Hello bant, I hope you are doing well. I thought it would be fun to have another embassy thread with s4s. If you want anything sent over just ask!
Hello bant, I hope you are doing well. I thought it would be fun to have another embassy thread with s4s...
send them this
I'll do that as soon as I can!
They are calling us garbage and to go away.
Someone also said, "Jow Forums more like /pants/ LOLE"
Folks like the flower.
They want to know two, one if we will burchase thier CD and if we can draw keksandra.
two things*
Here is link to burchase.
Dumb imposter
Fuck off
Silly jude.
>t. Imposter
Do you want to play a game jew?
Someone asks, "what is bant?"
Send them this please with this message:
Right away sir.
Send this over.
right away. I feel like i'm forgetting something though.
Who's that again? I can't remember
direct them to this thread
it will really help them
The emperor is wondering who this is and why they are there.
On it.
Fuck ur embassy, board wars now!
Shoo, stop that.
call them gay
Ur kind bring nothing but shitposting and homogayfags!
Wish them a good day
no u.
I will.
this again
remember it’s more productive to make your own thread that interests you than it is to shit on others
Anyone want anything sent over?
Sure, send them this picture of Christina Aguilera without makeup.
ask them if they like kots
One moment.
Someone wants to apply for bant university.
They said this, "Kot is literally the best thing from Jow Forums." They also say, "make more OC for it!"
They laugh.
"how's your day?"
Also include image, I'm sure they'll like it
I'll ask em!
Someone sends this.
They say just peachy.
They send this.
They want to know what we think of Spikeman.
i spike the likeman
Send them this image.
I will send
They say you've made a good choice.
Give them a burger
You got it!
This thread is gay.
And you gay too "brother"
They say, "Renko got married to Houjuu Nue!" and, "there is another Renko on the loose whose a bit rude"
Anyway, brother, can you send them that thing?
Sure thing!
Offer them some donuts
Right a way!
They want you to eat one first. They don't trust it.
they send this.
I'll eat one
Did you die?
Send them this, and tell them to check my dubs
Want me to send that?
May as well
Okie doke.
wow rude at least you DIDN'T get dubs lol
Are you from s4s?
le millenom girl is there ambassador
Send this with no context
tell them to fuck off and never set foot on Jow Forums
except that one guy i like
I will.
they are all fat, sad and retarded losers, like that danish poster on here, i bet he came from there
How are you.
they say, "hålla truten"
good, posting from bed, you ?
The same. A little tired though.
thats bad grammar
Want me to tell them that.
no, nevermind
it can work if you put words around it
im too tired to think of something rude
and now i will sleep, goodnight
night night mqn
Get me a flower that is like a fish.
Oppps, wrong thread.
Embassy closed?
Let's go to war
Might want to keep this thread up a bit longer. Apparently it's [s4s]'s birthday.
We're already at war with Jow Forums.
Oh hey the embassy is still up. Would anyone still like to send things?
triple epic and based