If god is real then why has he created a black hole in the center of the galaxy that destroys all life?
If god is real then why has he created a black hole in the center of the galaxy that destroys all life?
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are you retarded
Are you?
Why has he decided to fuck a Jew living in the suburbs of the Milky Way and let her give birth to his son. How many times has he tried that trick before?
What if he tells every space whore that their species is special?
>If god is real then why has he created a black hole in the center of the galaxy that destroys all life?
I have the answer. LOL. But I'm not telling you.
Another great mystery, huh?
A giant black hole in the center of the Galaxy is a huge fucking deal. A game changer.
Why god made fire when it can burn us?
You don't seem to understand much about God, galaxies and black holes. Consider suicide.
Black holes eventually explode and create new universes.
That's what I think anyway.
Lol, God is trolling y'all.
>he doesn't know what the "black holes" at the centers of galaxies are
No, no it's not.
It's more on the order of "huh, neat".
Planned obsolescence
>destroys all life
>why has he created a black hole in the center of the galaxy that destroys all life?
Like who, demon?
It doesn't destroy all life, it is the mechanism that stirs the cosmos and prevents a heat death of our universe by holding all the mass close enough together to form stars and planets through mutual gravity.
Also, no god put it there.
Why god make peepee , but when we use peepee he no like and banishes us to cave on fire ?
0 evidence for the existence of black holes. They are mathematical theory. There does seem to be some large objects that have both gravitational and electromagnetic properties similar to what modern physics say are black holes.
However, if you stop listening to DeGrasse and Hawkings, and analyze the data, something interesting emerges.
There is a massive object in Sagittarius, but it does NOT behave like a black hole. Since we have started observation of that region, many objects have gotten clos enough to be "eaten" by it, yet no such occurrence has taken place. Further, there has been no sign of Hawkings radiation or a gravitational effect that would assume a 4 billion stellar mass object is where the super massive black hole should be.
What we actually find, there must be some other phenomenon that we have yet to discover, or just a void. The objects in Sagittarius could be under the effects of some other unknown phenomenon.
You are an absolute retard if you think you can compare a normal black hole with a supermassive black hole that keeps the galaxy together.
t. Astrophysicist
It's pretty obvious why.
And you are a brainlet if you think either exists.
It's for people to travel into the future when they get bored with life.
>zero evidence
You fool!
it's plausible.
How the fuck would you explain distortions in the middle of nowhere then?
>If god is real then why has he created a black hole in the center of the galaxy that destroys all life?
god is real and the galacy isn't the only thing that dies here
the whole universe does.
If he is real then he is a god of death and must be stopped in the name off all life in the Universe.
because it looks cool
Yes, but you need to look at the data. That little graphic says very little about the phenomenon at the center.
All those objects get close enough to be "trapped" by a 4 billion stellar mass blackhole, but they don't. None are eaten.
There are many theories about what could produce orbits seen in that clip, none of which are a super massive blackhole.
>none of which are a super massive blackhole
Except for the one accepted by all major Physicists.
Look into who invented the big bang theory. It was a Catholic priest.
These atheist physicists still cling to Vatocan dogma.
Look into electromagnetism and plasma physics. Better yet, look into proto galaxies and non-static redshifts.
Bodies and bodies of evidence that gets 0 funding, because it isnt Vatican dogma.
FYI, I'm Christian.
Not true, just jew-vatican physicists the put on TV. Not even close to most physicists.
Your religion has nothing to do with Science you moron.
I agree, but it is religion for dogmatic physicists.
I would discuss redshifts and light cones with you, but I highly doubt you have the background to understand a word.
>polish intellect
How about you take 5 grams of dried magic mushrooms and ask God yourself?
Let me put it this way.
Globular galaxy clusters >2 billion light years across are a system similar large groups of heavy mass stars. These galaxies are known to orbit around one another with highly complex patterns due to many competing factors unlike our solar system. There are many theories that say the data from Sagittarius orbits are very similar with highly complex elliptical orbits, not needing a central structure to maintain their orbits.
Dancing super massive stars.
kek. I thimk god was american
>what is the inverse square law gravitation
Galaxies are formed by birkeland currents. Black holes, dark matter, dark energy are all lies/fiction.
Maybe, but Sagittarius is void of plasma, the gravity is too great at the center of the galaxy. Those guys have some good stuff, but they are extremist, and completely rule out gravitational theory. That is a mistep imho.
our sun imploding will destroy all life on earth before we get near that black hole
Because he built his dominion on Kaos, the antithesis to his being. Kaos is tilted and unstable, so all things eventually return to it's primal state, as it is beyond God's power to maintain stagnation. He did not create the black hole, but there was no way he could prevent its occurrence.
when the sun fails to handle it's own weight and shrinking because of it's own gravitational force till it's dark
scientists call this "the american death"
That we will not reach for billions of years?
>Shinnier than you, muhamoon
no one really intelligent can ever believe in the lies that surround theoretical physics.. we don't even know what were looking at up in our sky
its a joke really
people are so stupid, arrogant its mind boggling
>Still believing in outer space
he isn't and all temples should be made into warehouses, shopping centers, public toilets, brothels
We are moving in orbit. Black holes form gravity wells just like any object with mass but if your perpendicular velocity is large enough then you will just go around it in a circle ad infinitum.
black holes don't really do anything to be honest it's pretty rare that they actually consume something other than gas.
Black holes are also decaying and will eventually succumb to heat death (assuming the universe expands forever).
Sure, if the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail.
Those who are only familiar with gravity will try to explain all phenomena with gravity
Those who are only familiar with electricity will try to explain all phenomena with electricity.
Big problem is the increasing specialization of research - lack of interdisciplinary communication. Few individuals able to form a "big picture".
Are you saying that in the end the death will win? Seems like god is weak and also full of shit.
I'll believe the lies my pastor tells me instead!
>blessed be the lie that binds!
You apparently do not realize HOW LONG we will stay in the orbit of that black hole before it does actually harm us.
In more than 4 billion years the trajectories of our Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy will cross paths, both Galaxies will collide, and most likely form a new Mega Galaxy.
By that point our Sun already will have become a red Giant/ Supernova, and unless we will have estaplished a colony on Europa or even further out, from where to observe the merging of Galaxies, won't see anything, since the Sun will already have burned us to death for a LONG time.
By that point of Merging however the Black hole by most predictions won't even have "eaten" the most internal Arm of our Galaxy jet, let alone us.
Unless you fly a ship directly into it (and good luck reaching it!) that black hole literally is a non issue.
The black hole is what holds the galaxy together. As long as we're a significant distance from it, we're fine.
> black
> destroys all life
God is redpilling us.
Hawkings is such a cuck. Has anything he come up with prove to be correct?
>judging God by human standards
one thing is sure. you are retarded
>Why has he decided to fuck a Jew living in the suburbs of the Milky Way and let her give birth to his son.
To save you, you fucking retard.
>How many times has he tried that trick before?
>What if he tells every space whore that their species is special?
He does.
Never reach. We are not being pulled in, just like the moon is not being pulled in to Earth, or Earth to the sun. It is a stable orbit.
>death will win? Seems like god is weak and also full of shit.
Death is God. The alpha and the omega.
why god make niggers? :(
good thing I stepped outside of time and space to knock a book on the floor so my daughter could save all of mankind if that were to happen.
Being real doesnt mean you have to be nice. I dont even believe in god but your post is so fucking stupid
>What if he tells every space whore that their species is special?
Speaking of such, does anyone know of any good Christian SciFi literature?
Actually the black hole might be the engine of the galaxy. Everything has a purpose
That's a very stupid question to make, even for this board.
It's angels/demons/aliens.
Change my mind
Thema hole ist WhatsApp ist keeping Thema Galaxy togther. Why Thema fuck YouTube think ITS so spindly hoi Lookinger Our Univers.
not true the super-massive black hole Sagittarius A in only about 3.3% of the milky ways mass.
so the said galaxy could form giving home to earth, nigger
God didnt make niggers. Not intentionally. God created the heavens and the earth. Which created humans. And god chose jews to spread his message. And its been a competition to please god ever since. The jew is just a messenger. Think about that. They wouldnt be able to do all the shit they do if our spirits were pure. Jews are just as evil as anyone else can be. But theyre more evil because they choose to make money off of sin instead of trying to stop it.
If it looks like a quack and quacks like a quack, then what is it ?
ancient autistic screeching
I don't see how Sgr A* has anything to do with religion
>God created the heavens and the earth
Not hell though.
The Pope said hell doesn't exist.
Falling for made up (((((black hole )))) theory.
> please kys pooland
Fuck burgalio
Not wins. Reclaims. There is no life without death. There is no God, the energy behind all life, without Kaos, the entropy inherent in all energy (living) systems. It would be in Gods power to begin anew, though.
Black hole is just another made up jew trick to glorify black race.
Good goy
why do you think its made up
The center of the galaxy is full of radiation, exploding suns, and other hot plasmas and cosmic rays that make the whole region utterly inhospitable to life. Out here were Earf is, is quite comfy in comparison. In galactic terms Nothing much has happened in solar system for billions of years
Thema remove Your self.
black holes dont exist, its a theory at best, but i guess u will believe any thing (((science))) tells you
The black hole IS god
>all those objects get close enough to be trapped
they're in orbit you fucking dunce, they don't get trapped unless they hit the event horizon
it's really not that spectacular. all a black hole is is a shit load of mass crammed together extremely tightly by its own gravity. the "black" is just a reference to the fact that it's escape velocity is greater than c, implying not even light can escape. they don't explode, but leading theories hold that they do radiate energy very, very slowly
he didn't say anything like that though
you got japed by an old dying mega fedoralord who interviewed the pope and purposefully twisted his words
stop blindly believing in disinfo, memes, retarded news headlines and fake news on Jow Forums
*laughs in orbital velocity of stars
It's ok to be critical of science if you have read through the hypothesis and the methods used in the research and are able to pick out flaws in or biases in said research the research
believing anything (((space agencies))) says.
That's why I study (as a hobbyist) protogalaxies and aging redshift. Those will be the next break throughs in cosmology.
Both gravity and electromagnetism are essential for that discussion. Neither discipline incorporates both. A shame.
How would you ever know that is real?
This is stupid.
Do the math yourself and most likely you will come to the same conclusion
The Book of Mormon!
The black hole is just the rock God can't move anymore, although he/she created it in the first place.