why haven't you read Germany Tomorrow yet, user?
Why haven't you read Germany Tomorrow yet, user?
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why would I ?
I don't care about Germany more than any other countries ^^
I have access to very few books
you don't need to care about Germany to read it, read Germany tomorrow.
Because Strasser is communist scum. Tomorrow we live is real reading.
get out of my thread, anti-proletariat scum
You literally worship incestuous homosexual brothers. Die.
say that to my face fucker and not online
All followers of Strasser will be put down just like they were 72 years ago.
the workers will win in the end, the bourgeoisie will never defeat the will of the working people, Hitlerists will be burned on stakes
both incest and homosexuality are redpilled t.b.h
You losers keep saying that but here we are 72 years later and you've made no gains. You're just betas butthurt that you'll never defeat Chad. Keep screeching.
i'm not a NERD
only thing your traitorous clan has ever achieved is destroying Germany and enabling America to gain a monopoly on the world
Ach Bernd, tu nicht so auf Ausländer
why oa there r*ssian on it
>and we would do better
Take your buttplug out, it's poisoning you and making you delirious
of course we would, an alliance with the Soviet Union would enable us to create a cold war scenario with Soviet vs Germany rather than Soviet vs USA, even a retard could figure that out
probably because a Russian comrade made the image
entschuldigt, aber bin ich Franzose und Ich habe erst seit 3 Jahren Deutsch gelernt
I've had German for less than one year, beat that
Warum benutzen Sie dann deutsche Emotikons? Das dürfen Sie nicht, nur echte Deutsche.
Who is "us"? You're not German, you're Norwegian. You got buttblasted by the Hitlerians. Is that why you buy into an outdated meme ideology? You're still bitter your grandma left your feeble grandpa for a chad German occupier? Pathetic.
Wie ist dieses Emotikon Deutsch???
my nationality and the fact we lost a war against the Germans doesn't actually matter (we were also the second longest to survive a German invasion in ww2). it's not outdated and my grandma is married to a Norwegian man
Weil's so ist. So einfach ist das.
If you're dumb enough to be a Strasserist I'm sure you're dumb enough to truly believe all of that. Best of luck, you'll need it.
That isn't the Qur'an
so what you're saying is that the historical fact that Norway lasted 2 months against the Germans, second longest of all countries, second only to the Soviet Union, is false?
And my grandmother is actually not married to a Norwegian man at all, he's just posing as her husband while she secretly meets some German guy?
And a political ideology that bases itself in concepts that are not yet even close to outdated (socialism and nationalism) is somehow outdated and doesn't apply to the world we live in?
smarty mc.smartypants
have you tried this one yet?
Is it as anti German as this piece of trash?
How do nazbols fare on /leftypol/?
Idk man I don't use that shit
Kinda like how libertarians fare on Jow Forums.
Otto Strasser is officially part of the Jow Forums culture
Used in memes, but no longer considered serious?