
Old thread got archived, here we go again.

Take a break from the bullshit self loathing that’s everywhere on this board.

Post something you like about yourself, something you have recently achieved, or a goal you have and how you’re gonna accomplish it.

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I like how much I progressed in playing basketball this year, I'm playing much better defensively, but I still need to work on my offense a bit. I also improved my grades a lot by studying less, organizing goes a long way. I'm a better person, as well this year. Last year was a hell and I was at my worst, depression took its toll and I was a cunt towards most people, even though they didn't deserve it. Life's still shit and depression never really let go of me, I'm barely functioning and feel like snapping every second of the day, but there's nothing else to do except keep going and continue working on improving my current state of being. Hope the rest of you feel better.

Keep on pushing yourself, life will get better man

I'm glad I inherited my dad's body. I'm built and beefy-looking even though I've been stuck in DYELmode for years. I can put on mass really quickly when I try

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thanks user

I'm not laugh a minute but I'm funny and when I tell a joke I'm good at building on it so the laughs are long and hearty.

I have great endurance and a good positive attitude and I'm pretty tough.

I could literally not be more of a chill dude. Like to a fault. A guy headbutted me last week and I deemed it fair and let it slide since he didn't keep going after I took his sucker punch. He'd failed enough.

in the last 3 or so months, i have dropped about 35lbs just combining exercise and low carb/sensible eating, im still pretty fat at 240, but i have made great strides towards normalcy

Hell yeah! Keep going at it, you’re gonna make it bro.

I like how I've changed and developed as a person in the last 7 years of my life, and it has reflected in my workout routines as well. My body continues to change along with my mind, and I'm finding that process of change may be more rewarding than what I set out to do to begin with.

I like that I have finally started going back to the gym after years of no real exercise. What really pushed me was seeing my dad, more than double my age, drop 30 pounds in a few months and be nearly the same weight as me.

Also I like to think I have a nice face and smile.

That is all though

Very close to hitting 2pl8 for my squat since starting on only the bar two months ago. OHP is getting close to 115 lbs for working weight as well.

I made it into my program for university, my physique is turning out pretty decent and I've started working on my resume in order to start applying for a part time job. I feel like it's only uphill from here.

>Something you like about yourself
When I was out with some friends, I overheard a conversation where one of them went "there are people that are way too pure for this world and user is one of them" and the three other guys agreed. This is one year ago and I don'T think I'll ever forget that sentence.

>something you have recently achieved
I finished my Bachelor's with merit despite lots of imposter's syndrome.

>a goal you have and how you’re gonna accomplish it.
I want to go be completely back at normal weight this summer and show the muscles I gained through lots of exercise. I already lost 15 kg this year, with a trip to snap city thanks to my achilles tendon.
I'm slowly recovering and getting back to 5 mi 4x per week and I also started lifting again (currently trying out Scooby's intermediate workout). I wanna keep doing that until the best shirt I can go running in is no shirt. I wanna make people at the beach as uncomfortable as I was back when I was still fat. 10 kg to go, I hope I can do it.

Maybe be just a little less chill? Serenity is a virtue and all, up to the point that you get stepped on by others.

i'm not ugly and girls actually flirt with me when i don't act retarded, i'm also getting a little chubby because i'm drinking everyday and i'm focusing more on my career, well, i'm trying at least

yea but could've fought the guy and beat him, so what now? he still got punched but now he acted like an animal, no one likes a fighter

Since puberty (age 12 or 13) I’ve had severe stomach pains, migraines, panic attacks, memory problems, horrible insomnia, constant skeleton mode no matter how much I ate, trouble getting erections even to porn, and the list goes on.

At age 22 I began to have visual and auditory and tactile hallucinations and my memory got much worse. I was diagnosed with schizophrenia and possible early onset Alzheimer’s. The piles of pills I took helped my thinking but all of the other problems stayed the same.

Skip ahead to last September, age 28. Talk to a psychologist because I’m seriously considering suicide. Psychologist sends me to her own physician and this new doctor runs a few tests and it turns out I have Celiac Disease. Been eating nothing but eggs, beef, and fish with a big spinach salad with olive oil since being diagnosed.

ALL of my physical and mental problems have gone away. Although I’m angry that I’ve wasted so much time and money trying to feel normal and it turns out that it was as simple as eliminating grains from diet, this is the best I’ve ever felt in my life and I continue to feel better everyday. I’ve lifted weights since age 18 with minimal progress, but since I changed my diet I have gained 40 pounds while losing body fat. Everyone thinks I’m using steroids but it’s because my intestines are no longer inflamed and breaking down and my body is able to use what I eat. I also drank myself to sleep for 5 years and was convinced I was an alcoholic. Now I don’t even think about alcohol because I don’t need it. I hope everyone makes it this year.

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Probably one of my best qualities is holding to my principles. I don't repay nastiness with the same back. I know i'm better than that and always hold my cool and head up high. You can gain more respect from people this way then going tit for tat over some mindless issue. Let your yes be yes and no be no. Ain't nobody dragging me into the gutter with them.

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Just hit 0.5/1/1.5/2
It's not much, but I'm happy nonetheless

arnold looks really dyel on that photo

>gets headbutted
>"eh, I deem it fair"
What the fuck did you do to him?

Lifts are going great and waking up earlier

Piss off and take your body dysmorphia with you.

Liked singing since i was a kid but never took it seriously until i sang a song infront of sone friends and they said i have a good voice, that really pushed towards training mt voice almost everyday and here i am now almost exactly one year later. i progressed a lot and still learning and putting in the work because recently i have gotten some voice gains. I fkin love singin and i will never give it up.

Over the past two months i've went from 130 lbs to 145 lbs, and its all been clean bulking
Ive also just recently been able to see the very top of my abs for the first time, too

keep on grinding we gun make it. gj.

I just deadlifted 210kg while nearing the end of my cut, so 5 plates should come real soon when I start bulking. Hoping to hit at least 240kg by the end of the year aswell.

basketball is a shit lanklet sport play something where you can get a concussion instead

I'm pretty proud of the progress I'm making on my cut. I'm starting to see striations on my chest even when not flexed. I'm also pretty happy that I'm no longer so into her and am moving on. Thanks for Ur support, lads

Tryna get my driver's licence pretty soon and going to college and gym, but not much else going on for me in life. Feeling as lost as ever (sounds gay, right)

I weight 173 lbs and can OHP 135 lbs for 5 reps with perfect Rippe form

but I have shitty lat insertions and will never be flying squirrel mode :(

>I finally benched a pl8.
>I'm not fat anymore
>People tell me I look like David Bowie now
>I have tons of friends even though I'm obnoxious and talk too much
>People in law school and lawyers tell me I'm smart and dedicated to work

I question these things too often, but I force myself to treat that questioning like what if scenarios where it's not the most productive use of time. That little voice in your head that says you're stupid, none of your 'friends' like you, you're ugly, you're lazy, and your'e weak as fuck. But I hate fighting this voice because then I start thinking that I'm an egotistical narcissist. I don't want to be the one to fall into the trap of thinking the world revolves around me, but sometimes it gets too much. All I'm doing is what I think I should do, and I know I don't ever do as well as the goals I set, but I guess that's kinda the point, right? Always chase the dragon and then we die.

Nice man, that must've been one hell of an eye opener.
Experienced something similar.
Had weird symptoms and illnesses for years now with increasing intensity. Was even in the hospital for a few days at some point.
Had to stop lifting this past year as well, watched all my progress melt away
Doctors always only diagnosed specific ilnesses and never realized they were all connected through a basic candida overgrowth in my intestines.
Started taking probiotics not even 2 months ago and i feel like a different person.
Almost all health issues gone and i can finally lift again.
Anxiety way better, skin clearer, i sleep better the list is fucking endless
Been going to the gym 6x a week with additional cardio work and regained pretty much all my muscles while losing fat.
The hilarious part is that is found out about what caused my health problems through some random post on Jow Forums

I've been struggling with this my whole life. I work hard, have hobbies and great friends. Yet, my psychologist noted I can't even offer sincere empathy to myself. I never have confidence.
How do I learn to self love?

Make a list. Like right now. Pretend that you are someone that's not you. Say you were a gay dude that saw yourself and you talked to that dude. What would the positive things be that you see or feel?

Other people complement my hair when I do it up nice. And when I see other people with my kind of hair I think it looks good. Therefore my hair is good as an outside observer, even if I know personally my hair could be better. You take that idea and know it. You have to deconstruct your own bias and make an objective standard to hold yourself accountable to.

Proud of how I’ve gotten my life together since the beginning of the year. Started at 19 year old 190 pound skinny fat loser with no drivers license or job going to community college but not really trying to 19 year old 160 pound loser desperately trying to bulk back up to at least 180 with a steady job I like and drivers license.

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When you're mentally talking to yourself, pretend you're talking to a son or dear friend instead of you. You wouldn't tolerate someone talking to a loved one with cruelty or spite.

Opinion: how can I change my mind about myself, to say it is possible for me to succeed with women and with women socially, dating? I’m good looking and early 20s, but have internal social anxiety and insecurities that make me think I’m just out of a beautiful women’s league, you wouldn’t be good at talking to her and forming a connection, escalating physically, etc. I’ve gone on dates so this is partially not really true, but my brain has been tuned to be worried about what I say 24/7, thinking what I’m saying is “wrong” (even around normal people not just [bust especially with] women) etc. Never had a gf. I’m working on my insecurities and probably will start therapy. Also going to start a low T cycle so that might help.

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well I just ate 4 pieces of pizza while on a keto diet so

like my dad, I'm not huge (5'10"@ 185), but my skeleton is built like a fucking Russian tank. I'm not super graceful and I played sports as a kid so I'm no stranger to have my head rocked regularly. legit only ever broke one bone or joint and it was a tiny one in the center of my right foot. leaned to the left for months but there was no sense in going to the doctor. was running barefoot in the dark playing flashlight tag with the neighborhood kids and kicked the corner of a tree stump full force. didn't even realize my foot was messed up til the next day. I'm fairly certain I could be hit by a car doing 20 and be (relatively) fine

I'm happy because recently I managed to do a chin up(pls no bully im a girl), now I can do 3 and last time I tried I did a poor pull up too. Did them on a tree so it gave me some bounce but grip was bad, I'm curious to test my max on my gym's bar. Also my lifts almost doubled since I started and I have acceptable endurance. Building muscle is hard as a girl but my back is not bad and I can see upper abs when flexing.
Next goal is lmao1pl8 bench and overall 0,5/1/1,5/2. I'm just gonna keep lifting. Other goal is to compete in a martial art but I've only trained regularly for 2 months so it wont be soon.

Starting my Masters in Counseling in a week and got my Chest Press to 90 lb dumbbells for 3x8. I've been dieting properly for about a month and have actually made some gains and lost 3 lbs.

positive: the more effort i put into my nutrition and lifting and anything else the more gains i see pretty quickly

negative: i haven't really laughed hard since like 10 years ago back in high school. i don't have any funny friends. i used to have a close friend in middle school who was the funniest person in the world to me and we made each other laugh hard every day and i felt better back then

>Something I like about myself
My cut is going really well, and I'm starting to get pretty shredded. I definitely like my body.
>Something you recently achieved'
I guess that's my achievement. I'm also becoming more sociable and making more friends
>Goal you have
I want to cut down until my abs are really defined. Eating less + HIIT is working so far, so that's what I'm doing until it stops working

1pl8 bench would actually be pretty good for a girl, it takes a long time for most females to reach that.
Also show tits

I'm 18 and I got my first real gf about a week ago. Things are feeling good.

I managed to avoid becoming a wizard with seven months to spare.
People keep telling me they can't believe how much I've changed, and it's due in no small part to Jow Forums

I was in the same place, I had no confidence in myself, had gone on dozens of first dates but never was able to escalate it past that, not least because I was so focused on how I was presenting myself that I wasn't able to make any emotional connection during the date.
But at the same time, I was always lifting, always working on self-improvement and one day I went on a date with a girl who I thought was way out of my league (in both looks and intelligence) and everything I'd been working on just kinda came together and she was super attracted to me.

As long as you're always working on improving yourself, you'll hit a point where you're so interesting as a person that girls will be so attracted to you your insecurities won't be able to convince you she isn't.

Therapy is a great idea too, if you continue being proactive with self-improvement like that you're guaranteed to be successful.

First you must believe that you can change and improve
Once you get your mind out of trouble, you can get yourself outta trouble. You have to be able to accept blessings as such

i'm 19 years old and pretty well-functioning considering the fact that i've been a nomad for the past 2 years and ran away from my fuckshit home at 15.

I've been out of my MMA game ever since I left, going go either do muay thai, krav maga, or boxing after I catch up with my Si-Gung. Looking around for places right now.

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>Post something you like about yourself
It's nowhere near where I should be or as fast as I would like, but I managed to go from 315 back in 2015 to about 243 now.
>something you have recently achieved
I got my first kiss last July. That was nice.
>a goal you have and how you’re gonna accomplish it
Try to lose more weight.

hey pham. I have schizophrenia and 3 different doctors ignored a dosage timing issue, so one night when I was about to take my life i decided to switch the doses around from morning to night, and vice versa. lo and behold my entire life changed. about a decade of barely being able to stay awake during the day and my retard pajeet doctor prescribing me a different medication to try and counter-act it.

now im down over 140 lbs, started running today, back to university and actively looking for work in my 'field'. don't get me wrong, i needed the medication when i was out of my mind, but i honestly hope one of his current patients kills him for the 10 years he robbed from me.

This is a good idea for a thread user.

I completed my first graphic novel and everyone I've showed it to who is in a position of influence or whose opinion I respect has told me it's one of the best they've ever read. Two of my professors said it was better than Watchmen.

I'm naturally very strong and have been gaining a lot of strength while losing weight. I feel I have a long way to go but feel confident I can do it.

I've been sitting here for like 5 minutes thinking of something but nothing comes to mind.

I'm living just to breath while I get my life in order and regain control.

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I'm liking that I don't crave alcohol or sex today. I hope I can keep it up when my body craves another relapse.

I have lost 45lbs, went from 294 to 249, I feel so good about myself, I can actually look at myself in the mirror without crying, and I think I finally am letting my personality show to other people

I can hold a conversation and I think I've made a good friend or two, and people seem to like me or at least pretend to, so I must be an alright person

Good job user. How did you achieve the weight loss?

>something you like about yourself

I overdosed on benzos 10 times or so in 2016. twice in 2017. not once so far in 2018. I've basically stopped trying to die.

I don't like anything about myself and I still want to die 75% of the time, but that's still progress.

Hopefully next year I can say I only want to die 30% of the time. Still in therapy. It's kind of working.

Today I jogged around my entire block (1&1/2mi) in under 9 min. I weigh 233 and I'm looking to get it down so I can be in shape and stronger as a person for when I get to my real goal. I'm looking to become a police officer in the next year, and I've got a ways to go, but I'm getting there. I was made to help people, it's pretty much all I think about, and it's about time I got serious about who I am, and to start working to make a better me, for myself, my friends, and my community.

I broke up with my rich genius doctor gf to bang sluts. I've had sex with 5 women in the past month.

I guess I feel good about it

That's dumb you're dumb why not just bang sluts behind her back.