What religion are you? What religion is Jow Forums?
What religion are you? What religion is Jow Forums?
>believing in fairy tails
radical centrism
sounds like odin was pretty based
catholic christian
and redpilled
Radical Islam
The one that is something like "Gas the Kikes race war now!". Something like that.
good joke mate ;))))))
trolled dem libtards hard
I'm Catholic. Reminder non-Catholics will suffer for eternity in hell so be sure to join us if you want to avoid that
Are there any gay religions?
The One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
Roman Catholic
Ave Maria
Evangelical christian
Non nobis domine
>his """religion""" is named after an anime
Roman catholic
How are you spending your Good Friday, my Catholic bretheren?
so many of us on good Friday of all days
Went to mass this morning, gonna go to the chipper later and buy fishe, not much planned after that
Anything in mind for yourself user?
Fasting. Bit hungry considering I had just codfish and I didn't eat too much of it because I really dislike it.