This is what your girlfriend sees when she is not with you
This is what your girlfriend sees when she is not with you
Delete my photo from the Internet pls
why does this site have such an obsession with adultery and cuckolding? is this just fetish projecting? I see so many people just randomly bring it up in the most irrelevant way, just to mention it
She's into gym dykes?
The majority of users are white...
this board is full of people with self-image issues and it's low-hanging fruit for a shitposter looking to cash in on obvious insecurities.
The whole point of Jow Forums is to poke at people's insecurities for fun. It's like online bullying but sparsely spread across vast amounts of anonymous and random victims. This is my estimation from being here for too long. Sometimes I used to let it get to me, but nowadays I just enjoy watching it from a healthy distance, reminding myself of the unwritten rules of this social circle.
Hot baby
she sees gyno?>
honestly cucking a faggot is the best shit ever, makes you feel superior and shit
I can't figure it out either. It started out funny some time ago and now it seems like this site is legitimately obsessed with cuckolding.
gee it's almost like there is a group of people here spamming propaganda
>dat lower gut
lmaoing at your life
y-yeah, haha...
Jokes on you i have no gf goodnight
Although it’s usually brought up as a “It’s the Jews” meme, there are some people/organizations that legitimately spam this stuff on the Internet for some perceived gain. Pic related
no, thats what i see when i come home from the gym
joke's on her i see that too
funny, thats also what I see when im not with her
Necklet #1
It’s Jow Forums invaders projecting their c-u-c-k fetish like crazy.