the fight starts at 55s.
If white people are supposedly the superior race, how can 1 arab dude handle 5 whites very easy ?
explain youself Jow Forums
the fight starts at 55s.
If white people are supposedly the superior race, how can 1 arab dude handle 5 whites very easy ?
explain youself Jow Forums
Why are white people so weak, they always lose wars ?
The hypothesis of arab people "always attacking in group" PROVEN FAKE ahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahaha.
Their drunk, and half way through the arab guy is actually swinging at them with a hand full of glass.
Regardless of that, their all fucking idiots.
Why did the Arab have to leave his people to experience a better living standard...
that SandBag was beating up gays.
arabs do though
No one gives a fuck. Fuckin Loser lmaoooo
> but why so you need guns
stop looking for excuses, your people are weak.
your country is soon to be part of the moroccan kindgom anyway mashaalah.
what an ugly fucking language
Each white guy represents a major European country.
Not a single ounce of effort was put up to defend themselves from a lumbering foreign barbarian.
leaf knows best.
but seriously those were a bunch of twink fags.
Lol Eurofaggots
>Using fists instead of trucks of Peace
Wtf is this nigger doing
because euros are the epicenter of soydom, most of you guys are completely effeminate.
no one cares about goatfuckers. Dont you have a 6 yo cousin to impregnate instead of shitposting ?
>Moroccan arab BTFO of 5 white WESTERN*** europeans
I fixed it for you
someone post the webm of the russian/pole/whatever beating up three dudes in an elevator.
Dutch people should be executed, all they talk about is their height meanwhile they’re ugly and weak.
>be sandnigger
>grow-up in violence
>be eurofag
>get beaten
But you know what? White fags are wakeing up. Just wait.
I hate moroccans the most .
Come here you moroccuck and you'll get raped
Who cares Moroccans are literal apes
Source: Israeli friend who is Moroccan Jewess
I saw 2, one guy had his hands in his pocket and looked like a drunk faggot that didnt want to fight
delete your thread and stop posting faggot
Why are there so many Muslim French posters? Britain and Sweden probably has just as many Muslims; percentage wise, but it's really rare for any of them to be posting on Jow Forums. Meanwhile it seems probably a majority of frenchies on Jow Forums are non-white.
What is going on in France? Is French integration superior?
Swinging at drunk people is hardly impressive. They're really just standing there with fatty knocking them over.
And i'm not even defending them. Those drunks probably had it coming, at least that first guy who was looking to get his ass beat did.
I don't feel sorry for them, not half as sorry as i feel for someone like you who needs some random guy trying to glass drunks to feel some sort of self worth or ethnic pride. That's actually really kind of sad.
And Morocco is way to much of a shithole to even get their own shit sorted, let alone to take over the Netherlands.
they were eurocucks. i hope he could handle that.
checked, sadly.
Most whites would rather do anything else but stand up for themselves.
Which what makes the whole white supremacy line such nonsense.
This is your brain though
>Arab people
Yep, you are just a dumb nigger tier Arab. Don't ever think you have anything to do with North Africans you fucking sand ape.
This video really epitomizes the European state of mind towards Arabs
>american education
Jean-Mouloud stp
You muslims need to get the FUCK OUT of Europe, faggots.
Yes only when they carefully choose their targets, that's when they film it.
Also kek at your image, coming from an algerian...
It's always the same goatfucker, don't be fooled
It's an anonymous noard, how do you know it's not the same guy or a troll?
This (((source))) is so pathetic it hardly warrants a (You). Either way, you have earned it for being such an entertaining faggot.
you need to get the fuck out of my land.
i'm just following my ancestors path, i will conquer it back.
8 centuries of raping your women mate, you have my arab blood flowing your vein.
hopefully with the 10 million of moroccans in western europe, and with the help of our algerian brothers, we'll do it :)
>If white people are supposedly the superior race, how can 1 arab dude handle 5 whites very easy ?
The only thing I've discerned from this thread is you really wish you were White. It's okay my little Algerian mongrel, maybe in your next life God will grace you.
Isn't a french clay?
your ancestors got their asses kicked in the battle of Tours. How does it feel knowing you got your asses kicked hard by a bunch of proto frenchies?
>it back
Yes, France should return theese lands.
It's dutch from holland in the video...
someone tell DJ Khaled to calm the fuck down
french is a rightful moroccan clay.
France didn't even colonize morocco, it was a protectorate that lasted only 50 years.
We conquered (south)France for 4 centuries, see the difference ? (:
Your ancestors did nothing, faggot. First of all the conquest was done by the Umayyad caliphate with capital in DAMASCUS, modern day Syria, second the Caliphate of Cordoba became independent and exclusively Iberian located shortly after, with most of its population being muwalladun (Iberians converted to Islam) and even their leaders being more genetically Iberian than anything else. STOP appropiating Al-Andalus, it was NEVER yours. Also, the genetic make-up of North Africa back then was widely different before the trans-Saharan slave trade and due to the Germanic tribes that migrated prior to the muslim invasion.
>my arab blood
Keep telling yourself that Mr. 30% West Africa and 10% Horn of Africa.
We won that war though, the battle of Anoual was just a major fuck up from internal conflicts. Abd el-Krim surrendered like a lil bitch.
Read history you dumb idiot.
You were kicked out of France after you lost the battle against Charles Martel and his troops. Good joke with your 4 centuries.
Well there you go. Notice that they fight like bad guys in movies, where they just wait one by one to get punched by someone
It's also an English board, so for non-English countries you only get a certain part of the population and it's not 100% representative
Hahahahahaha saved
>what is Almoravid dynasty
biased charts.
+ 50% of the people in morocco are complete illeterate, if they reach 84 of iq that means we are fucking geniuses, which is not surprising.
What kind of faggot takes pictures of himself. Guys like you make it so easy for white guys like me to fuck your brown women. If I wasn't married to a beautiful brown princess I would go fuck a brown girl tonight to celebrate what a fag you are. I guess I will just rail my wife to try and ungay myself from what I have seen.
Arabs and North Africans are indistiguishable genetically :)
North African
Over the last several millennia the Sahara has been a significant geographic barrier for the people of Africa. Although trade routes between the northern and southern parts of the continent have long existed, Northern Africa has been strongly influenced by people of the Middle East and southern Europe.
This dataset includes people of Algerian, Bahrani, Bedouin, Egyptian, Jordanian, Kuwaiti, Moroccan, Mozabite, Palestinian, SAUDI ARABIAN, Tunisian, EMIRATI, and YEMENI DESCENT. We experimented with different groupings of populations to find combinations that we could distinguish with high confidence. As we obtain more data, populations will become easier to distinguish, and we will be able to report on more populations in the Ancestry Composition report.
QI =/= éducation
Heureusement que tu prouves que les marocains sont des attardés
arabs are giant closet homos.
they even get beaten up by rich bourgeois faggot.
>Moroccans are based!
>just look at these dead Moroccans killed by Franks in battle!
They didn't fight so good
> " the Riffians at first inflicted several defeats on the Spanish forces by using guerrilla tactics and captured European weapons. After France's military intervention against Abd el-Krim's forces and the major landing of Spanish troops at Al Hoceima, considered the first amphibious landing in history to involve the use of tanks and aircraft, Abd el-Krim surrendered to the French and was taken into exile "
Spain has always been Moroccan's bitch, we humiliate you everytime, you called France help another time not to get humiliated as usual kek.
We almost won this war 2v1 btw, white people are very weak.
You know I always find those kind of battles mostly against muslim nations. But everytime I do the numbers are totally inflated, for some reason there were no wittnesses and for such a huge event with such huge losses you barely heard of that war, if at all.
Then it says that Spain used chemical weapons which I find kinda unrealistic and the story doesn't fit the numbers. It says that there were just small garrisons in those cities during that war. Yet it states there were 60.000 soldiers in one battle alone.
Nice demon claws that freak is sporting.
>cry about being colonized by various countries throughout history
>claim that they're stronger and overall superior to these nations
lol i fucking knew it was you. what happened, you finally got unbanned ? i haven't seen you post on Jow Forums in over a year.
nigga morocoons are arabs ..
They never took that much land in France, a single army marching up there to then get destroyed is not taking the land.
le QI est affecté par de nombreux facteurs dont l'éducation et l'alimentation, un gamin qui part a l'école dès l'age de 4 ans et dont le cerveau est stimulé intellectuellement parlant continuellement est incomparable avec un autre mal-nourris berger sans la prairie de son père.
prend le comme tu veux, c'est la vérité et tu le sais.
>Surrendering to the french
Can't be more cucked. I bet they pissed on his face too.
Probably your kind inherited that habit and that's why your mother loves golden showers.
France has more Muslims than both those countries. not to mention the niggers the imported from their colonial shitholes.
They stopped recording the race/religion of people in the census years ago though, so the real numbers are hard to gauge .
yeah magreb is arabs
god damn you are retarded
The most hilarious thing about this battle is that most of the people killed on the Spanish side where other MOROCCANS, the so called Regulares, local rifian Moroccans fighting for Spain. The actual spanish casualties were minimal. It was an ambush in any case paired by a massive fuck up from the leadership, but the vengeance came shortly after.
IQ tests are specifically designed not to require formal education. There is no reading or anything associated with them.
Not that I'd expect a Moroccan to know this...
Most land the ottomans had in europe were from protectorates who worked independently. Also if you want I can get a map from google to show you which countries white christians conquered. So if anything what are muslims doing in the middle east? That's all christian soil. Well maybe Iran that we didn't conquer, but it was still firmly under our influence.
>yeah magreb is arabs
>god damn you are retarded
Yes, 100% purest Arab genes.
>South France
Is this fucking loser still here? Christ give it up bud
so, is this the power of the euro?? fucking faggots!!
spain used chemical weapons in the rif war, you're confounding eveyrything and you know nothing, what you think is total irrelevant as much as sp*in.
Answer the question, if you're so fuckin good why is the Islamic world such a shot (despite many having oil) that so many of you scramble to leave?
Looool what is this? Some subtle way of we wuzzing?
Funny how you came to white mans created rich nation to seek better life just to turn it into the same shithole you ran away from after west falls, Europe will turn into poor shithole, good jobe.
They look like mulattos.
Nafris are disgusting, not even real Arabs, they are closer to Haitians or Dominicans.
>how come a violent ape that rapes kids and kills grannies for spare change in their purses can beat 5 guys who have never been in a fight in their entire lives?
Gee I wonder
>white people
It wasn't even actual Spaniards, they were Moroccans conscripted by Spain (Regulares). Spain always used local native populations as cannon fodder, the same was done in the Conquest of America. The biggest and most proud victory the Moroccans always go around posting is nothing else than a Moroccan massacre in a war that they later lost. It's quite hilarious.
whites on suicide watch
i'm chinese
>Don't ever think you have anything to do with North Africans you fucking sand ape.
You do realize there’s a 99.99% chance you were talking to a North African. At least post with a meme flag if you’re going to be this ignorant.