Reminder: If you are a Yuropoor, your opinion doesn't count!
Reminder: If you are a Yuropoor, your opinion doesn't count!
I know we lost Nam, what was the other loss?
hmm... the US is relatively young, how did it manage to BTFO the world
Patriotism, intellect, and spirit, my Czech friend.
i dont really argue about vietnam but i dont think 1812 was really worse than a draw.
thats phillipines
i dont get why they make fun of mistaking flags on Jow Forums tho. people are colorblind and the flags are small and not very detailed
You could call it a draw since we accomplished a lot, but they also took Washington for a bit. Depends really. Regardless, its a hell of a war record.
Well, I don't know when it started,
but there isn't really a single war we will ever fight again
that we won't be directly controlling the outcome of anymore.
The matches are fixed.
makes sense
is it right to call this age the American Empire era
very true
rate this butt
Because it is Jow Forums lad.
True. The Nam war was easily winnable if a bunch of retards werent autistically screeching at home.
blow it out your ass
Blow it out your ass
You've passed the test
Implying FaGG's opinions matter
i never claimed to be. nor did i claim not to be.
You could, not sure if America is empire anymore though. Maybe during the ages when we were conquering Hawaii just for the lulz. America has been antimperialist since WW2, which is why we assisted Egypt durimg tje Siez Cirsis.
Your flag automatically makes you a mutt
i just assume anything "female" on Jow Forums is just a trap
whatever you say europoor
Fuck you we have kinder eggs
Also good luck getting cucked by china and russia
They cant beat >us
you also have pic related.
daily reminder that Italy is so gay that the German word for homosexual is "Florenzer" which literally means person from Florence
'Quoth the migrant-infested nation
(I am glad that M5S is gaining a lot of popularity however. Deport all the moslems)
Daily reminder that mafia saved your asses in WW2
Russia can cuck only their own citizens.
'eh, understandable.
Question, considering things like the 100 year war, the two opium wars, and the spanish armada... how well do you think bongland has done in warfare?
probably well all things considering
yeah, I guess we're not america, then again, before WW1 we were pretty much america before all the factories were bombed.
...not to mention the fact the allies nation leaders were all siblings then... damn we've got a weird history.