Do they really think they are white?

Do they really think they are white?
I first thought it was just a joke, but it seems like these poor pastards are serious lmao

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Other urls found in this thread:

Meds are white. Anyone saying otherwise is a shill.

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gamw th mana sou th poutana pousth germane na soy pethanei oti agapas apo karkino

Greeks are white, although they can really get tanned at summer

I know we're close to a lot of slavs, but please don't mistake us for them.

>t. türkenschwein

Fuck off Mehmet.

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evraios einai frescos

Greeks are white.

What can I say. She's into malaccas, Dino.

I am Greek

Get the fuck off my board you actual nigger. This is a White man's board.

Kike infiltrator detected. What's next, are Jew White too you fucking nigger?

so why are you here


Oh of course the fucking Serb nigger thinks Greeks are white. Your Slav ancestors are fucking inhuman disgraces, live like dogs, and are actual fucking niggers. They didn't even have fire or language before the White deigned grant it to them. They dug into the carcasses of their slaughtered youth for warmth in the winter. You're next on the wheel of genocide, buddy. You and all your fucking cockroach cousins.

pousti evraio gamiesai anapoda xaxaxax doste to gie svisimo anafora

"Accuse the other side of what you are guilty of yourself"
-Dr. Joseph Göbbels

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muh Greeks are not White

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Fuck off it is the Jews that are trying to divide and conquer whites. Meds, Nords, Celts and Slavs must stand united against international Jewry.

Go watch your wife get raped by Mehmet you posh nigger faggot

I don't understand why some south europeans claim to be wh*Te. They should embrace being MED instead.

Attached: learn-the-difference-nordcuck-mediterranean-it-could-save-your-life-8572591.png (500x403, 87K)

I don't speak dog you fucking mongrelized Turk

muh greeks not white

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In’ ena horto magiko

Dhoste mou ligo gia na pio

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So you're admitting you're a kike?

found the turk diaspora

Attached: 816878.jpg (800x600, 35K)

stopit you hurt my feefees
axaxaxa o poustis orkismenos einai doste anafora oloi na fygei

bet you are not true German

They are white. They are obviously not as light as Northern Europeans. Just because some Europeans are pale and others are tan doesn't mean they are not white. Europeans need to be united that is when we are the strongest. Together can repel anything that threatens Europe but divided we will be destroyed.

Jew/roach detected. Another one of those fucking hes not white threads, seriously fuck off.

here is is fags
>greeks are

1st: mediterranean
2nd: balkanians
3rd: europeans
4th: white-ish (you cant stay pure white when its sunny 10/12 months ffs)

anything else is a joke and a delusion

>being this autistic
Flag checks out.

Allow me dumb it down for a double-digit idiot like you to understand: you accuse me of being a Kike (which you are more likely to be, since you live in an Israeli protectorate) and I quoted Dr. Göbbels, which said that one should accuse his enemies of what oneself is guilty of.

If that wasn't clear enough, I can give it one more try.

they don't have to be, g*rmnigger

Attached: meds vs nords.png (1253x476, 1.19M)

If that's what it takes to abolish Jewry, we might as well go down. If we get down in the dirt to fight our enemies, it's gonna take hell to get the mud out of our eyes. Med and slav niggers will bring everybody down and in 500 years Europes just gonna be a mass of black-haired brown-eyed half-Turk mongrels with no soul and little civilization. The man can fight with the dog to take down the quail, but only as a master, never as an equal, lest he too come away with a bite.

this German fagg is pissed because a Greek guy fucked his girlfriend last summer on a Greek island

Jeezus fuck you are asking for mutts you actual mutt. GTFO my country.

no civilization? lol we were able to understand the concept of maths physics and philosophy 2000 years before you bitch

many a german mothers some day have sucked my dick and will kiss their child with that mouth alla evraioi einai paidia tous gamisame sklira simera kai exoun nevrakia anafora pano tha to svisoune

This guy speaks my language.

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Right, so you accused me of being a kike in the most retarded way possible. Go watch your daughter get fucked by a frizzy-haired dark-skinned Greek nigger you actual fucking cuck. You are a disgrace to your fathers, and spit on the cribs of all your future progeny. You are so less than a man, and deserve to be raped by the dogs you would unleash on your children. I give you the benefit of the doubt, the relative dignity, of being a filthy fucking kike.

Jews and Germanic barbarians are hard at work again destroying Mediterranean civilization.

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>american flag
>calls someone else a mongrel

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HAHAHAHA Muh ancestor muh ancestor. You are a dog, and you look up to men. Tell me more about your ancestors you Blacked rape baby Turk.

Tbh anglos are a much bigger problem than jews.

I believe they are white.

And even if you don't, you should at least consider them honorary whites.

They hate Turks, and ARE a part of Europe.

>Says the Britbong


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Hello Turk. Is it painful

k den, miss mystery meat. You accuse me of being a Kike infiltrator for saying that Meds are white, yet you probably don't even know your ancestry. Or are you 56% Brit? :^)

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i told you, maths physics philosophy all started from here Greece. I bet you are a jew. You always hated us but i can understand, we slaughtered lots of your people in the past so its ok you can express your hate here, anonymously, like a rat you always were

Bro your country is literally more Jewed and fucked in the ass than the US. This is a feat. Sharia is right around the corner. Calling you Muhammed is only anachronistic by 20 or 30 years now desu. Enjoy it while it lasts you nigger cuck kike.

this is a polish subhuman in germany

he is very manipulative and has a heavy inferiority complex
i only found out that he is polish after looking through his posts in the archives because he didnt want to tell me his real nationality

if you want i can show you the thread where this polish subhuman got angry because of me

its not a turk

its a sneaky polish rat
they are among the most manipulative people here

Greeks are not wh*te. We are BLACK,blessed by KARA BOGA. G*rman cucks wants us and our other BLACK brothers to breed their women because they are weak.

you pathetic polish subhuman
i bet you will read this post

kopse tis malakies re


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It started in Greece, but modern Greeks had about as much to do with it as modern Egyptians had to do with the pyramids. How is this a hard concept for you to grasp? You are a nigger and the bottom of my foot would a blessing for you to lick as I crush you.

Sure beats watching a Mehmet or Chaim larping as a kraut

>archimedes, garibaldi, da vinci, michaelangelo, plato, columbus, fermi, gallileo, list goes on and on
>not white

Attached: italyisasian.png (376x281, 72K)

The shilling to sow discord is strong with this one. Good luck on the effort, though, Mr. Goldstein!

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its a pole
a very manipulative one

trust me on this

polaks are scum

imagine being this mad

>Get the fuck off my board you actual nigger. This is a White man's board.

Attached: mad mutt.jpg (436x394, 39K)

oh please leaarn some history jewish scum and think rationally for a sec. If we are mixed with Turks why should we even bother to revolt against them? After all Turks never colonized Greece.

Fuck off Moshe, Greeks are our brothers

its a shitty polak

>It started in Greece, but modern Greeks had about as much to do with it as modern Egyptians had to do with the pyramids. How is this a hard concept for you to grasp? You are a nigger and the bottom of my foot would a blessing for you to lick as I crush you.

Attached: snowniggerwewuz.png (713x619, 319K)


The UK has a higher percentage of whites as total population than the US, this is a fact. But even worse, the 'whites' that are in America are literally mongrelised Europeans with no ethnic identity. Your eagerness to call out Europeans as non white is probably because you wish you had a European identity, but instead you're just a buttblasted mutt

Ok, not like I care. I like the butthurt but it would be nice if some of us werent larping a bit in this thread.


They used to be, until Turks happened. But don't you worry, in a hundred years these threads will be made about us, too.

Uh i disagree haha, it's the jews again, they got fucked over by us today in their 10 or so threads and now want blood but all they get is cum lel
>pic is PAME/KNE oute aftoi den einai negroi re pst mou

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greek model ::p

Meds were always dark you fucking retard.

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Modern Greeks have direct lineage to ancient Greeks. There are countless genetic studies showing it.

There is little admixture with other groups, let alone Turks.

Now fuck off kike.

hmm, I wonder what might motivate (((someone))) to create this thread.

Italians are white. You aren't.

Yeah right save it we're an empire now about to shed the curtains that hides us, fuck off already you nukemeat

they could be green for all i care, they were the root of our civilization at the time your ancestors were smacking each other with branches in the woods.

Turks are literally muslim greeks, cmon mehmet i thought you were smarter than this

Why are you so adamant about protecting actual human refuse, slavniggers and medshits? Outside of some fucked up cuck fantasy, or uttery kikery, I honestly don't see what's in it for you. Have you no pride, Hamlet?

Apparently a pole according to a diaspora brother.

t. Diner monkey

but polaks care
a lot actually

remember those meds vs nords threads half a year ago?

that was a polak too

slavic subhuman was posting them with a nazi flag while praising poland with his real flag

W-whiter than you Aatami!

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whiter than you, Jan Mahmoud

whats wrong, sven? your igloo got raided by turks? snowniggers are the worst

Imagine being this much of a mongrelized cuck. Muh medshits! Muh Slavniggers! Kys kike

>anyone in Europe

I thought that was a term for Amerimutts

Check em. But what do poles gain by doing so?

its a polish subhuman

I just wanted to take this shitty thread as an opportunity to thank the Greeks for inventing gyros

they are simply subhumans

Jow Forums people have a wrong image of these trashy slavshits

You're ranting on a mongolian basketweaving subreddit about who's white and who's not. Post a pic of yourself and prove you're whiter than the average greek, otherwise you're either a snownigger or a kike, both truly subhuman