Think i might be going to jail Jow Forums

Think i might be going to jail Jow Forums

>Live in australia
>Lifting weights 2 years
>Before that did boxing
>Work as a bouncer
>Kicked an Irish guy out with his friends (1 male and 3 girls) last night
>Guy was aggressive and wanted to fight, i backed off
>After i finish work go to catch the tram
>See the fucking guy at the tram stop
>Starts approaching me
>I didn't even want to talk, just gave him a overhand right as hard as i could
>See him drop head first right into the tram tracks
>As soon as that happened i yell at the top f my lungs that this isn't fucking Ireland and if you talk shit you'll get your head fucking smashed in
>Run off while friends are yelling i killed him

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Lol dude urine an idiot for allowing this guy to get in your head like this.

Don't post this online. Fuck. Not exactly helping your case


Did you just spell your an like fucking urine? What back country did you crawl out of?

I thought Australians were cheeky shitposters. This is heavy shit man

>oh noes gonna lose my freedom
>better admit guilt to my pals on channel 4!


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Are you a white male? 10 years, parole in 6. Are you willing to say you have boong genes? 5 years, parole in 3

top kek.

Pay no mind, don't think anything will happen. Don't let your friends fuck with you, keep an eye for the local news for the next 2 days to make sure you are safe and that's it

Melbourne=faggy hipster cesspool
OP is a melbournian.

Here in the states if you do something like that its "he was approaching me in an aggressive manner, and in a confined area such as the tram I was unable to back off like at the bar"

If the police ask why you ran off just say you didn't know if his friends were going to attack you.

I have no idea how Aus law works though, you would probably have been ok if you went to the police immediately after.

Aussies chipping out what a surprise

He didn't, he approached me after work while looking aggressive. As well as being aggressive before hand and wanting to fight.

Yes I'm white.

This is why i think I'm in the safe, he approached me and not the other way around. I defended myself and immediately ran off.

(I was sprinting for probably 10 straight minutes as fast as i could)

in america, youll only go to jail if the faggot potatofucker presses charges

>yes im white
Better lawyer up now

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Did he get run over ?

No, tram wasn't for another like 15 minutes. He just got knocked out.


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Fellow Aussie here

First up, you're a fucking retard. Stop giving Aussies a bad name.

Second, yes, you're fucked. What did you do? You assaulted him. Chances are you caused harm, maybe even serious harm. Get a lawyer, and pray this is your first offence because you will get fucking penetrated by the law if this is a repeat offence.

Third, is right. You must be from Melbourne. So your other option is to just trim that fucking beard off and move to the NT.

On this - you're an idiot. Just because someone walks up to you doesn't mean you're in the clear. Just because I approach someone at Woolies doesn't mean they can slap me silly. Not how life works.

Want some tips? Read the Criminal Law Consolidation Act for whichever state you're in. But user, seriously - it's not self defence if he didn't do anything but say mean things to you. It's only self defence if you can rationalise the need to cause him harm. Which, from your story, you sure as shit can't

Fucking checked but I don't think the FBI can do much in Australia.

>hi fbi, yeah some guy punched another guy in australia. please do something about it

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>I'm white
>I ran away after killing some guy in a street fight
summat ain't right...

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OP here, was just joking. Was a bit bored so i fabricated up the story.

>So your other option is to just trim that fucking beard off and move to the NT.

Literally this, OP. Hit me up, I'll hook you up with jobs where you can hide from the cops. Also, you could kill as many tourists as you want with in the NT.

the worst part about this is your a dirty melbourne nigger. Trams are only in our gay parts of aus, just a lil info for all the non aussies feeling sympathetic for this victorian socialist observer reading green voting tram catching cock sniffer

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Is the NT really the wild west? I've never been to Australia

Technically not. But the laws are ridiculously relaxed when compared to everywhere else in Aus

>oh my god there are legal ramifications for what I did lolnope totally didn't do it


>Technically not. But the laws are ridiculously relaxed when compared to everywhere else in Aus

Pretty much that. I got away with lots and cops are few and far between.

gold coast?

What was he supposed to do?

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OP here

cops were knocking on my door.. i didn't answer.

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Can I quickly grab your full name, phone number and address? Thanks.

Went from she’ll be right to fucked it very quickly mate. Hope your Sheila remains faithful when your in the old iron pisser

lmao no you didnt

like what user? you been wolfcreeking people bro?

Pretty much, there's a thread on /out/ rn where a melbro is doing a walkabout around the bush currently and apparently parts of the NT are pretty much abo ghettos.

>murder someone
>post about it on Jow Forums
Mirin that functional strength OP


Hold on a second there our lad, you talk shit, you get your head fucking smashed in here too.

You did the right thing either way, he was being a bollox.

Self defense ur fine. He stalked u cuz u did ur job like N off duty cop....u can charge them


>corrects grammar
>your an

You're a bouncer and you can't fucking come up with excuses? Intent, ability, opportunity. You know he was aggressive from before, you know he was approaching you really closely and that he was a adult male capable of causing you harm, if he just so happened to be showing other signs of aggression like balling his fists, keeping his chin tucked in etc, then what else could you have done really to prevent this imminent harm occurring to yourself?

I'm not a lawyer but you better tell your boss you got stalked too.