Oink Oink, says the American

Oink Oink, says the American

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I don't see the problem.

isn't this a guy who just got out of prison?

Looks like a joke or the guy isn't all there mentally. Kind of sad, really....

It's called gains my dude. Nice flag btw, very original colours and design.

dudes first dab


Totally not staged and filmed for people to laugh at.

I remember this thread from last night!

Oh, it's Dutch flag. Wow, so impressive.

I'm never visiting Dutchland, isn't that basically Germany (Deutschland)? Fk off europoor

Looks pretty good, shame in n out doesn't serve bacon too.

he eats in public like you do in privet, he isnt ashamed.

is he diping the hamburguer on the soda?

You don't?

r-r-richard s-spencer?

He's drinking ranch sauce and pouring it on everything


He probably skipped breakfast and had a salad the night before.

stop posting this

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Looks fake.

Fuck dude, now I have to eat In-N-Out for lunch later.

What do you faggots want?

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Being fat in America is easy in fact expected, being fat in Europe is training & dedication.


Thats gotta be some kinda joke / prank

I remember this, all the fat pigs on youtube were defending him, "don't hate, don't judge" garbage like that.

>he hasn't had in-n-out
your opinion means nothing

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I bet this guy was dreaming about this meal for a long time. I like to imagine he earned it. Maybe he just nailed his dream job, or met a really challenging deadline on time. Haven't you ever gone all out after some major victory? That's what this looks like. A conqueror saving his victory feast. I envy this man.

>100% red blooded white american

dude hes just bulking

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t. skinny fat dyel

>making fun of an obvious potato
what's wrong with you?

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Wat zyde gy tot my, gy kleine duyvelspecht? Ik beveel ge er kennis van te neemen dat ik met lof ende goedkeuring een kaapersbrief heb gehad van Willem van Oranje ende betrokken ben geweest by talryke geheyme offensieven tegen Alva en de zyne, en zelfstandig meer dan drie honderden Spanjolen heb omgelegd. Ik ben gehard by den Katergeuzen en ben den beste schutter onder den Nederlandsche vlag. Ge bent niet meer dan myn zoveelste doelwit. Ik zal u uyt myne gewest verwyderen met een nauwkeurigheid die de wereld nog nimmer aangechouwen had. Let op myn verdomde woorden! Gy denkt dat ge deze leuhgenpraat aan my kan verkoopen per postduyf? Gy had tweemaal moeten denken, cattengehspuys! In dezen tyd dat ik deze missive opstel, stuur ik opdracht naar myn geheymen samenstel van verspieders ende vloerduyven, verspreid door den Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden en wordt dezen postduyf gevolgd, dus ge kunt zich maar beter voorbereiden op den storm, rabaut. Den storm die het bedroevenden klyne ding dat gy uw leven noemt weg zal vaagen. Gy bent dood, kind. Ik kan overal, ten alle tyden zyn ende ik kan ge op zeven honderden wyzen doden, ende dat is slechts met myne bloten handen. Niet alleen zyt ik veelomvattend geoefend in den ongewapenden krygskunst, maar alsmede heb ik het voltallige arsenaal der watergeuzen ter myner beschikking ende ik zal dat benutten om uwer lamlendigen achtereinde van het vastenland te vagen, gy klynen schobbejak. Als gy had geweten wat voor eene goddelooze vergelding uw 'geestige' missive teweeg zou brengen, had ge misschien op uwen tong gebeten. Maar dat kon ge niet. Gy deed het niet ende nu zult ge de tol betalen, gy verdomde smeerkanis. Ik zal furie over u schyten en gy zult er in verzuypen. Ge zyt dood, hoerenzeune.

lol we got more options than curdled milk, spoiled fish meat and kebabs. Don't be mad, Muhammad-Hans

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mmm I'm thinking Arby's.

I'd rather be able to enjoy lots of food than be a Venezuelan who can't even eat rice because it costs too much.

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Starting to buy the "Russian bot" meme...

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Is that richard spencer? He really let himself go....

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The chad lunch.


Do you realize that the British or the Germans literally burp while eating? In public places? This is what was shocking for some Poles who went to work there

mike enoch off the wagon again

What the actual fuck?

>post fit guy getting sick gainz
>multiple times a day
OP confirmed faggot.

He's just bulking, relax.

That's how a man eats. i'm sorry you're a pussy

London is the capital of Germany, right?


He's just bulking bro

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Allalallaalaifuckgoats says the toothpaste

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