least the battlefront loot box stuff bit them in the ass.
Wallet implies some sort of monetary payment.
The Slovenian pirate
I will. As a student I don't have the money to buy 60$ games anyway.
I just wish people would stop being retards, but I guess that is too far fetched.
>loot box
These should count as gambling dbh
They'll have to change their ways and conform to more stringent regulations if they want to be part of more open international trade in the future, and all the child labor stuff has already drawn the worlds eyes to their business practices.
At the moment, a whole lot of their prosperity comes from ripping off foreign businesses in bulk with low grade materials and fraud.
Once they are held to the same standards as other developed nations, things will slow down considerably and given how they've "invested" their resources they're going to be in for some hard times I think.
Of course I could be wrong.
I meant by NOT giving them money.
Just start looking for entertainment elsewhere. There will always be a majority of retards in the world and for publishers that means "pandering to the lowest common denominator = big buxx".
Pretty sure that's where it's headed with all the legislation being proposed in various parts of the world.
But I don't?
What the h*ck, I didn't know there was a Prometheus 2.
So why you reaction imaging me, bro?!
It's not great.
I found the line about showing your distaste with your wallet funny.
>It's not great.
We'll see.
yeah, well, they sure are. but i vehemenenenmemently disagree with your approach of just ignoring them.
but i figure you're my best chance of having a civilized talk with a person who's on the "ignore them and they'll go away" side of the fence. cause outside of this thread, on the rest of 4chin it's impossible. so i'm gonna go for it.
why, in your opinion, are these things happening in america and the uk and the west?
is it because they're not ignoring the sjws and other elements hard enough?
and if you believe that, doesn't that mean that, according to you, the people who are opposed to this social justice agenda, are equally to blame? cause you seem to advise inaction. and since they took actions against them, that caused policies like those two i linked to become reality. and in that case, it's their fault too.
so, from my understanding of your approach, if someone says "i want to hire people based on their race" and another guy tells them "no, stfu retard, hiring based on race is wrong" and then the company ends up hiring based on race, the guy who was vocally opposed is the guy who made it possible and so is equally at fault.
is that right?
i am also curious to see the second prometheus
>Pretty sure that's where it's headed
I hope so
Alien: covenant? It's really bad, I watched it on theathers
Watch it and let me know what you think.
The ignoring them part was meant mostly for the genderpolitics trash.
Obviously sjw stuff in general isn't going to go away just by ignoring them. That's why we have voting etc.
The problem with the US at least is that their political system is a joke and serves mostly as a charade to give people the illusion of choice.
They've proven as much on many occasions.
>Valve introduces 7 day lock on traded CS:GO items
>Community loses their shit
I love Volvo now.
What's the point of trading electronic knives and paint for them, anyway?
You can make money if you are smart about it.
It's bitcoin for 13 year olds.
Sounds a bit dumb dbh, it's just pixels.
I had loads of monopoly money before I was 13.
>watching altered carbon
>what kind of a name is takeshi-kovacs anyway?
>it's japanese-slavic
based mutt writers
>inb4 b-buh kovacs IS originally slavic
not with that spelling it's not
i'm super lazy about seeing movies, i probably won't watch it for months
>Obviously sjw stuff in general isn't going to go away just by ignoring them
ah, alright then, i guess we're not as far apart when it comes to this, so there's not much point in arguing. you're right, i haven't seen the gender pay gap people achieve much in the real world.
my main problem with that gender stuff was that they were very successful in making homosexualism and then transsexualism widely accepted.
which is quite undesirable imo. you know when you see some bum drunk at 2 pm smelling like shit and shuffling along the street or maybe even stinking up the public transport? you know how that demoralizes you and makes you think "wow, what a cruel place the world is" and ruins your mood?
i think trannies and gay couples have that effect on society too. seeing some man stuffed full of female hormones in a dress and hearing his disturbing asexual voice is disturbing to people. seeing men behave in a weird and unnatural way is disturbing to people. just lowers the overall psychological health of society imo, having people like that on the streets. obviously i have nothing but a gut feeling to back that up, so tell me i'm retarded if you like.
Kovač is as Slavic as it gets.
i inb4d you so you can take your post and stick it in your pocket
I have nothing against gays or transexuals.
I just dislike all the propaganda parades and all that shit which surrounds it. I hate people who are gay or transexual and it is their only defining feature, which then further extends to all those queers polygenders kinship fags.
I have nothing against gays, but I hate faggots.
Yeah but no one exchanged real money for monopoly money.
>making homosexualism and then transsexualism widely accepted.
And yet they're a very small portion of the population.
>i think trannies and gay couples have that effect on society too.
Lol. I dunno about that.
Personally I make a slight effort to not pay attention to random people. I want to be surprised when I meet new people and most are very bland.
At least the version of themselves that they put on display.
As I type this out I realize how autistic I am.
>Xe isn't a transcis hyperpansexual wheelabled negrokin
Transvestites aren't a very pleasant surprise.
>Ze* isn't
>Transvestites aren't a very pleasant surprise
They are common here, so it isn't really a surprise dbh
They are pretty obvious most of the time though.
Did you just assume my grammar, shitlord?
start playing japanese games
It's still something of a nasty shock to see something like that.
How can you be shocked by a guy in a dress after spending time on this site?
>new people and most are very bland.
>At least the version of themselves that they put on display.
I think this is what causes it.
The people were brought up in society when everyone tells them how special they are, they all get participation awards and pat on the head.
As they get older they realize that they aren't actually special, they start failing some things at school, they fall behind in sports.
They see all the people who are better and more interesting than them, which makes a mess in their head.
Which then leads them to make up all these mental illnesses, pronouns and sexualities.
This is one of the most famous singers here right now: