What is wrong with Russians?
They consume Krokodil even though it literally eats their flesh.
What is wrong with Russians?
They consume Krokodil even though it literally eats their flesh.
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this is now a UK hate thread
This is now a Russian hate thread.
Why do brits love letting muslims finger fuck and rape thousands of their children. Weirdest fucking fetish
UK has the balls to stand up to Putin.
This is now a confederate hate thread.
During its height 10 yeara ago 100.000 people out of 145.000.000 used it. So many abusers...not.
Muslims could start eating UK citizens flesh and you'd just take it.
Their satanic government already does
I'm tired of this krokodil meme.
Krokodil is just over the counter codeine modified in a bathtub to be as potent as heroin. The ONLY reason it cause this flesh rotting syndrome is that it is made cheaply, dirty, and unhygienic. It's the perils of being a degenerate junkie in a shit hole like Russia.
>waaaaaaaaah muh ebil russia
Because Russians are fucking retarded and NATO needs to nuke the shit out of them ASAP
Every thread is a UK hate thread m8.
South Africa is a crime-ridden shit hole. How have you not gotten mugged/stabbed to death yet?
Because I am not bitch-made, fuccboi.
That's what I'm talking about. You live in a country where you have to be prepared to fight for your life at any moment.
It puts life into perspective. I think my paranoia would destroy my mind outside of Africa.
This. At this point i'm way too fucked up to be adjusted to anywhere else.
Damn that's rough.
What do you guys think about the land being seized from white people?
I think its a political move gone to shit. Besides they are trying to make it seem like they are after the farms, but in fact they are after major land seizure in the cities. There has already been 2 large attempts are land seizure before the bill is even passed.
>Hermanus and Centurion.
what are some redpilled drugs
I've suddenly lost all interest in this thread.
whomst've quota
I'm ecstatic that i'm going to have to hand the house my grandfather built by hand on a vacant plot after he got back from the war over to "people" that kill and rape my people.
>but in fact they are after major land seizure in the cities
Again this. The average black won't want to work on a farm or to stay in the middle of nowhere, they're coming for the middle class homes they can't build themselves. Everywhere is going to end up like JHB central. Things are going to get interesting.