Gentle reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time

Gentle reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time

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If you aren't retarded you can get those same gains natty in 5 years, outside of whatever arbitrary roid bullshit you're going to inevitably spew like "you can get those delts hurr" fuck off.

>If you aren't retarded you can get those same gains natty in 5 years,


All these roids and he still needs Disney shoes

sure let me just wait 5 years. Or i could inject.

Roids are a hazardous shortcut for instant gratification, a get rich quick scheme for the body. Something for people with no concept of delayed reward. Roiders are the niggers of fitness.

I wouldn't classify being a professional pussy slayer as successful in life. In real life, when talking about having a real job with something like a professional career he would get nowhere. He looks like a boy. Other successful men would toy with this clown.
In his mid thirties he will be miserable. His body will be damaged from all the drugs, steroids and alcohol and he will feel like a wreck. 50/50 chance he gets cancer in his forties.
But whatever floats your boat.

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The physique you can achieve on roids is literally impossible natty

No matter how hard you work you will never beat a roider

By mid thirties he will be retired if he's clever

Hate to break it to you but unless you are competing, nobody gives a fuck.

I took a cycle to kick start my gains back up after time off and went batty
Still kept increasing in strenght after and kept all my gains. It's funny to me to see these faggots with terrible genetics use chemical to achieve a look I have with 3 days a week. Steroids should only be used to pass the natty limit but there's levels to this shit ive been accused of using roids many times but I only used once after am injury to kick start my recovery/reload into pre injury self

This is very true aswell most girls who are worth actually dating don't care aslong as the guy isn't a fatass.

Be honest: does he look clever? A man in his twenties who takes roids. Nothing clever about that. Instant gratification is a sign of weak personality and low IQ. He will burn out fast and hot.

>I took a cycle to kick start my gains back up after time off

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How long and what did you run? I’ve never done one but am thinking of doing a cycle of test. I’m old but box 4-5 times a week

Could say the same about young Arnie and look where he went. Granted, Seid has nothing on Arnie but he doesn't have to go Arnie's lengths to have it set for life.

hot people, both guys and girls, get a free pass at most things in life.
plus, you can't determine his charistma or skills just by looking at a picture

Doing it natty might take long and might never looks as good. However you will be without the risks and most importantly you will have the personal gratitude that only comes from doing it the cheat free and hard way. Which in reality is the true essence of lifting to begin with.

I always wonder what people are talking about when they say this. Yes, maybe in LA. Have a look at powerful people. No, I don't mean your favorite Instagram gym bro. What kind of job will this guy have outside of being a male bimbo on some trash reality TV show?

>late 20's to early 30's
>still going to costume parties in clubs because he has no adult friends
Seems pretty pathetic, desu. Why would I want to be this guy?

That's his job he is paid to do that

>I'm a drug addict, not doing drugs is a waste of time.
Your brain on drugs.

> Instant gratification
> Hard work and dedication

Fucking retards