>Women are physically weak
Lmao, if you find yourself in front of a female MMA fighter you'll start looking at the ground and sweating because you know she could beat your ass without any effort, and make you her personal slave if she wanted to
>Women are physically weak
Lmao, if you find yourself in front of a female MMA fighter you'll start looking at the ground and sweating because you know she could beat your ass without any effort, and make you her personal slave if she wanted to
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no female can keep me down unless I want their tits all over my face then I play along
>tfw no mma gf to femdom me
Believe me user, I wish that the average woman wasn't weak
I wish I could fight a girl MMA fighter, the rules being the winner gets to do whatever they want.
That uppity bitch would get shot in the tits just like a man.
The best female MMA fighter couldn't compete with the lowest ranking professional male MMA fighter.
Your average guy off the street would lose to a professional female MMA fighter. And a professional female MMA fighter would always lose to a professional male MMA fighter. You know this to be true.
1. Meisha Tate is hot af
2. the average woman is notably smaller and weaker than the average man, end.
>if you find yourself in front of a female MMA fighter you'll start looking at the ground and sweating
Jokes on you. I do that in front of any female.
>she could beat your ass without any effort
Top 1% of females can beat like 50% of bottom men. That's not open to debate.
Yes, very true
post the video
A moderately fit guy would be able to beat any female MMA fighter.
>be french
>say to give up
Theres a real shocker
Been in my fair share of street fights, but never had any formal training. I'm still fairly certain I could stomp the shit out of any female MMA fighter out there. Technique doesn't mean much when you opponent can pick you up and slam you into the ground without breaking a sweat.
>Your average guy off the street would lose to a professional female MMA fighter
This is actually wrong. According to the studies majority of untrained men are stronger than ELITE female atheletes. Also most regular men(at least in Russia) have decent fighting background just off being a man or doing martial art back in the day. Id bet good money that most men at least in Russia would make any pro mma girl to tap out in under one round or knock her the fuck out.
>Strongest female athlete is weaker than the median man
but we already knew this, only defence women have is screaming, crying and getting other men to fight for them.
That butch has no legs or floats or half predator mode
I would cum so hard in that situation
Fix your file name faggit. Muhreens
That measures grip strength alone.
Now account for height, weight, endurance, pain tolerance (under adrenaline) and women won't even be in the same order of magnitude anymore
>she Needs a lifetime of Training the art of fighting to Keep me, a simple scrub down
>this is enough for a frenchie to tell me women are stronger than me
This is a board of science, GTFO soyboy
Considering i took state in wrestling and carry a gun gl.
All it's going to take to restore the obvious boundries between men & women's sports is a trannny man to crush some ladies eyesocket in a "Women's" match.
>150 lb female can even compete with a 200 lb male
It's not possible
Not even that far of a spread really, more like elite male HS wrestlers>top level women in mma. I've trained over the years here and there at a few different gyms, and I know a couple of guys who have fought pro in some of the more well known mma organizations. I've talked with them about sparring with legit top 10 ranked 135lbs females, and they basically told me, they go about 20% as to not steamroll them badly. Basically when they roll/spar with them, they treat them like a child, so as not to hurt them. The lack of testosterone keeps them much weaker, and no training can help that, not even steroids. That said, a large top level female mma fighter, like say, Nunes, or Cyborg, could wreck the average soyboy untrained male, no question.
OP is a retarded faggot.
>implying I don't want a hot girl to beat my ass and make me her slave
Sorry brah but no woman could "beat my ass", even if she had the strength and experience they just aren't savvy enough - their spacial and mechanical awareness isn't up to it.
I'm about 210 lbs, 6"4 did some martial arts training when younger, not a lot but some. I work out a bit. If a woman was 150 lbs and I had adrenaline kick in, I am pretty sure I could just toss that across the room to be honest.
>hehe i know you thought women were weak but check out this specially trained fighter that makes up less than 1% of the female population nuthin personal kehd
>and make you her personal slave if she wanted to
oh god yes
MMA and BBJ is all about technique, not strength. They have the techniques and skill to fuck you up, not the strength.
Never thought of that. But it's really only a matter of time before that happens.
It will be glorious. Because it will either lead to a string of women getting their shit kicked in over and over and over again, because nobody wants to say anything cause political correctness.
Women will literally become obsolete in women's mma leagues, it will end up being a league of trannies. For the ones who continue appearing, a new genre of entertainment will be spawned: watching trannies kick the shit ouf of women, legally. The people who tune in to this shit regularly are probably severely fucked in the head, as are the participants.
The "trannies are in fact not women" conversation will be had on a country wide scale
In your fantasy it would be like taking on a high school wrestler.
She's going to have a hard time doing that with 9mm in her chest.
Jokes on you, that’s my fetish.
And then I hit the gym and dom her.
Yeah and reminder that those techniques are based on the RULES of MMA...if we're talking no rules fighting she doesnt stand a chance with some of the banned moves a man can do in a street fight
Women with good technique will still get overpowered by men.
This is true for the most part, women can have similar skills but if they get punched in the face by a man it will be for nothing. Men can take damage better too, even if they are small.
Does anyone else remember Yuki Nikai? Fucking legend.
Not only are women weak, they’re bad at logic.
you found a single, unlikely instance in which a largely accurate truth is, just this once, inaccurate. Congratulations.
>Oh geez whiz, sorry I forgot to grab an arm when I hip tossed you.
>Hope that neck thing works out!
Every time I read an article in the paper about this ABSOLUTE BEAST trying to get into the Woman's Football (contact) League here in Aus I PRAY TO THE LORD that they let him play because it'd be fucking awesome to watch him wreck their shit.
End discrimination, let them play.
Exactly! It will be a painful lesson but will eventually lead ppl to demand women's sport's are for women only. This will right the ship and liberal women will finally understand the meaning of "the weaker vessel."
There was a post on here linking to an article in yankland somewhere a few weeks ago of just this. I think it was wrestling though so no major damage but the he-she kept owning the women. One who lost said she had fought strong women before but nothing like this, she was just overpowered easily.
I miss Somera-chan.
You know that's already happened, right?
Women are physically weak. Sexual dimorphism exists.
That tranny actually lost to a woman in the end
>female MMA fighter
Still can't fight against a male MMA fighter you absolute nigger.
Weak bait. sage
Is there a standard for physical strength when it comes to women?
The women I live with almost never buys milk, I always buy the milk. When I asked her she said a carton of milk is too heavy to carry.
I told her that she was very weak, that her strength level was at an unhealthy level and she got upset.
Was I wrong? Is it not acceptable to expect a woman to be able to carry a carton of milk up a few flights of stairs?
No you're not wrong, even by women standards that is pathetic. Maybe she is just too lazy to carry it? Women are often lazy too.
Yep! The sooner the better too. All women's sports, burn it all down! Heck, we may have actually found a temporary place in society for those degenerates. It would be hilarious to watch. Remember this dude? Even had the balls to rock a mustache while doing it! thegatewaypundit.com
that's two girls
Yeah that was funny as fuck, but not before hospitalising a biological woman along the way with a shattered orbital bone and requiring 7 staples
This one?
>another French slide thread
Why do people respond to this shit.
>meaningless thread
>1 post by this id
>a fucking baguette
Checks out
>average fit guy on the street has 60 lbs on the average female mma fighter
>find below average guy on the street
Oh really! Well well well! Pol should meme more of that into existence. Someone open a tranny gym and start preparing for the Olympics.
Fitness doesn’t always corelate to fighting ability.
You have never done martial arts in your life, and it’s painfully obvious
JFC how many fucking shill threads this morning
Something to do?
You are talking from the perspective of a northern european (average height/strength/weight is far above the actual average of men). Other then that you are hundred percent right
I knocked a drunk and aggressive whore out in public last year
She thought she was tough and untouchable too until I landed an overhand right on her.
Whenever i carry two gallons of milk in one hand the women around me act like it's some impossible feat. My cousin's girlfriend even got relieved when i brought all the groceries in in one trip by taking five bags in one hand and the milk in the other. She claimed it would have taken her six trips back and forth
What is even the point of women again?
These are such strange threads. They feel like the shill threads, yet different.
It's already happening.
I seem recall some transwoman MMA fighter dominating those sorry women that faced "her".
It's what happens when falsehoods are pushed onto society, rational people have to "shill" the truth.
Stop this bullshit propaganda now.
Women will never ever ever be superior to men physically. Women will never ever ever be safe dating blacks. Women will never ever ever have the mental rational to be in charge of anything productively. All this propaganda does is give females a FALSE sense of their true reality.
That's why females are constantly on the losing end of EVERYTHING .They believe this kike lie and die.
Just make sure she can't deliver concussion to your head or pressure to your balls and you will put her in her place in a moment. But it is rather hard to do when facing a well trained opponent.
A lot of average men would still be able to handle a "mma fighter" woman.
I could definitely wreck that bitch and I don't even hoist anymore
I do judo. Unfortunately I have never did randori with the woman who presented serious threat. You have to grapple with them like with beginners, because they are much weaker. However, would a woman black belt be able to throw some random guy? Sure. They just can't grapple with competent people. I'm no professional, but I doubt any of them will throw me.
I'm sure that she lied about her penis.
>not wanting a female mma fighter to make you her personal slave
Oh look OP is gay what a big surprise
Wasn't there some story a few weeks back about a 6'4 250lb Chad footballer who went tranny and was accepted into a womens football league?
Insane world
he was going easy on her you can tell, they are just wrestling at this point
I don't mean that. I more mean that it feels very coordinated. Lots of guys dumping insider info in threads today too. If it's one guy he's been posting nonstop for like 24+ hours. Which makes me think he's not one guy, but rather a team of people with access to insider info.
>If you find yourself in front of a female game show contestant
People still believe TV is real. Not really shocking or anything, just sad.
that sounds hot
It likely is, most threads are, doesn't mean we can't post shit on it, after all, Jow Forums is just for shitposting nowadays.
Iirc, he got a huge victory streak until one girl decided to not engage him like she'd engage a fight against a woman.
Which happened I think more than a month after he started in the female league... and took oestrogens and blocked his testosterone biological synthesis the whoel time (and probably before that).
Also he had mediocre scores in the male league and "suddenly" got medals after medals after he joined the female one.
Really makes you think.
what % of women are mma fighters?
not enough to deny biology
>female MMA fighter
Cool. Let's end gender divisions in all sports.
Don't force your cuck fantasies on the rest of us, thanks.
>not just choking them out
If they are the same weight class, sure.
> 1 post by this ID
> horrendous cherry picking pic related
> 90+ posts
nu/pol/ is on fire today
The simple fact is that women don't have a chin. Period. There is nothing they can do to change this. Any average guy could knock Rousey out cold with a single blow. Compared to men, their ability to take a punch is nothing and their upper body strength laughable in comparison.
Only when you've hit an aggressive woman will you fully understand just how fragile they really are. That look in their eyes when, in a split second, their entire worldview crumbles as they realise that 7 million years of female evolution has rendered them truly the weaker sex.
The special case does NOT disprove the average.
The existence of a 120 IQ African does NOT indicate ANYTHING about the average African IQ.
>Your average guy off the street
In the age of soyboys I don't think so
If only newfags would sage