Damn.. Wiz khalifa looks like THAT ?

Damn.. Wiz khalifa looks like THAT ?

Attached: DdGIIw6W4AAu9Oo[1].jpg (1125x1076, 235K)

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idk for some reason the people with these fucking tattos always look so fucking ripped

this nigger is still around?

And? It will take anybody like a year in gym to go from skinnyfat to that naturally. Add fasting and being black to add visual definition, and that's it.
Because they usually train to look good. They've made tattoos for the same reason.

>millionaire dude looks lean and packed some muscle
he definitely is looking good, but he definintely is small too though, we probably weights 160lbs or something

no, i know a lot of these fuckers, they are always ripped and most don't train for shit they are literally druggies or dont give a fuck

most are otter mode though if you can call that ripped

Well, you can't get a body from doing nothing. They either play sports, or did work out in the past. You can actually ask them about their routine if you know them.

>tattoos on black people
always looks like they've been toasted or something lol

i know them, they don't do shit and they also don't care about what they eat, they just fuck around (literally) because chicks dig the attitude and their build

most are not built and have low amount of muscles but very high definition

Saw him at a festival last year, he's fucking trash

like someone who just started working out? because he did

imagine this dude is 6'6ft tho. really impressive and nice progress.

So, they're actually not sitting inside all day, that's something. Why do you even care? You want to look like them, or better, and be actually stronger?

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>So, they're actually not sitting inside all day, that's something. Why do you even care? You want to look like them, or better, and be actually stronger?

i care because they are actual "natties" , who don't lift and still "look" ripped (even though they might not have any actual strength)

for somebody who does not naturally look like the nigger in OPs post, it would be a huge time investment to reach that

Why do you care about looks so much? That's retarded. Strength matters the most. If you're after stupid hoes and that's why looking ripped is your image of success, I don't know what to add.

he came a long way

Attached: wiz-khalifa-annonce-la-date-de-sortie-de-son-nouvel-album-649[1].jpg (649x350, 54K)

you can gain muscle simply by taking steroids,
the guy said they are druggies, so

Because looking ripped will 1. attract people in EVERY setting (work, love life, personal) 2. you won't actually need strength ever because fighting is retarded in the modern world (and will most likely get your permanently injured over nothing) , the only reason to train for strength is because it stabilizes and supports your body

the point is, the guy in OPs post is a bad example because people who don't naturally are "ottermode" will have to bulk cut cut cut and lose most of their gains to come even close to this and end up with high definition

thats good gains for someone whos 6’6

Lil Wayne was pretty ripped his entire career and he was addicted to sizzurp, which is the most fattening drug of all time. Apparently he also ate terribly and the only exercise he got was skating. These niggas are legitimately medical anomalies who should be studied for their anti-beetus properties.

>EVERY setting
You have a shirt on most of the time, and unless you're more than 15% fat nobody is gonna notice your gains 90% of the time. A ottermode looks like a dyel with a shirt on.
You'd need strength in your life because every single physical activity uses muscles, muscles will make you more likely to survive sickness and injuries, will make you more likely to be able in your old age. Ottermode is vain but if that's your thing it's okay but it's really not the best reason to lift.


>literally 30 years old
>working out to distract himself from the knowledge that he already peaked
He belongs here

thats steve urkel shopped

I’m ottermode and I’m a weak 50 kg bench dyel
Bitches mirin but I actually want to lift shit and be strong

he says he's trying to do an MMA fight. too bad he'd never pass the physical and drug test


no he isn't. I met him irl. maybe 6'1 with bad posture, probably shorter.

is that shooped?

6'2", not 6'6"

looking at this pic I literally smelled that nigger smell wtf

you know the black person scent, it reached my nose from this pic

what the fuck

>black person scent
It's cocoa butter

An ugly negro? Yes.

No, it's a real scent that black people have. It's science.

>has a body putting Ali, Foreman and Shaq to shame easily
>“Nah, he's natty and doesn't work out, it's his magical genes.“
Americans are so fucking retarded.

dont lol on me board

this is why you faggots need to get on T

this is what the average black who starts working out looks like, because the average black has 3-4x as much testosterone as you naturally.

You wish.

who said wiz didnt work out, dude got zero coverage for like 5 years he could've just been finding himself spiritually and physically and nobody knew

Only in your dreams.

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For those asking, this is absolutely not shopped.. Wiz has always been a twig. I'm glad he bulked up

Negroes are prone to beetus more than any race on the planet. Black my not crack......but it fucking shatters around 50-60 in the form of a massive heart attack, renal failure, or a stroke.

Isn't this the guy that got his ass kicked by Liu Kang in MK?

Guys with tattoos just generally have higher testosterone than average. Tis all

We dem boyz now
he's one of us

Its easy to have the time to get that ripped when you dont lose 60 hours a week to a job.

you don't actually need more than 4 hours per week to get ripped , if you do

increase your fucking weights you retard

comes from eating western cooking
most blacks grew and farmed their own food as well as went hungry for days and lived long and very well.
as it turns out, living in a moderately green environment and not having to worry about animals the size of sedans does wonder's for a people.

Kek'd. I just watched that the other night. Still holds up imo.

>be me
>be same size of old wiz
how long will it take for me to look like that

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It’s a picture from a low angle. He’s maybe 145 lbs tops. It’s a good picture but by no means would he look nearly as big irl.

its a pump and good angle/lighting you faggots