Am I white?
Am I white?
whiter than me
>0.1% African
Even the slightest amount of dominant African genes over take the submissive nature of whiteness. You are better then a white man.
You're a Nigger
You won't get the rope, but you'll still get the rake.
>Middle Eastern & North African 0.1%
>tfw half italian
>no nigger dna unlike most of the larping amerishits on here
nope. go back to where you came from mudslime
>trustingg (((DNA))) sites that put a little bit of african to fuck with whitey
100% Kang, you wuz building pyramid.
>0.1 Middle Eastern & North African
No, you're a fucking leaf, thus you're a shitskin.
Rare Assyrian DNA coming through... and my skin is as white as a ghost.
imagine paying three separate companies to get the same results
This faggets including 0.1% of african to trawl alt-righters.
1 drop rule mutt
fuck, that 2nd one is, not FTDNA
>Middle Eastern & North African 0.1%
What the hell do you think? Fuck no. One drop rule, you fucking nigger.
People using these (((test results))) to gain "disadvantaged minority" admissions when?
Dude are you mentally retarded?
less than 1% is genetic noise
No. Go back to the desert achmed.
You don't pay three companies. They allow you to upload your raw DNA if you've already done it. I did mine at Ancestry and downloaded my raw DNA and uploaded it to DNALand for free.
1 drop rule you subhuman
Looks like you're MOSTLY white. Gotta watch out for those Muslim conquests into Spain
Obviously you dumb stupid cuck
What website did you use?
Then i guess there are no whites left in all europe and in all world, because in deep ancestry genetic tests, no one is 100% anything.
That's not true though. Plenty of people have gotten 100% white results without the 0,1% African or Ashkenazi Jew shit.
why do you pay (((them))) to collect your DNA?
Shit. The picture didn't show up.
yes, user
Anything under 4% is non conclusive according to ancestry DNA.
Don't listen to the Amerimutt 56%ters
>because in deep ancestry genetic tests, no one is 100% anything.
Yes, you can be. DNA doesn't stay forever, if your family tree has one nigger, but your bloodline only mates with white people afterwards, it only takes 10 generations for the nigger DNA to be completely erased.
You guys realise that those tests are not accurate and those companies won't give anyone 100% european, right?
It's literally propaganda and yet you keep taking them.
I got 200% because I took the bogpill.
Oh ya?
Nice we are bretty close.
They give 100% white to plenty of people. Just see for example. Sorry your DNA isn't as pure as you thought, nigger.
Slavs don't count.
>mutt flag
>mutt genes
I’d like to see you beat it.