You hate me just because of the color of my skin?
You hate me just because of the color of my skin?
Other urls found in this thread:
i'm not a Jow Forumscuck so no america
no just the criminals
No, I hate you for your country
It's the attitude, stupid.
No, pretty much for your whole existence.
Fucking subhuman shitskin nigger, you nappy haired monkeys deserve nothing but death. God I could go for a nigger lynch right about now.
such a lust for killing
r00d and not nice
Go fuck yourself you cock smuggling Yankee faggot. You're all a bunch of half breed niggers.
i'm chinese
Japs are better.
>Chile is over 80% white
I have hard time believing this t.b.h
Japs are cucks. the Chinese based and redpilled
The rape of nanking should of been imported all over china. Fucking Chinks are just as bad as their shit coloured counterparts.
> le Jow Forums statistics
darker than you tyrone
Ah, the noble dutch faggot.
whats wrong with the Chinese?
Ah, some random whiny little brat
also this graph has one error, Chile is not over 80% white
> one error
The whole thing is dogshit m8
The guy that pulled the statistics doesn't know how to math
Nah they hate you because they ain't got no melanin power.
No u
Just updated the statistics.
> now with less sources for more convincing power
Jesus Jow Forums just churns out retarded people at the speed of light
I don't hate blacks I love whites, if I was black it'd be the opposite. It's not about skin color either, the differences go much deeper than that. Everybody should put their own race before others, that's just nature, and nature's a good thing.
No u
> I'm too retarded to actually make an argument so I'm gonna keep dumping more shit like the little trained lemming I am
Has that ever worked outside of your little circlejerk echo chamber
>Too fucking incompetent to watch a video longer than two minutes
is he getting to you?
Based and redpilled!
Taking this board unironically serious.
This isn't even an argument anymore, I've sited and backed up my claims with peer reviewed evidence and scientific studies. You on the other hand Dutch faggot, have not.
If you were a different color you'd still be a faggot
>Everybody should put their own race before others
but why if our race havent been nice to us?
> implying I haven't
I spent months actually going through Jow Forums's drivel m8 to see for myself. There's dozens of you idiots that dump the same shit over and over, you're not giving me anything new. If you can't be bothered talking like an adult when someone calls you out on your bullshit and instead just move on to the next thing without a word then you aren't worth talking to at all
>look at what my alternative YouTube video says!
Do you ever cross examine shit or just dig up the evidence that supports the conclusion you want to be true?
I have a 140+ IQ and I believe that the differences btw black and white exist BECAUSE of the racism, and not the other way
You quite honestly are right, but I've presented my case and cited my sources. I don't have the energy to argue in explicit detail as of now. Mainly due in part to fatigue.
This is an honest question btw. I'm not saying race doesn't exist and actually believe that it does to a degree, but evidence for both "sides" is so polar that a lot of bullshit ends up in there and most of you Jow Forumsdditors eat it up like it's fact just because it supports what you already believe.
Asserting a positive claim without evidence is makes your whole comment a bundle of worthless throwaway statements.
it's trivial...
people are racist, this causes social discriminations, and the social classes don't have the same access to education so they have different IQs
What exactly is bullshit? You aren't even presenting a case for your argument. Instead you're just assuming all the evidence is false based of your hindsight bias.
Actually, no. Just the hood rats. Anyone who can escape from that trap has my respect.
Look up the Dunning Kruger effect.
No you haven't m8. For one, just spouting a bunch of names isn't "referencing sources". Unless you can provide accurate links to back up the data you're just spouting bullshit that people can't be sure where to look for.
See if you can provide the actual link to the full study the names in this one actual reference.
No bully
Also that image literally says "etc."' under its sources
How the fuck do you source something by saying "etc."
If that doesn't set off an alarm bell in your mind you have serious critical thinking issues
be proud owner of smol penor
nice self-hating ITT
My sources have been backed and I think I've cited my claims well enough now. Burden of proof is on you to debunk them Dutch faggot.
I did, the wikipedia page said that it's basically
when you are smart and you think everyone is, so you think things are trivial for everyone when they're not.
So it means other people are too dumb to actually understand that "being black" and "being stupid" isn't a causal link but a correlation, and the only cause is the racism plus some historical facts like the fact that european people were in a much more comfy environment to grow society while people for example in africa were in worse conditions so they were kinda late on technical inventions
The first one is an editorial (not a scientific study) written by James Watson.
The second one is a study by one Alan R. Templeton
Neither of which are mentioned in that first image
But hey, valid attempt for a first try
If you were to actually back up only your first image in this entire dump you'd only have 6 more studies to go, almost there
This graph here clearly shows that blacks are, on average, smarter than whites. You can't refute this.
And by the way your second link just references back to your first link making it worthless by default
I suppose it would grant my claims more validity if I was to back up the first image I've posted. But the effort would not be worth the cost in my opinion. Instead I think I'll cite you more studies bolstering my case.
So TL;DR, no you still haven't, but I know you've convinced yourself you have
And this is what's wrong with Jow Forums. Complete lack of critical thinking skills
A fatigued mind is prone to making mistakes.
is this an epic style thread or just a stray bong.
Nothing but an ad hominem.
Yeah but that's the whole point. Just dumping more shit doesn't prove anything.
The only thing you're doing for people to argue against you is not give them the time to actually go through it all.
Which is exactly what you want, ofcourse, because you're not at all interested in reasoning about something. You're just interested in being right.
If you're willing to concede that everything above that comment is bullshit, then I'm willing to go through those links you've posted.
But then you're not bolstering your case. You've only just started your case
Not an argument, my position is that of race realism not the validity of the first image. I will grant that the first image wasn't exactly factual in a scientific sense. But rather more or less just for shit posting.
Do you want to keep up the song and dance? Do you want me to actually link your other comments and also say "Post the actual links that reference this data", just like I did with your first image? And then we come back here and you say "It was just shitposting"? Or alternatively we cut to the chase and you pick your best reference and actually defend it for once instead of moving on to another one
I never claimed the first image was entirely accurate scientifically. The image in of in its self is just an extension of the data I've linked you. Whether or not I can cite you the original study from which that image was derived from is irrelevant.
Reminder that Jow Forumstards are stupid and gay and retarded and dumb and homosexuals and faggots and idiotic and penislovers
So remind me then, I have a bad memory. What is exactly unambiguously the point you have been trying to make
Because said image is not the basis of my argument. But rather just a quick visualisation of the statistics show cased in the studies I've linked.
Again with the autism, what exactly do you want in terms of evidence to confirm my claims?
Skull anatomy analysis?
Reminder to never respond to Jow Forumstards no matter how dumb and provoking they are