How can you not fail as a father raising a daughter? Seems like a monumental task.
How can you not fail as a father raising a daughter? Seems like a monumental task.
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I love how much joy the jewish camera man takes in interviewing this broken cunt. This is the jews biggest high, tainting european purity.
She sounds lobotomized desu.
Fucking women man.
Hey greg, watcha doin'?
teach her same things you would teach a son, and explain her why she shouldn't mate with colored kids in school and why sexual degeneracy leads to unhappines
thats about all
lmao wtf she talks like her IQ is in the 60s
Yes he is a disgusting man but the blame lies at her father’s feet most of all
The jews greatest weapon hahaha
She is from the south that’s normal
She's brain damaged from a car accident. If we can get her declared mentally unfit could we also get the pornographers thrown in jail for abusing a retarded person?
Tony is based
She’s over 18 she has to sign off on water she gets
Sounds like a mission that if successful will be hilarious. Are we ready to weaponize our autism on this Jow Forums?
She sounds legitimately slow. Is she retarded?
yes, from a car accident.
This girl is mentally retarded, that is why she got into the porn industry like she did.
They recruited her throuth an online dating site of all places, and paid her so little that she needed to crowdfund her ticket home at one point.
Is there some sort of consent issue surrounding mentally handicapped people?
she sounds like a retard probably has something to do why she is into blacks
I'd guess 90 IQ based on verbal skills.
She has autism
Why not kill these jews?
If my daughter did that i would happily kill him and then her ans video it.
No. preventing retards from breeding would be racist and attempted genocide.
The fact that a girl that looks like her had to go on a dating site proves that she was slow
That's not how it works. If her relatives can certify her as unfit they can takeover all legal decisions and not sign another porn contract.
Good luck finding a jew psychologist and a jew judge to stop a white woman getting fucked on camera by niggers tho.
Not that I wouldn't get great amusement out of it, but you sound like a fucking faggot.
The average black IQ is below retard levels.
Preventing retards from breeding is genocide.
Ah thats cool! New banned banner
Dads only exist to hand over the money and be out of the house long enough for mommy to interview his replacement when the money runs out.
If you get them to 18 and you're not completely broke and the mother hasn't had you arrested several times, you've done a wonderful job.
I'd bet she's a heroin addict. She has those empty, soulless, dope-fiend eyes. She needed to fund her addiction. Turned to porn.
Whats wrong with interracial dating? As long as both are american and christians its alright
Oh shit son. I haven't seen a mod ban someone in fucken ages.
wha happen here
Her vagina is very disappointing
Thanks OP for turning me onto another dumb cutie to fap to.
Nah It’s nice
Emily Bloom has a nice pussy, this chick has roast beef.
he posted porn
if shes retarded did they pay her with monopoly money
You're not even joking. She does sound like she's missing her frontal lobes.
why would the father let his retarded daughter out of the house?
She’s hot and an aryan qt
By leaving her education to a good governess. Or ship them off to a Catholic boarding school in the woods.
Lmao having a daughter would be Jow Forums's worst nightmare. You guys would probably constantly check her phone to see if she's talking to jamal.